My Master is Super Fierce

Chapter 949: Goodbye Zheng Huihuang

Afterwards, I didn’t know what the two sides said. Several young people fought and kicked around the fat young man. The fat young man did not dare to resist, or could not resist, because the strength of the few people in front of him was similar, but the number of each other The upper side has the upper hand, if you resist, you will suffer a bigger hit, and if it is serious, it may not be severely injured.

He would rather suffer a skin trauma if he can get a rest.

When Lu Chen and the others walked over, they had already finished fighting.

"Zheng Huihuang, you really can't change eating shit. If there is another time, don't blame us for being cruel." There were four people in total. Among them, the taller young man looked at Zheng Huihuang and took the lead in warning.

"Trash, you are worthy of Little Rain, so stay away as early as possible"

"Dead fat man, the toad wants to eat swan meat"

The companions around the slightly taller youth all sneered, and some even spit on the fat youth.


Lu Chen walked over and patted the shoulder of the person who was beaten.

Zheng Huihuang said nothing, and silently wiped the saliva on his clothes. Suddenly, a voice came from behind him. He turned around and saw Lu Chen.

Zheng Huihuang didn't recognize it immediately. He watched Lu Chen for a few seconds, and suddenly remembered something, his eyes suddenly enlarged, and he exclaimed, "It's you."

Of course Zheng Huihuang would not fail to know Lu Chen, and he still had a deep impression of Lu Chen.

He and Lu Chen met in Eastern Emperor Space, and then an unthinkable thing appeared in front of him.

Anyone who enters the Eastern Emperor's space to redeem things needs military exploits. This rule was personally formulated by the Da Meng Tiannu herself, but Lu Chen didn't need military exploits to take away anything inside.

Moreover, the Donghuang Pagoda Artifacts deliberately stored in a high level, and the Lock Sword Art, which originally required one million combat exploits, was directly given to this person. At that time, Zheng Huihuang knew that Lu Chen had a great background, and his background was as large as that of the Donghuang Pagodas The spirit must open a small stove.

Later, after this person became holy, he challenged the strong from all sides, and finally defeated Luo Yan, the descendant of Shangxiao Tiangong, won ten games in a row, and was awarded 50,000 battle exploits by the goddess of dreams.

Because he was the one who helped lead the battle, Lu Chen gave him the fifty thousand battle exploits.

After that, Lu Chen disappeared without a trace. Zheng Huihuang went to the Eastern Emperor Space from time to time to stroll around, but unfortunately he did not find Lu Chen.

Gradually, he forgot about Lu Chen's affairs, and now meeting in Hun Yuantian makes Zheng Huihuang feel like a dream.

"Hehe, why are you so stubborn" Lu Chen said with a smile looking at Zheng Huihuang with a swollen nose and swollen nose.

Although he said that, Lu Chen didn't mean to help Zheng Huihuang. After all, he and Zheng Huihuang only said a few words, and they didn't have a deep friendship.

"Don't mention it"

Zheng Huihuang replied depressed, he didn't want to say more about his embarrassment, and then looked at the four people beside Lu Chen, ready to change the subject. When he saw Maiden Xi and Liu Qingcheng, his eyes straightened suddenly, and he said in a daze: "Here, these few..."

Zheng Huihuang vowed that he had never seen such a beautiful woman in his entire life, and stayed in the same place for a while.

"Fatty man, these are your friends" an unkind voice came from the side.

The person who spoke was the slightly taller young man, looking at the young girl Xi and Liu Qingcheng with strange eyes, no one could ignore their beauty.

Although there are many beautiful women in the mountains and seas, women with such a beautiful face are still relatively rare. No matter where they go, they will attract people's attention.

The same is true for the three companions next to him, staring dumbly, as if there were only two beauties left in their eyes.

Lu Chen looked at Zheng Huihuang and asked suspiciously, "What are you doing here?"

Lu Chen took a look at Zheng Huihuang. Although he hadn't seen him for more than two decades, this guy's cultivation level had also been upgraded to the Saint King level.

However, there are strengths and weaknesses in the Saint King Realm. Lu Chen estimated that Zheng Huihuang's strength might not be as good as one of the four evils, and he was at an intermediate level in the Saint King Realm, not even the upper middle level.

Zheng Huihuang smiled: "Didn't you hear that Emperor Nonghan's secret jade charm has been found? Come join in the fun."

The discovery of Emperor Nonghan’s secret jade talisman has spread all over the world, and power will arrive every day. It can be said to be a rare event. The old fried dough sticks like Zheng Huihuang are naturally noisy. Drill.

Lu Chen said suddenly, "You seem to be from Hun Yuantian, right?"

"Yes, I belong to Hun Yuantian. If you don't know Hun Yuantian, I can help you get familiar with it."

Seeing Lu Chen and Zheng Huihuang, you said something to me, so unhappy, the slightly taller young man who had spoken before was ignored, his face was slightly embarrassed, and then gradually became gloomy and terrifying.

The young man is called Xing Zhuo, a disciple of Taixu Holy Land. Although he can't squeeze into the top level in the Holy Land, he is still small and famous, but now he is ignored by two people, which makes him feel unhappy.

"Dead fat man, you are looking for death. Didn't you hear Brother Zhuo talking to you? Are you deaf?" Next to Xing Zhuo, a disciple of Taixu Holy Land yelled outrageously.

"Are they my friends? It's up to you." Zheng Huihuang glared at the young man and said angrily.

Although he didn't want to cause trouble, the disciples of Taixu Sacred Land were obviously too generous. Whether Lu Chen was his friend or not had nothing to do with Xing Zhuo.

"Let's go, find a place to live," Lu Chen glanced at Zheng Huihuang and said casually.

"Okay" Zheng Huihuang nodded.

"Okay, you fat man, if I ask you something, I dare to be arrogant." The young man who was stunned by Zheng Huihuang had an ugly face. He immediately broke out his cultivation base, his hands were sealed, and dozens of spiritual power palm prints suddenly appeared. The palm prints exude a decent aura, which is the famous martial art Taixu Palm in Taixu Holy Land.

Seeing the opponent's shot, Zheng Huihuang's expression remained unchanged, calmly running the spiritual power in his body, shaking his fists, smashing palm prints, and dissolving the opponent's attack.

In one-on-one, he is not afraid of each other at all.

In addition to the more powerful punishments among the four, he was able to hold the upper hand against the other three.

After Zheng Huihuang resolved the opponent's attack, he said angrily: "Are all the disciples of Taixu Holy Land so domineering? Are friends I know related to you and don't introduce them to you."

"How about making friends, my name is Xing Zhuo, I come from Taixu Holy Land" Xing Zhuo ignored Zheng Huihuang and said with a smile at Lu Chen.

While talking, faint eyes flashed from Liu Qingcheng and Young Girl Xi.

From Xing Zhuo's point of view, what kind of great friends Zheng Huihuang could make, probably just ordinary friends, but the two women are so beautiful, and they desperately want to meet.

"Sorry, I don't want to know you." Lu Chen stretched out his hand and embraced Liu Qingcheng and Young Girl Xi from left to right, hug right and left openly.

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