My Master is Super Fierce

Chapter 898: Not in this world


Lu Chen's facial features were wrinkled together, his expression was painful, and he grinned, "Brother, don't scare her, I will be unlucky when you scare her."

Liu Mu looked at the scene in front of him in amazement. The younger brother was lightly hugged by the girl's hands, and his bones were broken?

When did Junior Brother become so fragile.

However, the cracking sound just now made my scalp numb.

"Junior Brother, what's going on" Liu Mu asked puzzledly.

"Yes, sorry"

The girl quickly let go of Lu Chen's arm and stood next to her with her head lowered, waiting obediently for admonishment like a kid who did something wrong.

"It's okay, I'm used to it." Lu Chen twitched his mouth and forced a far-fetched smile. The latter couldn't control the strength in his body, and she couldn't be blamed.

"Brother, please ask Senior Zheng Chunjun to come over," Lu Chen said, looking at Liu Mu.

Lu Chen thinks it’s better to figure out the identity of the girl first. If he doesn’t figure it out, he is really a little nervous, as strong as his physical body can’t hold the latter’s small “inadvertent” moves. Gotta live.

The girl's identity is unknown, and she poses a huge threat to the people around him.


Liu Mu nodded slightly, and then sent a message to Senior Zheng Chunjun.

The last time Senior Zheng Chunjun had a holiday, he did not leave immediately, but because the third world city guarded by him was attacked, he was afraid that his departure would be exposed. After the funeral of the disciple of the Sword Emperor Palace, he will be on duty early.

"Don't be nervous, we won't hurt you, relax, relax" Lu Chen saw that the girl was a little nervous, an eager force fluctuating from her body, like an untimed bomb that would explode at any time, extremely dangerous.


After listening to Lu Chen's words, the girl responded obediently, her nervous mood relaxed slightly.

As the girl relaxed, the power in her body gradually dissipated.


A sword light descended from the sky, almost to its extreme, before it came to them, when the sword light dissipated, an old man in black robes appeared in front of him.

The black-robed old man had a straight body, his eyes were like swords, and his body was full of terrifying sharpness.

Zheng Chunjun is here.

Liu Mu looked at Zheng Chunjun and explained the girl's situation.

Zheng Chunjun's sharp eyes fell on the girl's body, as if to see the girl through.

The latter stared timidly at the majestic grandfather who suddenly appeared.


Zheng Chunjun let out a surprise, his eyes suddenly became meaningful, and then, with a stroke of her sleeves, she saw that the girl fell softly to the ground without any accident.

Lu Chen asked slightly nervously, "Senior, how is she, is she a sky demon?"

Lu Chen was also a little nervous, afraid that Zheng Chunjun would give a bad answer. Although the girl looked silly and silly, but she was very obedient, and she looked like a beauty. If it was a demon, it would not be easy to get it. Go hand in hand.

On the way here, he decided to sell the other party, only to get out of the plot, by the way, to get some spirit crystals.

Because he will use a lot of spirit crystals soon.

Zheng Chunjun looked into the distance and said slightly: "Although she is an outsider, she is not a sky demon."

"Not okay"

Lu Chen breathed a sigh of relief immediately.

Liu Mu asked incomprehensibly: "Senior, what do you mean by outsiders? Doesn't it belong to the world of mountains and seas?"


Zheng Chunjun slightly lowered his jaw and said, "Maybe it's from another world."

"Other World"

Lu Chen and Liu Mu both showed curious expressions.

Zheng Chunjun stood with his hand holding his hand, and said in a calm tone: "We have been fighting for a long time between the mountain and sea world and the sky demon world. We also understand that neither side is the only world. There are other worlds outside the two worlds. Soon after the prologue, when a certain heavenly emperor ruled, there appeared a person exactly like the girl in front of her."

"They can't feel any spiritual fluctuations in their bodies. It is estimated that the cultivation system is different from ours. There is a villain in their minds who is exactly the same as their own, similar to our soul, but they are different. The villain is their own Dao Fa. The source of strength."

"You know, the Protoss, they are the blood of the outsiders and the birth of the mountain and sea world"

"At the beginning, the outsider was very strong. He was a friend but not an enemy. He was kind to our world. He also helped the emperor ease the situation of the war. After the outsider helped solve the trouble, he stayed in our world for more than 200,000. Years, and then quietly disappeared without knowing it."

"Although the outsiders have left, they have left a powerful race in the mountain and sea world, that is, the Protoss."

"The Protoss has developed very rapidly, and the Emperor of Heaven was born, but it was not at the right time. The era was too dark, and the Emperor of Heaven was also hard to beat four hands. Unfortunately, the Protoss did not give birth to the Emperor of Heaven in these years, but it was truly an outstanding character There are still several."

Zheng Chunjun narrated some unknown history to the two backs, which caused the two people's mood to fluctuate.

There were really outsiders who belonged to the third world outside the two realms, and they helped the emperor ease the war situation, which shows that the outsiders are very strong.

Although I don’t know what realm the outsider is in, he helped a heavenly emperor resolve the situation and left a descendant of the blood of the gods in the mountain and sea world. The real heavenly emperor was born. From this we can see that the outsider’s genes are very powerful. .

At least, it is also the existence of the same level of Emperor Tian.

After a little while, Lu Chen and Liu Mu looked at each other, digesting their inner answers.

Zheng Chunjun looked at the comatose girl and said, "Although I don’t know how she came to our world, it also gave me hope. If you can contact the world where she lives, please come to the Heavenly Emperor level powerhouse, then we will The pressure on the world will be greatly eased."

"I want to take her away and ask about it," Zheng Chunjun said.

"Teach her to control her power by the way," Lu Chen said, dragging soft Tata's arm.

Zheng Chunjun's sleeves rolled and left with the girl.

Liu Mu took out the white cloth wrapping the wound, wrapped it around Lu Chen, and then hung it around his neck.

Lu Chen looked at the arm that was tied into a triangle with the bandage bow, his face was crying without tears. It hasn't been long since the last time the bandage was torn off, and now it is tied again.

"By the way, what about Yan Zixuan" Lu Chen asked suddenly.

He felt that something was missing before, but now he remembered that he was missing a Yanzixuan.

"I have been stimulated, I have gone to practice, and I cannot say that the Holy King will not come out" Liu Mu replied.


Lu Chen suddenly asked a little curiously: "Brother, how many square spirit crystals was spent in the early days of the Holy King to the Consummation of the Holy King."

Liu Mu replied: "Five thousand square meters."

"It seems that I'm still much worse." Lu Chen thought hard. He is in total numbers now, but there are more than 10,000 ways.

"Junior Brother, you can cultivate here during this period of time. As for sending away the dead, in addition to the disciples who guarded the city, there are still many disciples who have not returned, so you have to wait a few months." Liu Mu Tao.


Lu Chen nodded.

It happened that he was injured now and couldn't go anywhere, so he digested the spirit crystals on his body, and raised his realm to Saint King Consummation.

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