My Master is Super Fierce

Chapter 897: Borrow sword

"Brother" Lu Chen called to Liu Mu.

Then I looked at a man and a woman next to Liu Mu. Both of them are extraordinary temperaments, and they have a strong sense of threat. The man has white hair like snow. Perhaps because of the deposit of hair, his face looks even bigger than a woman’s skin. He was white, with a loose look, and invisibly revealed a sense of fierceness.

He was dressed in white, spotless and extremely detached.

The appearance of the woman next to her is also of the top-level appearance, with full of heroism between her brows, her eyes sharp, like a sharp sword out of its sheath.

Although this kind of woman is beautiful, it is estimated that few people dare to strike up a conversation.

The sharp sense of light radiating from the whole body can scare off a group of suitors.


Liu Mu smiled and nodded, and said: "Junior Brother, I will introduce you to the two of you."

Liu Muxian pointed to the white-haired young man and said: "This is called Pei Ji, the proud disciple of Luo Junlin's predecessor. Now he has cultivated to the Supreme Consummation Realm, and his sword intent has reached the early stage of the Sovereign Stage. You can find him if you need or have any questions. Of course, if he asks you to borrow something, you must never borrow it, because it is usually borrowed but not repaid."

"Luo Junlin Sword Emperor's apprentice" Lu Chen was slightly surprised.

The Sword Emperor Luo Junlin is the most powerful sword emperor in the Sword Emperor Palace today. He is side by side with Zheng Chunjun. He is extremely powerful and terrifying. If one-on-one, he can easily kill the sky demon on the top of the holy emperor. exist.

If the sky demon wants to deal with one of these two, it is conservative to send four people of the same level to deal with it together, otherwise it will be killed in seconds.

And as the apprentice of Luo Junlin, then the combat power must be extremely abnormal, at least it is the rule of the sword to enter the holy king.

"Senior Brother Pei, hello" Lu Chen shouted.

The white-haired man in front of him is definitely a terrifying group of fighters.

The supreme has completed cultivation, and the sword intent at the early stage of the respect is estimated to be easy to deal with the general Tianzun, and the middle and late stages of the Tianzun can break the wrist.

This is definitely the top evildoer in Sword Emperor Palace.

Pei Ji didn't have the slightest arrogance on him. First he smiled and cursed at Liu Mu: "I have any grudges or grievances with you. Just when I saw Junior Brother, I corrupted my reputation. Am I the kind of borrowing things and not repaying them."

"Junior Brother, hello, I heard your name a few decades ago, and now I am even going to be the Sacred King by following the rules of kendo. Congratulations" Pei Ji turned his head, smiled and said to Lu Chen, and finally added a special sentence "By the way, you can ignore what Liu Mu just said. I'm not the kind of person who borrows things and doesn't return them."

"I believe it" Lu Chen smiled.

"This Ruan Chenshuang, Zheng Chunjun's disciple of the sword emperor, has an early cultivation base of Tianzun, and a sword intent at the later stage of the respect." Liu Mu pointed to the cold-faced woman next to him.

"Late Late Sword Intent" Lu Chen's pupils shrank slightly, and his gaze at the woman gradually became solemn.

In the early stage of Tianzun's cultivation, he would comprehend the sword intent of the late stage, and the sword intent level went farther than the realm, which is definitely the enchanting evil.

You must know that in the Palace of the Sword Emperor, many great figures have been stuck in the Supreme Sword Intent, just like the elder Wang Fuhai, the great master of the Holy Emperor Realm, but the sword intent is also stuck in the Sovereign Dzogchen, and wants to step out of the final One step, to realize the light golden sword intent, that is, to respect the sword emperor together, is really too difficult.

And this Ruan Chenshuang in front of him, only Tianzun's early cultivation base, possesses the sword intent of the late stage, basically surpassing the sword intent of many great emperors, and there is a high probability of becoming a real sword emperor.

As for the rules to enter the Holy King, needless to say, it is definitely the Holy King who enters by the rules of kendo.

Lu Chen was speechless. Nine days ago, Yan Zixuan said that it was very difficult to follow the rules of kendo to enter the holy king, and the history of the Sword Emperor Palace totaled only a hundred.

But now, there are three in front of me.

It's like the Chinese cabbage on the street.

But Lu Chen was wrong, that is, everyone has a circle that suits everyone.

Just like the saint king who Liu Mu enters by following the rules of kendo, the surrounding friends are basically all.

Besides, you have seen a great emperor who can play happily with a group of warriors of the king realm.

Liu Mu's circle is naturally the top, and the people he knows are naturally not weaker than him, even more enchanting than him.

But now that the Sword Emperor Palace is under Long Live, only the four of them succeed in following the rules of kendo.

The four young juniors are now all together.

"Good Sister," Lu Chen said obediently.


Ruan Chenshuang was very cold and arrogant, and only hummed, not knowing if it was related to her character or for other reasons.

"Can you show me the Slaughter God Sword" Ruan Chenshuang looked at Lu Chen with clear eyes.

"Naturally can"

Lu Chen weirdly took out the Slaughter God Sword.

Ruan Chenshuang took it and looked at the sword in his hand. It was the sword that created the sword intent of the Sword Emperor of the early Yuan Dynasty. Legend has it that the sword intent of the Sword Emperor in the early Yuan Dynasty was integrated into it, and he could use the sword intent inside. Comprehend.

Ruan Chenshuang's fingertips hovered a faint sword intent, which was injected into the Slaughter God Sword.


The Slaughter God Sword glowed slightly, and strands of golden sword intent surged out. From the golden sword intent, they all felt a powerful force of the highest level.

Ruan Chenshuang closed her beautiful eyes slightly and felt a little bit. After a while, she opened her eyes to look at Lu Chen, and said, "Junior Brother, can I borrow the Sword of Slaughter for a few days."

"Lending for a few days" Lu Chen was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled: "Since the senior sister wants to borrow, it is naturally fine."

"Thank you"

Ruan Chenshuang stood up, showing his slender body, watching Lu Chen and said, "I will pay you back in a few days."

After speaking, he turned and flew away.

Next to him, Pei Ji's eyes glowed, and he said, "Senior brother, after Ruan Chenshuang returns you, can you borrow your brother for a few days."

Lu Chen was speechless. He was another borrower of the Slaughter Sword, but he knew what they did with the Slaughter Sword. Naturally, he understood the sword intent.

Moreover, it is not good for him not to borrow, I am afraid he will end up with a stingy reputation.

Although Senior Brother Liu Mu had just asked that Pei Ji borrowed things often without repaying them, this is the Sword of Slaughter and he dare not embezzle.

I really didn't pay it back, and moved out of Master Town.

"Okay" Lu Chen agreed.

"Then thank you brother first, and brother has gone too" Bai-haired Pei Ji stood up, and then drifted away.

"Junior Brother, this is." At this time, Liu Mu looked at the girl standing behind Lu Chen.

Liu Mu secretly sighed that this junior was really bothersome. Some time ago, it was rumored that several lion girls became pregnant. Now Liu Mu has seen Lu Chen's skills.

Isn't it just sucking out from the transmission channel for a few days, good fellow, there is a young and beautiful girl beside her, and she also brought Sword Emperor Palace.

Lu Chen said, "I picked it up in the turbulent void."

"Picked up"

Liu Mu was taken aback for a moment, and then looked at the girl with sharp eyes: "Her identity..."

"Big brother"

The girl who was originally standing quietly behind Lu Chen as a good baby, came into contact with Liu Mu's stern eyes, and was scared in her heart. Her hands nervously hugged Lu Chen's arms.


Lu Chen's arm was directly dislocated, and the bones where he was hugging were crushed by tremendous force.

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