My Master is Super Fierce

Chapter 993: You know

Zhang Yunfan's words immediately stirred up thousands of waves.

None of the people present can be as convincing as Zhang Yunfan, because he comes from the Zhang family and is also a Tianzun elder. Now he says Zhang Kangcheng betrayed, so this is worth thinking about.

Zhang Kangcheng's pupils shrank slightly, and there was a cold glow in the depths of his eyes. Zhang Zhaoqing Wang Zun's dazzling eyes also fell on Zhang Yunfan.

Patriarch Wang's face was full of surprise, as if he didn't expect Zhang Family Tianzun to stand up and say that Zhang Kangcheng colluded with the sky demon.

Chen Mao looked at Zhang Kangcheng with a sneer.

As for the people around him, they were even more upset. At this time, they somewhat believed that Zhang Kangcheng was indeed colluding with the Sky Demon.

"Yun Fan, what does this mean?" Zhang Zhaoqing asked in a deep voice.

"Zhang Yunfan, I didn't expect you to slander me" Zhang Kangcheng said quietly.

Zhang Kangcheng is now full of doubts. He doesn't understand where Zhang Yunfan's confidence comes. He must have colluded with the sky demon, because the crime of collusion with the sky demon is so serious that he dare not tell anyone except his own heirs, how did Zhang Yunfan know? .

It is difficult for Zhang Yunfan to have something beyond his knowledge in Hun Yuantian.

Zhang Yunfan hurriedly briefly summarized the matter of encountering the emperor. After listening to the surroundings, waves rose in his heart. Zhang Yunfan actually met the emperor, and the emperor personally said that Zhang Kangcheng betrayed, so there is no surprise, because of the words of the emperor. It's just evidence. There is no need to look for other evidence or anything. It's already obvious.

Zhang Kangcheng was dumbfounded, his face was pale, and there was fear in his eyes.

Originally, he could still be calm, because he felt that even if Zhang Yunfan found some clues, he could quibble, but he had never thought that Zhang Yunfan would meet the emperor, and the emperor personally said that he was a traitor.

The three Tianzuns who came with Zhang Kangcheng also had a dumb expression on their faces at the moment.

Zhang Kangcheng let out a sigh of relief, try to calm his heart, and said: "Yun Fan, I have no grievances with you, why did you frame me and tell such lies."

"What kind of status is the emperor, the dragon has not seen the head, and has not appeared for a long time. If you say that you have met the emperor, who will believe your words."

"No grievances and no enmity" Zhang Yunfan's eyes are full of anger: "We are the same race, but you colluded with the sky demon and trapped the Zhang family in a place where no one can recover. Fortunately, His Majesty is wise and martial and open-minded. My family will be buried because of you."

When Zhang Yunfan was so angry that he vented, he even flattered.

After all, someone is watching a movie next to him, watching with gusto.

If you don't flatter at this time, when will you wait.

"His Royal Highness"

When the people around heard Zhang Yunfan's words, they were slightly taken aback, who was His Highness.

"His Royal Highness Swordsman is a goddess, how can he collude with the sky demon, so Zhang Kangcheng said that His Highness colluded with the sky demon. This is simply the funniest joke in the world." Zhang Yunfan glanced at Lu Chen and threw a heavy bomb.


At this moment, the audience was in an uproar, countless eyes fell on Lu Chen, except for shock or shock.

The third son of the sword, the goddess of the dream, is unbelievable.

Chen Mao looked at Zhang Kangcheng and uttered a mocking sentence: "Zhang Kangcheng, you actually slandered the collusion between the goddess apprentice and the sky demon. Forging suspicions, it depends on people."

At this time, the Wang Family Patriarch suddenly realized one thing, why did Chen Mao laugh when he saw Zhang Kangcheng throw the memory crystal.

Not why, because Zhang Kangcheng's forgery was too fake and slandered the goddess disciple.

Is there anything more panic than this.

Zhang Kangcheng also turned his head and looked at Lu Chen with shock in his eyes.

"By the way, I have a secret to tell you" Lu Chen said while looking at Zhang Kangcheng.

Zhang Kangcheng was puzzled.

Lu Chen showed his white teeth and smiled: "I killed Zhang Wenkai too. How is it? I am surprised or surprised."


The anger in Zhang Kangcheng's heart was ignited all of a sudden, and his eyes became blood red. He lowered his head and let out a penetrating sneer, muttering to himself: "Unexpectedly, Zhang Kangcheng was confused for a while, hahaha."

"Go to **** with me" an extremely cold voice came out of Zhang Kangcheng's mouth, his eyes flashed with a crazy look, and he rushed directly to Lu Chen, only to see that his palm was covered with gold, like a knife. Filled with a sharp aura, cut through the void and cut away at Lu Chen.

Although he is a great deity, there are more than a dozen heavenly deities around him. In any case, he can't escape and ascend to heaven. He will undoubtedly die.

But before he died, Jian San had to be killed so that he could die without regret.

Zhang Kangcheng shot quickly, and Lu Chen was so close, Zhang Kangcheng was confident that he could kill him.

Boom boom boom!

When Zhang Kangcheng started, several light curtains suddenly appeared in front of Lu Chen, red as blood, dazzling cyan, golden gorgeous, and invisible and transparent light curtains, but it is undeniable that there are powerful defense rules circulating on each light curtain. Protect Lu Chen perfectly.

These were naturally sacrificed by Tianzun beside him, because they were guarding Zhang Kangcheng.

Zhang Kangcheng has betrayed even the human race, there is nothing crazier than this, the probability that he will be dragged to the dust before his death will happen.

So at the moment Zhang Kangcheng started his hand, the people around him also started.


During the period, several regular light curtains shattered, but there were too many light curtains to protect Lu Chen, and Zhang Kangcheng's power could not be broken. Besides, there was a Wang Zun staring at him. He wanted to kill Lu Chen, at least he needed Huang Zun. Or the power of the emperor.

"Zhang Kangcheng, you are looking for death" Zhang Zhaoqing gave out a roar of thunder, raised his palm, golden light dazzled, and the destructive force penetrated into Zhang Kangcheng's body. The dozens of heavenly masters next to him also shot together, and the powerful attacking power hit Zhang Kangcheng Body.


Zhang Kangcheng let out a miserable scream, his whole person disintegrated in the brilliant brilliance, and his divine form disappeared.

When the screams calmed down and the surroundings became quiet, no one thought that there would be such a result that Zhang Kangcheng slandered the three young masters of the sword and colluded with the sky demon, but in the end it turned out that he was in collusion with the sky demon.

More importantly, it led to a distinguished person, the third son of the sword.

Lu Chen looked at Tianzun present with a blank expression, and said, "Although Zhang Kangcheng is dead, it is not ruled out that there are still people in the Zhang family colluding with the sky demon."

"Your Highness, we will thoroughly investigate the Zhang Family" Zhang Zhaoqing said quickly.

"Yeah" Lu Chen nodded, then looked at the Patriarch of the Wang Family, and said, "You are the Patriarch of the Wang Family."


Patriarch Wang's heart shook, and he had a bad feeling.

"You go to the residence of the second master of Wang's family and search it again. If there is no evidence, then forget it."

Lu Chen's words made the Wang Family Patriarch's face pale. Could it be that his brother also colluded with the Sky Demon?

"After this incident, the two families sent millions of Fang Lingjing to me, you know," Lu Chen said while looking at them.

Then he walked over, picked up the Na Jie floating in the void, then turned and walked towards the courtyard of the Danzun Pavilion below.

Soon it disappeared from the sight of everyone.

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