My Master is Super Fierce

Chapter 961: Unworthy of mount

Lu Chen is also absorbing the'spiritual medicine', and Jiuzhe hastened to the extreme, swallowing the wood rules quickly, and you can see the essence of the wood rules turned into the elixir, converging to Lu Chen at a speed visible to the naked eye, a spirit The medicine entered the body, and the cold feeling spread throughout his body, allowing Lu Chen to deepen his understanding of the rules of the wood system.

An extremely strange scene appeared, a large number of'spiritual medicines' gathered beside Lu Chen, densely packed, as if waiting in line to be absorbed by Lu Chen.

On the contrary, the people around them are sparse, and there are not many ‘magic drugs’.

Many people opened their eyes in doubt, and immediately noticed the strange scene before them.

They saw that there were thousands of'spiritual medicines' around Lu Chen, densely packed. On the contrary, there were only a few sporadic ones around them, and they were all running in each other's direction.

The people around Lu Chen were even more bitter, because they hadn't absorbed the essence, and they all went to ‘queue’ near someone.

"This person is too friendly to the rules of the wood element, right? They all ran to him." The martial artist next to Lu Chen was depressed. The essence of the rules of the wood element around was all finished. They still absorbed a fart and stopped. To practice.

"I'm going, I'm more than 800 meters away from him, how come the elixir around him is running towards him"

"I'm two kilometers away from him, and I ran more than a dozen flowers past."

Some warriors who were far away also found that the'spiritual medicine' was quickly moving away from him, moving towards someone, depressed in place.

Not only that, even if it was the four evils, Murong Qiu and the others were the same, staring dumbfounded as the'spiritual medicine' around them flew away and ran to Lu Chen.

It was originally a scene where everyone absorbed together, but now everyone watched Lu Chen absorb it alone.

The people around don't know what to say. Does the other person's body smell so fragrant?

Lu Chen didn't know everything about the outside world. He was happily absorbing the rules of the wood element. In a short time, he had absorbed a lot. Lu Chen felt that it would not be long before he could fully grasp the rules of the wood element.

Sure enough, after a stick of incense, Lu Chen completely mastered the rules of the wood system, not only mastered it, but also deepened the profound meaning of the rules of the wood system.

"Hey, what are you looking at me doing, why don't you absorb it?" Lu Chen found that everyone around him was staring at him, even his own, and asked inexplicably.

Everyone is speechless, you have seduce all our "spiritual medicine" away, how can we absorb it?

After Lu Chen finished his questioning, he also found something wrong, and found that all the'spiritual medicines' had gathered beside him, and at least there were thousands of unabsorbed spirit medicines floating in front of him.

Anyway, there is no one around the people, and there are still people cultivating a few kilometers away, but there are not many around them, one or two alone.

When Lu Chen saw this scene, the corners of his mouth twitched.

"You continue to absorb it," Lu Chen said to Liu Qingcheng and the others. He has already understood the rules of the wood element, so he doesn't need to absorb it for the time being. He will wait until he reaches the Supreme Realm.

Liu Qingcheng and the others closed their eyes again and began to absorb.

Others began to absorb it one after another, but it was very tragic to find that many elixir had dispersed, which meant that the essence of the rules of the wood system dissipated and turned into particles of the rules of the wood system.

There are only some who are strong in cultivation, barely leaving some wandering bodies.

"I'll go, even if I choose to dissipate, I won't be absorbed." Many people wanted to cry without tears, and felt a deep malice. These ‘essences’ seem to be conscious and despise them.

Lu Chen did not practice anymore, instead he came to sit next to him and waited for his own people to cultivate slowly. Suddenly, Lu Chen felt a breath, raised his head, and saw a golden monster flying in the distance, a bit like Dapeng.

The flying golden monster beast came through the sky and the earth like a long rainbow, and its wings stretched out to nearly 100 meters.

"Sky Demon"

Lu Chen immediately felt the strong breath of the sky demon.

The sky demon's flying speed was very fast, and when he turned around, he came to the front, opened his mouth and let out a piercing cry, which was like a cry from heaven and earth, extremely piercing, aimed at the soul of a warrior,

A layer of golden sound waves spread out and quickly enveloped everyone.


In just a second, many people felt a splitting headache, and some even groaned and killed them in place.

"Golden Bat"

Lu Chen saw the true face of this golden sky demon. It was a bat. He thought it was a roc before, but it was a bat for a long time.

The golden bat tribe, belonging to the Sky Demon royal family, is good at sonic attacks. Aiming at the primordial spirit, the primordial spirit of the attacked person is like being pierced by thousands of needles. Lu Chen also felt a sting, but he can bear it. There is not much feeling, the golden bats that attacked them only have the cultivation base of Quasi-Supreme.

But it was very hard for others, even Liu Qingcheng and Mei Xiao and the others showed pain on their faces.

Jin Bat’s gaze was very indifferent, he came to look at the people coldly, watching a human being killed under his attack, and his heart was extremely happy. Since being caught by the emperor, he knew that he was finished. Throwing into the secret realm, before death, come to a big killing.


The golden bat rolled up the turbulent storm airflow and flew by at low altitude. Then he turned and flew back again, with another piercing scream, golden ripples swept through everyone, making many people miserable.

In several consecutive attacks, the Golden Bat killed at least seven or eight people, all of them were killed in his terrifying sonic attack, and the rest were struggling. The Golden Bat found one of them sitting motionless outside the court, as if not. Affected by him, she stared at him curiously.

Jin Bat frowned. Why didn't this person look painful at all? Could it be that the other person was not impressed by sound waves.

Afterwards, the main target of the golden bat attacked this person. His speed was astonishing. He displayed his talents and supernatural powers. A large golden ripple quickly enveloped the opponent. At this time, the golden bat saw the opponent stand up, and at the same time, appeared around him. He lost countless vines and turned into a cage, besieging him inside.

Jin Bat saw this scene with a sneer in his eyes. The inferior wood rules used the prison to trap him. It was too weird.

The golden bat's body is full of golden light, and there are countless small golden blades appearing on the surface of his body. These blades are very sharp and can easily tear the prison.

But at this moment, a terrible sense of crisis swept through his body, and an inexplicable chill rose in Jin Bat's heart, but the strange thing was that he didn't know where the sense of crisis came from, chuckles, a sharp sword intent appeared from nothingness, Pierced his forehead.

The golden bat didn't understand where the attack came from until he died, because the young man did not move at all.

When his consciousness dissipated, he faintly heard a sentence: "You are too weak to be a mount."

With the death of the Golden Bat, his body exploded, and a spar glowing with white halo was beautifully suspended in the air.

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