My Master is Super Fierce

Chapter 851: Fish king


Lu Chen didn't have time to take care of the explosive mentality of the sky demon of the transmission crystal at the moment, because he had won a big deal.

With the power transferred to the hand by the fish pulling the fishing line, you know that the fish is unusual.

Lu Chen was almost pulled into Yanhai.

According to preliminary estimates, this fish may be larger than the 38-meter fish seen last time.

The fire fish caught by the hook tried to get rid of the hook in the Yan Sea. The huge force that was over ten thousand pounds was transferred to Lu Chen's hand, almost breaking the fishing line.

Fortunately, fishing rods, fishing lines, and hooks condense their power, and their toughness depends on the strength of the caster.

The fishing rod had already been bent into the shape of a horseshoe, and Lu Chen felt that sooner or later it would collapse.

"I'm really fishing for fish or dragons, why is the power so huge?" Lu Chen held the fishing rod tightly with both hands, extremely strenuous, but he was still dragged by the fish and couldn't stabilize.

Lu Chen found out tragically that the power of this fish was too terrifying. He used the strength of suckling and couldn't move it, so he could only let the fish slip away.

Lu Chen couldn't help but ran fast along the shore, but was slid away by fish.

Otherwise, the fishing rod will surely break.

Lu Chen was slid a few dozen miles away by the fish, and then saw two girls who were also fishing.

The two are not very old, and their facial features are only in their early twenties. Although the facial features are not a role, they are quite beautiful and have a high level of cultivation.

These are two quasi-extreme young girls.

"Yin Kun, why are you here"

I don’t know how many people have said this sentence.

"Yin Kun, you caught a big fish"

This is another girl's question.

Two pairs of beautiful eyes swept over Lu Chen's body.

"It's too late to explain, come and help." Lu Chen looked at the two girls and said quickly. As he spoke, his feet were already on a raised coke rock on the edge of the Yanhai Sea, trying to avoid being dragged into the sea.

Let the veins of his arms go straight and hold the fishing rod, but he felt that he couldn't hold on anymore.

Because the fish do not stay on the edge, they swim towards the depths of the Yanhai.

Although the two girls were surprised at the early cultivation of the Saint King Yin Kun, they dared to go to the Yanhai to fish, but when they heard the words "help", they still put down the fishing rod in their hands to help.

With the help of the two girls, Lu Chen's pressure was reduced a lot, and he could finally catch his breath.

"Yin Kun, this fish you caught is not small"

"It might be the fish king"

As soon as the two girls touched the fishing rod, they felt the power transmitted by the fire fish, and their pretty faces showed movement.

The fire fish in the Yanhai can grow very big, from a few meters to a thousand meters. The fire fish that is a hundred feet long can be called the king of fish.

Someone once caught the fish king at the Huoxing Palace, the largest fish king recorded in history is 500 meters long.

"No, the fishing line is about to break," a girl frowned and said, immediately using her mana, a faint light appeared in her palms.

Lu Chen’s magical fishing rod was originally shaky and would break at any time, but with the help of the two quasi-seniors, it immediately stabilized.

Despite the help of the two girls, the three of them were also taken away for no reason. The fish caught were too big.

The three were dragged along the shore, and along the way, they met two more men.

"I'm grass, the three of them can't pull it together. Is this catching the fish king?" When the two fishing men saw this scene, their startled eyes came out.

"What are you looking at, don't you come and help," a young girl whispered.

The two men put down their fishing rods and joined the team to help.

The result is still the same, being dragged away by the fish.

However, the four people were dragged away. Lu Chen didn't know when he left the fishing rod with both hands. He became a spectator next to him, and he spit out a word of cheer from time to time.

The reason why Lu Chen left without knowing it was because he didn't want to reveal his identity.

Because Yin Kun, the young man who assassinated him, seemed to be well-known in the Huoxing Palace, and everyone knew him. Moreover, Yin Kun was a demon. There were two kinds of auras of demon power and spiritual power, and it would be exposed if he urged cultivation.

Just now, the two young girls didn't feel the difference in aura because they were immersed in the shock that they might catch the fish king.

If he helps, he will be noticed.

There was a lot of noise here, and people fishing around came to join in the fun. Some even shouted, "Yin Kun caught the fish king."

The sound is thunderous, passing hundreds of miles, and being heard by more people.

"My fucking..." Lu Chen's face turned dark immediately when he heard the roar, and he wanted to hit someone with anger.

In fact, Lu Chen didn't want to cause a huge disturbance, because more and more people gathered, which would inevitably expose his identity.

However, this seems to be beyond his control.

The distant figures flickered, all coming in his direction.

There are more than a dozen people, the lowest are in the quasi-sovereign realm, and there are four or five supreme warriors without the heavenly realm.

Even if the fire fish is precious, it has no effect on the warriors above Tianzun, so there is no Tianzun present.

"Quickly, come here and help." The two enthusiastic girls who Lu Chen met first greeted the people watching for help.

Two people immediately stepped forward to help, but the rest were watching.

Because even if this is a king fish, six people are enough to catch it.

The rest of the onlookers saw someone who had caught the fish king, and they also stood by and watched, immediately speechless.

For the fish I caught myself, even if I asked others for help, I still stood by and watched the show.

Yin Kun is really lazy.

Although his heart was crimson, but he didn't delve into it. After all, Yin Kun was only in the early stage of the Holy King, and he was already very good at resisting the flame temperature here, and he had no extra power to pull the fish.

They also didn't perceive Yin Kun's breath with their spiritual thoughts. If they perceive it, they will immediately find that it is a fake.

With the help of six people, the King Fish was gradually pulled into the water, revealing an extremely wide dorsal fin, tens of meters in length, and the body of the fish under the water is even larger. This dorsal fin is just the tip of the iceberg.

The fish king churned in the magma, stirring the huge waves, the golden scales and the red magma water were intertwined with each other, which was extremely dazzling.

"Fish King, really is the Fish King"

"Yin Kun broke the record for the fish king over 700 meters."

When the people around saw the dorsal fin, they were all shocked in place when they found the length of the dorsal fin with their divine intent. Some people quickly used divine intent to transmit the message and spread the news.

Catch the fish king, this is not a trivial matter, enough to cause a sensation.

"What, there is another fish king born in Yanhai, preliminary estimate is more than 700 meters"

"Yin Kun was still fishing. With Yin Kun's cultivation base, he dared to go fishing in the Yanhai Sea, so he called out a fish king."

"Go, go and see."

The disciples of the Huo Xing Palace who heard the news were stunned, always feeling so ridiculous.

A small number of people went to Yanhai to join in the fun.

Of course, most people did not go, because ordinary people want to reach the edge of the Yanhai Sea, at least they need the quasi-supreme cultivation base.

So when everyone heard that Yin Kun had caught the fish king, it felt ridiculous.

Yin Kun was only in the early stage of the Holy King.

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