My Master is Super Fierce

Chapter 899: Rich woman

After Liu Mu left, Lu Chen began to practice quietly. After a few days of cultivation, he consumed 10,000 square spirit crystals. However, he found that the realm was still in the early stage of the holy king, and he had not even reached the initial peak.

Lu Chen opened his eyes and was a little dazed. Didn't Senior Brother Liu Mu say that he had cultivated to completion with 50,000 square spirit crystals.

I used 10,000 squares of spirit crystals, and I didn't even upgrade to the mid-term. This, this is too cheating.

The warrior in the early stage of the ordinary Saint King can consume at most one or two thousand square spirit crystals, and a little more than three or four thousand can be directly promoted to the Saint King Consummation.

But he absorbed 10,000 square spirit crystals, and his realm remained unchanged.

"It looks like I'm too enchanting." Lu Chen could only comfort himself in this way.

What should I do? I don’t have enough money, so I can only buy pills.

Lu Chen thought of a good way, and that was to make money through alchemy.

After all, he is now a ninth-rank alchemy master, who can refine the pill for the sage, not only can sell money, but also improve the alchemy experience, killing two birds with one stone.

Just do it, and Lu Chen started making alchemy on the spot.

But as I practiced, I suddenly felt something was wrong, and I always felt that someone was staring at me behind me.

Turning his head and looking, I saw the girl who was taken away by Zheng Chunjun. She didn't know when she would come back. She stood behind him pretty, staring at him without blinking.

"Why are you like a ghost, you don't even have a sound?" Lu Chen shuddered, almost frying the stove.

"Big brother"

The girl yelled in a crisp voice, stretched out a hand, and touched Lu Chen's shoulder.

"Sister, I was wrong. I will kneel for you. Don't mess around, okay" Lu Chen was about to kneel down for the girl almost on the spot. His small body couldn't stand the other's'touch' at all.

"Big brother, it's okay, I can control my strength, the old man said a lot to me" the girl said with a white face, her long eyelashes blinked, and said expectantly.

"Really, really" Lu Chen looked suspicious, and he was really overwhelmed by the other party's psychological shadow. He had never been so scared before. In his heart, the girl was more terrifying than the third master.

Although the injury is small, it is insignificant to him, a bandage for a day or two will be fine.

But I am not a masochist, so why suffer?

"Really, you have to believe me" the girl said innocently, tilting her head.

Lu Chen relaxed his vigilance slightly, gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, I will trust you once."

As the girl's hand came out and placed it on Lu Chen's shoulder, everything was fine, and a big rock in Lu Chen's heart finally landed.


At this moment, the girl suddenly screamed, and then patted Lu Chen hard.

Lu Chen reflexively made a swish and rushed out far away.

However, there was no pain in his shoulder, and when he was suspicious, he heard a series of laughter like silver bells.

Turning her head, she saw the girl giggling, her black and white eyes were full of narrow expressions.

"Big brother, I lied to you" The girl stuck out her tongue and made a face at Lu Chen.

"God, save me, get this tormenting goblin away" Lu Chen shouted in his heart.

Lu Chen walked over, staring at the latter with an unkind expression, lowered his head as he looked at the latter with a guilty conscience, and said with a black face, "Don't bother me in alchemy."


Seeing Lu Chen, the girl seemed to be a little angry, with her hands together, standing still in a daze.

Lu Chen continued to refine the pill, suddenly remembering something, and asked: "Do you remember your name?"

Zheng Chunjun inferred that the girl in front of her was from another world, which made Lu Chen very curious about her identity, how did she come from the mountain and sea world, how could she float in the turbulent void, and that she had no memory. Is it amnesia?

If you can figure out the origin of the girl and how she came from the mountain and sea world, wouldn't it be possible to go to other worlds to play.

If there are foreign aid to help, then they will deal with the pressure of the sky demon world, will it be much less.

"It seems that there is a character Xi" said the girl, frowning her delicate brows and thinking about it.


Lu Chen was stunned.

"I can't remember the others"

Lu Chen said, "Well, I will call you Xiao Xi from now on."

I can remember one word now, which is a good beginning. I guess I will remember all other things in the future.

Lu Chen refined thousands of pill in a month, so he flew to a large square and began to shout: "Everyone, come and take a look. There are all kinds of pill. Nine-pin pill only needs ten spirit crystals. ."

Not to mention, a group of disciples were really attracted to Lu Chen.

Most of them came from curiosity, but no one sold medicinal pills.

"Ten Fang Lingjing is a pill, you are robbing"

"I have to consider whether to give it to me or not, let alone pay for it."

The people next to each other spoke one after another.

Lu Chen was a little confused, the script was wrong, according to his pill quality, shouldn't he be robbed.

He actually said that he had to think about sending them, which was a blow to his self-confidence too.

For several days, Lu Chen didn't sell a single pill, but the story of his selling pill was spread throughout the Palace of the Sword Emperor.

"Junior Brother, you can't sell it like this" Lu Chen returned to the cave in discouragement, just when he met Ruan Chenshuang who had come to kill the God Sword.

The latter is still a cold temperament, the beauty of the iceberg temperament, let her take the initiative to speak, it is already very rare, it depends on Lu Chen's borrowing of her God Sword.

"Why" Lu Chen asked inexplicably.

Ruan Chenshuang said: "Because the Sword Emperor Palace is not short of the tenth-grade pill, every disciple can get a few pills every month. Naturally, he won't buy it with spirit crystals, unless you can refine the high-level pill. ."

"Damn, it turned out to be like this" Lu Chen figured it out now.

It turned out that it was not that his pill had deteriorated, but that the benefits provided by the Sword Emperor Palace were too good.

Although the Sword Emperor Palace does not have a high-level pill, it is a super martial art, and there is no shortage of holy pill, so his pill cannot be sold.

This allowed Lu Chen to do such a good job of welfare, and to stop people from doing business.

At this moment, Lu Chen had an idea. He wanted to put a sword on the neck of the elder who distributed the pills, threatening him not to distribute the pills, and give the Sword Emperor's Palace disciples'no food' for a few months, and they would buy their own pills. Medicine.

Of course, this kind of thinking is wrong, and Lu Chen will not do it.

"Junior Brother, you want to directly ascend to the Saint King Perfection Realm" Ruan Chenshuang asked with beautiful eyes falling on Lu Chen's body.

"Yeah" Lu Chen nodded.

"There are fifty thousand square spirit crystals here, let's use them." Ruan Chenshuang thought for a while, threw a ring to Lu Chen, then put the God Slaughter Sword on the table and left.

This Lingjing was her reward for thanking Lu Chen for taking the Excalibur Sword to enlighten her.

Lu Chen looked at Ruan Chenshuang's leaving back, who in his eyes was full of copper smell...oh no, copper scented rich woman.

It was too arrogant to give fifty thousand squares of spirit crystals casually.

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