My Master is Super Fierce

Chapter 960: Tao fruit

The face of the person next to him changed slightly when he said this.

Jiang Shihao said in a deep voice, "You also know that Liu Mu, Pei Ji, Ruan Chenshuang, and Yan Zixuan are the top circles of the Sword Emperor Palace. The four of them are a small group. Others can't get in and join them. The qualification of the circle is to follow the rules of kendo and become the holy king to succeed."

"Brother Jiang, you mean..."

Their faces suddenly became solemn, and a trace of respect appeared in their eyes.

After listening to Jiang Shihao's explanation, they still didn't understand that Lu Chen was a monster who was most likely to succeed in following the rules of kendo.

Jiang Shihao pondered for a few seconds, and then said: "Also, since Junior Brother Lu said that we should block the door, it means that he has the absolute strength to sweep all the Tianjiao inside."

"Let's block the door after a year of searching, and win the favor of Junior Brother Lu. If we go to Jiecheng in the future, we still need to rely on Junior Brother Lu for care."

On the other side, after the people from the Zhang family in the ancient city entered, Liu Wushuang secretly left behind, gathered with Lu Chen and the others, and met with the four evils, unavoidably excited.

There are nine people in Lu Chen's group.

Lu Chen said: "On our side, we must leave a person to guard this gate. Those who come in want to go out. They must leave the spar in the sky demon and 90% of the resources obtained from it."

Lu Chen had taken the Jade Talisman in the Secret Realm for granted, why? Because the Nong family couldn't keep the Jade Talisman in the Secret Realm, it would be better to give it to him.

Since the Jade Talisman in the Secret Realm belongs to him, everything in the Jade Talisman in the Secret Realm should belong to him. It is already a kindness to let people who come in take away 10% of the resources.

Next to him, Liu Qingcheng heard his senior brother's words, and there was a hint of helplessness in his beautiful eyes, and then immediately stared at the four evils next to him, it must be these four evils that caused the bad brother.

The four evils came into contact with Liu Qingcheng's gaze, and for a moment each became flustered, and they were all confused when they didn't understand where they had caused this one.

They looked away with guilty conscience, and did not dare to touch Liu Qingcheng's gaze.

Since Lu Chen said this while looking at the four evils, it means that one of them wants to stay here to watch the door. The four evils look at me, and I look at you.

"I'll stay," Geng Zimo said after a while.

"Well, this bow is for you." Lu Chen felt that the four evils were the same as anyone left, so he handed the Jue Sage Bow to Geng Zimo.

"This is a heavenly weapon. With this bow you can leave most of the people behind. If you encounter someone who is really invincible, you can send us a message," Lu Chen said.

Generally speaking, people who enter the secret realm will not leave early. Those who want to leave early are those who are weak, and want to withdraw after making a small fortune. This kind of person is completely possible with Geng Zimo's strength. Stay, and the evildoers of the emperor-level forces will fight for the jade charms in the secret realm, and they must stay to hunt down the sky demon.

A year later, the disciples of the Sword Emperor Palace will come to see and live at the exit, and under their guard, no one can go out from here.

"Thank you"

Geng Zimo was a bit nervous at first, after all, his strength was nothing at all in the upper realm, but now that he has a powerful weapon, his confidence is enough.

After Geng Zimo stayed here, the eight of Lu Chen set off, took the flying magic weapon, and went to farther places.

After half an hour, they stood on the flying magic weapon and saw a group of warriors on the distant mountain peaks. At this moment, these warriors were frantically attacking the formations. There were palaces inside the formations. I don't know who lived, but there are An extremely powerful formation guardian, and the people who lived here before are very powerful.

When Lu Chen and the others arrived, the group of people only took a look, then moved their eyes away and continued to attack the formation.

Because they recognized it, Lu Chen and the crowd were very troublesome. The black-clothed youth defeated Hua Yunfei, and the leading youth scolded Qingwu, and Mo Ji from the Dao Mo family were all defeated.

Not only did they dare not yell Lu Chen and the others away, but they were worried about being yelled at by the other party. Fortunately, the other party did not do too domineering behavior.

"I'm going, a lot of elixir." Murong Qiu looked at the barrier with shocked eyes. There were densely packed elixir floating in the barrier. These elixir was overflowing with essence and exuding a soft radiance.

"I'm afraid this is not a panacea" Lu Chen glanced inside, then said.

If nothing else, this should be the rule of wood, and the person who lived here before was a very strong emperor, who was good at the rule of wood. Various elixir shapes appeared.

Because of being shrouded in a barrier, it can't go out and can only float inside the barrier.

There are a total of three forces attacking the enchantment around, and there is a squeaking sound from the enchantment. I don’t know how long the formation has not been repaired. Even though there is ample aura, the strength of the formation on the flag has been corroded by the years, so Even the Great Emperor's formation cannot withstand the siege of dozens of people.

The rules of the wood element are not too precious to Lu Chen, but they can speed up his quick comprehension of the rules of the wood element, so Lu Chen said, "Help attack the enchantment."

Moreover, this is the wood rule of Tao Guo Hua Dao. Every elixir is the essence of wood rule. It can speed up the comprehension speed of people who do not understand the wood rule, and it can also speed up the comprehension of the martial artist. , Aspiring to the Supreme Realm.

Mei Xiao and the others shot one after another, and the domineering power bombarded the barrier, and after about a stick of incense, the barrier suddenly shattered.


As the enchantment shattered, dozens of people rushed in. They couldn’t wait to grab the floating wooden rules and evolved their essence, but found that all kinds of elixir seemed to be nothingness, and their palms penetrated directly through it. , Can't catch it at all.

"what happened"

A group of people looked surprised, why couldn't they catch it.

Some clever warriors sat on the ground to perform exercises. Sure enough, after they ran the exercises, the essence of the wood system regularized Tao slowly moved towards their body, but the speed of movement was very slow.

Lu Chen said to the people around him: "You can feel it too. You will understand the benefits of the rules when you are promoted to the Celestial Realm."

The more rules you master, the stronger the four realms of Tianzun, Dazun, Wangzun, Huangzun, and Emperorzun.

After Lu Chen finished speaking, ignoring the people around him, he sat down on the spot and began to practice the exercises silently.

The people around did not make a sound, and practiced quietly. Many people aroused the essence of the elixir that the rules of the wood system turned into, and slowly moved towards their bodies.

Those who had mastered the rules of the wood system had already begun to absorb it. Several people mobilized one or two of the essence of the wood system rules into the body.

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