My Master is Super Fierce

Chapter 893: Ghost girl

"it is good"

The **** her back responded obediently, letting go of her smooth jade arms like lotus roots.

"Cough cough cough"

Lu Chen coughed loudly and tears came out. It was hard to believe that he was almost strangled to death.

The **** her back is simply a monster, too strong.

"You come down to me" Lu Chen almost roared after he eased over.

He has always been teasing others, and now it is his turn to be teased, which is very uncomfortable.

"I won't come down" said the **** her back: "After I got down, you will leave me again."

"Bring me down for you." Lu Chen shook his body vigorously, trying to shake the opponent off, but the girl's arm was wrapped around his neck again, and a feeling of suffocation came.

"Hey, I, I won't leave you behind." Lu Chen blushed and his neck was thick. When he was about to suffocate, he squeezed out a few words.

"it is good"

The girl was obedient, let go of Lu Chen, and then fell to the side.


Lu Chen immediately rushed out far away, staring at the girl with a strong look of guard.

Although the other party looked harmless with humans and animals and had a dull look, Lu Chen was really scared. He was almost strangled to death twice, leaving him with lingering fears.

"Listen, we are leaving this void now." Lu Chen looked at each other and said with a serious face: "We must find the exit and act separately. You go to the left and I go to the right, do you know."

Lu Chen didn't know the girl's origin, so all he could do now was to stabilize the other person.

Seeing that Lu Chen said so seriously, the girl tilted her head, showing a charming expression: "Okay."

"Well, let's split up first, and we will meet again later" Lu Chen continued to warn seriously.

After Lu Chen finished speaking, he turned around and ran to the left. He ran for thousands of miles in one breath. After looking back, Lu Chen breathed a sigh of relief without seeing the girl.

Lu Chen began to look for the huge storm group, and saw several storm groups tear the space along the way, but the gap was too small and fleeting, not enough for him to get out of it.

"Damn it, why did I forget?" Lu Chen suddenly patted his head and cursed himself stupidly.

It must be a series of weirdness of the previous girl, which interrupted his calm thoughts.

Lu Chen took a deep breath and took out the Slaughter God Sword. The spirit power was poured into it. The sword intent on the Slaughter God Sword was flowing, and a powerful tearing force appeared.

Lu Chen stroked the void in front of him. The space was divided into two by Jian Qi. Lu Chen immediately jumped and rushed from the void to the outside world.

At this moment, the place where he is, is a mountain peak, and the vast ground at his feet, at a glance, it is turbulent and magnificent.

"This should be the boundary between mountains and seas" Lu Chen muttered to himself as he looked at the green mountains and green waters.

He took the Emperor Class Teleportation Array to the mountain and sea boundary in the Talisman Space, and he could say it in about a month, and more than 20 days had passed when he was swallowed by the storm, and he had crossed the boundless unmanned space and reached the mountain and sea boundary.

"Damn, as a disciple of the Sword Emperor's Palace, I don't even know the coordinates of the mountain and sea boundary" Lu Chen touched his nose, which was a bit embarrassing.

"Forget it, first find a city to ask about the situation"

The Palace of the Sword Emperor is a super power, the sacred place for the preaching of swordsmanship, is famous in the mountains and seas, no one knows that no one knows, just find a city with people, you should be able to find out.

"Big brother, where are we going now?" Lu Chen just stepped forward, a clear and sweet voice that sounded like a ghost desperate for his life to Lu Chen. Lu Chen fell into the ground from mid-air, embarrassed. Hit the ground.

Lu Chen quickly climbed up, and when he looked up, he saw a young girl standing beside him, the mysterious girl in the previously dim space.

The facial features of the other party are exquisite, just like the masterpiece of the heavenly creator, with light eyebrows, pure eyes, a tall nose, pink lips, and the skin is white, crystal clear, white and delicate than milk.

I have to say that the girl in front of her is like an angel, extremely beautiful, especially her pair of black and white eyes, with a bit of curiosity, a bit of innocence and romance, which can make people feel good.

But to Lu Chen, she was a little witch alive.

Lu Chen stared at the other party for a long time before saying in an incredible tone: "You, why are you here."

When he used the Slaughter God Sword to cut through the space before, the other party didn't follow him. He thought he had escaped, but the latter came to him strangely.

"I followed your eldest brother," the girl said, blinking her watery eyes.

"You don't learn well at a young age, it's a lie" Lu Chen issued a strong condemnation: "I ask you, how did you come out."

The girl stretched out her little hand to make gestures, a very abstract metaphor: "First of all, then that, in this way, it will come out."


Lu Chen almost spewed out old blood.

"Sword Slaughter, I strongly suspect that the girl in front of me is a sky demon, you are sure she is not," Lu Chen secretly transmitted.

Slaughter God Sword Spirit replied: "Master, I did not sense the aura of the sky demon in her."

"However, one possibility is not ruled out. If the opponent reaches the Great Emperor Realm and wants to hide, I won't feel it."

"A...Sky Demon in the Great Emperor Realm"

Hearing the answer from God Slaughter Sword, Lu Chen's pupils contracted slightly and turned into needle points.

Not long ago, a boundary city guarded by the Sword Emperor Palace was broken through defenses, and a large number of sky monsters sneaked into the mountain and sea realm, and then hid it. The girl in front of her estimated the emperor realm sky monster that had sneaked into the mountain and sea realm.

Thinking of his own speculation, Lu Chen's back felt cold.

"You don't have to tease me, let's spread it out." After Lu Chen knew the identity of the other party, he was not so afraid.

Although the emperor realm sky demon is powerful, it is still impossible to kill him in the mountain and sea realm.

"Big brother, what are you talking about" the girl blinked and asked.

"Is this interesting?" Lu Chen's mouth evoked a mockery, and said contemptuously: "As the emperor realm sky demon, it is fun to tease me a holy king?"

The girl did not speak, pursed the corners of her mouth. After a little, she tilted her head and asked: "Sky demon, what is the sky demon."

There was a curious look in the girl's eyes.

Lu Chen watched and praised him. This acting skill can be used as the actor.

"Okay, let's spread it out, everyone, you really don't have to tease me, it's boring, I advise you not to kill me, because you can't kill me" Lu Chen said.

"Big brother, I really don't understand what you said" the girl bit her lip and said.

Lu Chen frowned, and said the words by himself, but the other party kept denying that she was really not a sky demon, or that she hadn't had enough.

"What's your name" Lu Chen asked.

Since the other party denies it, you can only attack from other directions.

"do not know"

"Where do you live"

"do not know."


"do not know"

After some conversation, I basically didn't know.

At this time, Lu Chen was a little overwhelmed, and there was a faint feeling in his heart.

The girl in front of her asked three questions, is it really not a sky demon?

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