The girl asked three questions and didn't know, she directly stumped Lu Chen, her expression uncertain.

Whether it was a sky demon after all, he was confused.

After a while, Lu Chen raised his head to look at the girl, and continued to ask, "Do you know any... relatives."

The girl frowned, thinking hard, and muttered: "In my impression, it seems that there is no relative."

Got it!

Lu Chen knew that she had asked for nothing, because the latter had lost her name, and asking her if she had any relatives was just playing the piano to the cow.

Lu Chen sighed and said, "Why are you bothering me?"

"I, I'm homeless." The girl showed a pitiful look, begging: "Brother, please take me in."

"No," Lu Chen refused.

Just kidding, he still hasn't figured out the identity of the other party. The latter is like a time bomb in his eyes.

Although he may not be in danger, the people around him are not allowed to be in danger.

"Don't follow me anymore, where do you want to go," Lu Chen said with a black face, and after speaking, he turned and left.

The girl was frightened by Lu Chen's ferocious appearance, a little panicked, and then her eyes turned red, as if she had been wronged by the sky, tears in her eyes were spinning.

Lu Chen walked a few steps, and when he turned around, he saw the other party's crying expression, making him feel like a bad person. Yu Xin couldn't bear it, and sighed, "Forget it, you should follow me temporarily."

"Brother" the girl yelled timidly again, and she burst into laughter as she was about to cry. She leaped with excitement and leaped over, "Brother, don't you abandon me."


Lu Chen nodded heavily.

"Okay, let's high-five." The girl suddenly raised her hand and looked at Lu Chen expectantly.

"High-five" Lu Chen was stunned.

The girl seemed to remember something, and said softly: "I don't know, it's just a vague impression. When you make a promise, you should give a high five."

Then a pair of glowing eyes looked at Lu Chen, and said happily: "Brother, let's high-five. If you hit you, you won't leave me."


Lu Chen sighed, then raised his right hand. The two palms patted together gently.


Lu Chen's heart jumped suddenly.

At the moment when the two hands were close together, a terrifying force was transmitted from the tender palm.


An invisible energy exploded, and the space violently shocked. Lu Chen's body was shocked by a huge force and flew out, hitting the mountain a kilometer away behind him, and then the mountain also exploded.

Lu Chen fell two kilometers away, vomiting blood with a wow.

"Brother, are you okay?" A timid voice sounded as if he had done something wrong, full of anxiety.

Lu Chen was in pain, his right hand was temporarily abolished, and when he opened his eyes, he saw the girl looking at him with a caring expression.

"You, stay away from me." Seeing the girl approaching, Lu Chen yelled hurriedly. The other party was simply sent by God to torture him.

Seeing the latter stop, Lu Chen groaned weakly and said, "You, can you be lighter, how can I withstand your torture, a weak man."

The girl lowered her head and apologized quietly: "Brother, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it."

Seeing the girl's guilty expression, Lu Chen wanted to die, how could he meet such a freak.

"Brother, why are you so weak?" After a pause, the girl raised her head and looked at him with bright eyes.

"Why are you so weak? Why are you so weak"

This extremely insulting remark kept reverberating in Lu Chen's mind, silently raising his head, looking at the sky at a 45-degree angle, revealing an expression of doubting life.

He was rejected by a slender-looking girl.

"No, absolutely can't let her follow me, it's too dangerous." Then, Lu Chen immediately made a decision in his heart.


Half an hour later, with a bandage on his right hand, Lu Chen followed a girl of unknown origin to a prosperous city.

When the two stepped into the city gate, countless eyes were greeted.

These people didn't come here because Lu Chen was handsome, but the girls beside them were so beautiful. All the men and women were attracted by the girls, and they did not leave for a moment.

Perhaps this is the so-called men and women take it all.

There are also some playboys who stare obsessively at the girl's face, and their saliva is 3,000 feet straight. If they hadn't noticed that the bandaged youth next to them gave a strong sense of threat, they would have rushed to grab them.

The arrival of the two caused a great sensation, and countless people stared at every move.

Lu Chen was quite uncomfortable with being watched like a monkey by countless people.

"Are you hungry" Lu Chen asked, looking at the girl beside him.


The latter nodded vigorously and stroked his stomach.

"Go, I'll take you to eat" Lu Chen said.

The girl showed a sweet smile, her eyes were bent into crescent moons, and she said crisply, "Thank you, big brother."

Lu Chen inquired about the location of the Sword Emperor's Palace in the city, and then took the girl to the largest flower house in the city. At the door, a group of dressed-up women were welcoming guests. Seeing Lu Chen's handsome appearance, all the girls were quick to go. Came out.

But before he had time to speak, he saw a naturally beautiful girl standing beside Lu Chen.

At this moment, they shut their mouths, there is no jealousy in their eyes, and some are just ashamed.

It seems that this woman should only exist in the sky, and should not appear in the earth.

Lu Chen walked in with the young girl. She was about 60 or 70 years old and dressed up very well. Sao's mother Sang came over and said with a chuckle, "Master, please come inside."

Having said this, he glanced at the girl beside him without leaving any room.

This glance directly made her excited. It was the first time that she had seen such a pure and alluring girl after being her mother for hundreds of years.

"Go prepare food, bring your best food," Lu Chen said loudly.

"Okay, okay, the slave family will prepare now," Mum Sang said happily, and ordered people to prepare, and then smiled to Lu Chen: "Please, please, the best room for you."

Soon, mother Sang brought Lu Chen to a huge private room.

After a while, a table full of dishes came up.

"Hurry up and eat," Lu Chen said, looking at the girl.

"Okay, big brother" the girl sat down obediently and began to eat.

"Boss, make a price," Lu Chen said.

While the girl of unknown origin was eating, Lu Chen and his mother Sang began to discuss business.

"Hundred Fang Lingjing" mother Sang said.

Lu Chen replied: "There are too few hundred squares, at least 10,000 squares. What I brought this time is amazing in the world."

"My son, your price is too high, and the slave family can't be the master," Mother Sang said hesitantly.

"Then you go find someone who can be the master"

"Okay, okay"

Mother Sang hesitated a little, but after seeing the girl's natural and pollution-free face, she decided to take a gamble, and she immediately transmitted her third master.

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