My Master is Super Fierce

Chapter 850: Number one is floating

Lu Chen's figure flashed, and he left Yanhai directly. He needed to go out and ask all the information about the fish under the Yanhai Sea. After reaching the top, he changed back to his original appearance, and he learned from the disciples of the Fire Palace with a little spirit crystal. Information about fire fish.

Fire fish, a unique product of Yanhai.

Eating a pound of fire fish meat is worth ten days of training in the Yanhai. It has a major effect on warriors below the heavenly and above the supreme. It can quickly practice the flame rules. The older the older and the heavier the fire fish, the better the effect good.

Fire fish can also be used to make alchemy, but there are too few alchemists, and they are basically eaten directly.

The number of fire fish is extremely rare, and if there is wind and grass, it will be disturbed, so it is difficult to catch it.

Many people waited for months, even years, and it was difficult for the fire fish to be caught.

After Lu Chen figured out the information about Huoyu, he returned to the Yanhai non-stop, and found a secluded place. Mana turned into a fishing rod, fishing line, and hook, all in one go.

As for the bait, Peng meat is used.

Because fire fish is an omnivorous fish, they eat all meat and vegetables, such as spirit grass, pill, monster meat and the like.

But there is a necessary condition, the more advanced the bait, the better.

Lu Chen was not stingy, took out the Dapeng meat, cut it into a few catties, and threw hundreds of catties in the Yanhai, first lay the nest.

What about fishing, there are no nests.

After the nest was laid, Lu Chen waited and practiced next to him. After a day, he started fishing.

Not to mention, after just throwing it down for ten minutes, the fishing line straightened instantly and the bait was in stock.

Lu Chen took the fishing rod abruptly, and the hook merely caught the fish. Then, Lu Chen felt a huge force and wanted to drag the fishing rod into the Yanhai with him.

Lu Chen exerted strength with one arm, as steady as a chime stone.

It took seven or eight minutes to successfully pull the fish ashore.

This fish is not big, only three or four meters in size. Compared with the fish that caught thirty or forty meters before, this is a fry.

The fish landed on the shore, jumping alive, Lu Chen stepped forward and held it down, and received it in the ring.

Lu Chen put on the bait again and threw it into the Yan Sea.

He didn't sit idle either. He broke the fish he had caught, cleaned it up, and then grilled it on a rack.

While grilling fish, while fishing, there is no one.

The fish was gradually roasted, and the smell wafted for dozens of miles. Some people who were fishing also smelled the smell.

The scent is so attractive that many people swallow secretly.

He cursed in his heart, which wicked guy was grilling fish on the spot.

They want to see who is so wicked, but they don't want to leave. After all, what fishing requires is patience, and waiting for months or years is often just a moment.

What if the guy who is grilling the fish takes the opportunity to catch the bait.

So they forcibly held back.

"I go"

Lu Chen was shocked as soon as the fish entered his mouth.

First of all, the fish meat is very tender, full of taste, and there is no cottony feeling at all. What is more surprising is that the fish meat contains extremely pure energy. After eating, the exercises automatically operate, frantically refining this flame energy.

The fish was full of taste, and Lu Chen gobbled it wildly.

While eating, I stared at the fishing rod, but unfortunately, no fish caught the bait.

Although the fire fish can grow very big, more than ten feet, tens of feet, and even a hundred feet long fish king, but under the huge size, there is a timid heart, once there is slight movement, they will hide in the Yanhai hundreds Can't come out under the meter.

Lu Chen caught a fish and disturbed the surrounding movement.

Therefore, the way to fight the nest does not work, or to fight the nest again.

At this time, Lu Chen waited for half a month, but no fish took the bait, making him speechless, and Huoyu was too timid to play cards according to common sense.

A month later, Lu Chen couldn't help feeling a little irritable.

It is a test of patience to fish for a month without moving.

For two months, Lu Chen couldn't help it and stood up and walked a few times.

Five months later, Lu Chen felt his mentality burst.

Ten months later, Lu Chen's patience was completely worn out. During this period, he changed four or five fishing spots before he caught a medium fish.

A year later, Lu Chen's heart suddenly became much calmer, leaning lazily on a reef, regardless of whether he was hooked or not, the Buddha was fishing.

Lu Chen discovered that fishing can really sharpen his mind, and his current state of mind has become much calmer.


On Lu Chen's body, the transmission crystal vibrated again, and the secret sky demon came to contact him again and asked for a'call'.

In a blink of an eye, one year later, the sky demon lurking in the Five Elements Sect came to ask about the progress of Lu Chen's mission.

"No. One, no success." After Lu Chen connected, an impatient question came from the other side.

"No," Lu Chen replied.

"Not yet, what do you do to eat, what is the use of you" outside, the sky demon heard a disappointed answer, and his mentality exploded on the spot.

They waited for another year, but No.1 hadn't succeeded, which made them extremely irritable, and they had an urge to rush into the Yanhai to kill No.

But they didn’t dare, because there was a tree of flames guarding the entrance of the cave. Although the tree of flames was asleep most of the time, its roots were very long and could perceive the movement in the sea of ​​flames. Once a fight occurred, the aftermath would hit a certain The tiny rhizome will wake up the Flame God Tree.

"Don't worry, wait for me for two more years" Lu Chen replied lazily.

"Fuck your mother" Tian Yao scolded fiercely.

Lu Chen twitched the corners of his mouth. It seems that the mentality of the sky demon is not good. Let the sky monsters come fishing in Yanhai to sharpen their mood.

"Don't be angry, I've told you all, I don't have a chance to start for the time being, there are too many people, I have exposed what to do" Lu Chen tried his best to comfort the sky demon on the side of the transmission crystal.

"I'll give you two more years. If you haven't killed the disciple of the Sword Emperor Palace in two years, I will rush into the Yanhai to kill you first." On the other side of the transmission crystal, the sky demon roared hysterically.

Lu Chen moved the transmission crystal away from his ears to avoid being shocked by the roar of rage. Suddenly, Lu Chen's arm sank, and the fishing line broke straight and made a sneer.

"Don't say it, Zhongyu" Lu Chen finished hurriedly, and hung up the transmission crystal.

This force is very heavy and must be a big deal.

Outside, the two sky demons stared at the dim communication crystal before them, and were stunned again.

They were again hung up by Lu Chen before finishing the conversation.

"Paralling, bullying too much" Three seconds later, the sky demon holding the messaging crystal opened with anger, and threw the messaging crystal to pieces.

"What the number one said just now, I vaguely heard him say that the fish is in the middle of the fish. Didn't this dog day take our orders to heart and went fishing in the Yanhai" The other sky demon was also annoyed. It feels like smoke is all over my head.

"Wait for One to come out, I will let him know what despair is." The sky demon who smashed the message crystal, squeezed his fists tightly, his eyes shot full of anger.

They arranged to go in and kill the disciples in the Sword Emperor Palace on the 1st, but after waiting year after year, no victory came.

It turned out that I went fishing this dog day.

This number is really getting more and more floating.

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