My Master is Super Fierce

Chapter 948: familiar person

If you guessed correctly, the man and woman just now should be the disciples of the Nong family, because Hun Yuantian has been discussing the jade charms of the Nonghan Saint Emperor recently. Everyone wants to get the treasures inside and the jade charms themselves. The most embarrassed one should be Descendants of Saint Emperor Nonghan.

Obviously it is their treasure, but there are a lot of forces to grab it. The most depressing thing is that they can't protect the things of their ancestors.

So just now Lu Chen asked about the location of the Nong family, and the delicate woman unceremoniously called them robbers.

Lu Chen came back to his senses, and saw that the people below were about to sneak away, and shouted, "Stop."

Qingwu's body stiffened slightly and stopped in place. He originally wanted to sneak away, but now he has no chance.

After the fight just now, it ended in a defeat, bringing infinite frustration to Qingwu's heart.

Qingwu understood that the young man who fought with him was definitely not a waiting generation, and it was probably a super enchanting person from the mountain and sea world.

"Turn into the form of a demon, take me to the Nongshi" Lu Chen said in an unquestionable tone, looking down at Qingwu.

Qingwu's complexion was immediately difficult to look at. Is it true that the other party really wants to use him as a mount? His Qingwu is Hun Yuantian is a fierce generation with a great reputation, how could he be willing to be someone else's mount, if this is spread out Does he still want face.

"Why, want me to repeat it"

Lu Chen saw the latter standing still, and a terrible breath poured out from his body, like a galloping horse, pouring fiercely on Qingwu's body.

Qingwu felt the pressure, and was very shocked. It seemed that the opponent hadn't used all his strength before making a move.

Qingwu obediently turned into a blue roc, because he felt a killing intent, and had an intuition in his heart. If he hesitated for a second, this person might kill him.

After that, Qingwu felt his back sink, and the man stood on his back.

Qingwu's sharp eyes were full of unwillingness, but he dared not say anything.

"You take flying magic weapon, I ride a bird" Lu Chen said while looking at Mei Xiao.

Qingwu refused: "I am Peng, not a bird."

Lu Chen stomped on the bird's back abruptly and shouted, "What I say is what I say."

Qingwu was furious and wanted to throw the person on his back off.

"Why, you are not convinced" Lu Chen caught a glimpse of the anger in Qingwu's eyes.

Qingwu was depressed, of course he was not convinced. He had always bullied people with his strength. Now being bullied, he has a huge sense of gap in his heart.

"You little bird is too weak, learn more with your brother, your brother can at least hurt me, and you are weak and pitiful" Lu Chen shook his head.

Qingwu squinted his eyes and said, "Who hurt you?"

Qingwu murmured in his heart, is it possible that they belong to the Jinpeng clan. Both Qingpeng and Jinpeng belong to the Pengzhong royal family. Their young kings are peerlessly powerful, but Jinpeng is more powerful than their Qingpeng clan. If you fight against each other, then you should contact the king of the Jinpeng clan to avenge you.

Because he has connections with the young kings of Jinpeng's clan, and both belong to the Pengzhong clan, he will definitely help.

"Why, want revenge?" Lu Chen sneered at the flash in Qingwu's eyes.

"Yes, you deceived me so, when my Peng clan no one can suppress you?" Qingwu did not perfuse, and said what was in his heart.

"Peng Wanli" Lu Chen shrugged, and said in a relaxed tone: "I hope you call him so I can throw you away and use him as a mount."

"Peng Wanli"

A look of horror appeared in Qingwu's eyes immediately.

Qingwu knows the name of Peng Wanli, and they belong to the Peng clan, but the camp is different. Peng Wanli comes from the Tianpeng clan of the sky demon, which crosses the mountains and seas. The young king of the Jinpeng clan has fought against Peng Wanli. The two are not on the same level. , The young king of the Jinpeng clan was thrown off by Peng Wanli as soon as he met him.

Perhaps Peng Wanli looked at the same Peng clan, but did not kill the king of the Jinpeng clan.

A turbulent wave appeared in Qingwu's heart, and the person on his back was able to fight Peng Wanli without being killed.

After hearing the record, Qingwu said nothing.

Suddenly, I felt that when this person was mounted for a while, it was not so difficult to accept. After all, even Peng Wanli did not suppress the person on his back, and the opponent's strength was absolutely unprecedented.

"The two are from the Nong clan just now" Lu Chen asked when Qingwu was silent.

Qingwu said: "Yes, the male is called Nong Rui, and the female is called Nong Min. They belong to this generation of Nong family."

As the young king of the Hunyuan Tianqingpeng Clan, Qingwu is extremely powerful, and their Qingpeng Clan is qualified to guard the secret jade talisman. He wants to suppress the two people before the major forces have come to force the Nong family to take it out. Give them the jade talisman, if they get the jade talisman, they can definitely protect it.

If the major forces do not get their hands after they arrive, they must share the secrets with them.

Lu Chen sighed secretly, as he thought, the two were members of the Nong family.

However, he didn't care. The Nong family still wanted to go. He didn't want to go and it would be cheaper for others.

Since Qingwu's speed could not keep up with the flying magic weapon, he could only slow down. Lu Chen also learned that many forces had gathered in the Nong family. They hadn't forced the palace yet, and were not in a hurry. They traveled slowly, but after five days , Or came to the city of the Nong family.

As the outline of the city in the distance appeared, Qingwu's speed slowed down.

Qingwu is a little embarrassed now, he is Hun Yuantian's little overlord, no one knows that everyone knows, he will definitely meet the attention of the audience when he goes to the city.

He readily accepted it before, but now it's a bit hard to tell because there is a person on his back.

If someone sees a person sitting on his back, it will surely spread throughout the city, and the fame of the first generation will be ruined.

From a distance, Qingwu stopped and said, "The Nong family has arrived. Go down."

"Enter the city" Lu Chen said.

Qingwu shook his huge head and said, "If I take you in, it will be very shameless."

"Okay, it just happened that I was hungry, so I just roasted a little bird to eat..."

Qingwu's face was green, and he finished speaking without Lu Chen, and rushed into the city with a strong wind. Qingwu circled the city and stayed on the edge.

"Hey, isn't that Hunyuantian Xiaobawang? There seems to be a person on his back."

"It doesn't seem to be, there really is someone who is so fierce that even Qingwu was suppressed."

People in the distance saw a person on Qingwu's back, and they were all dumbfounded.

Qingwu was embarrassed and embarrassed when he heard the discussion from the people around him. Fortunately, it was a marginal area and there were no acquaintances. If he was seen by someone familiar with him, he could commit suicide because Wuyan would live.

"I will let you go this time, and I won't be so lucky next time I'm offended," Lu Chen jumped off Qingwu's back and said to him.

Qingwu said nothing, its wings spread out, and with a whistling sound, it turned into a cyan afterimage and disappeared.

At the same time, Mei Xiao and the others collected the flying magic weapon, and the five people came to the street and merged into the crowd.


Lu Chen looked to the front, his eyes lit up suddenly, and he saw an acquaintance.

Not far in front, at the corner of the wall, a chubby young man was surrounded by several people, as if there was a dispute.

ps: Give up the sword and come back for a chapter, hey, my great sword.

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