After Lu Chen left, the atmosphere in the field became more subtle. Two figures headed by Zhang Zhaoqing and Chen Mao, a total of eleven Heavenly Sovereigns, stared at the Wang Family Patriarch.

Because the third son of the sword just said, it seems that the second master of the Wang family also colluded with the sky demon.

Zhang Kangcheng was killed by them, and the next goal was to target the second master of the Wang family.

"You...what kind of look is this?" The Wang Family Patriarch's heart was straight when he was seen, and he was just beating soy sauce, how trouble would happen to him.

"Your little brother can be in the family" Zhang Zhaoqing stared at the Wang Family Patriarch and asked.

The Patriarch Wang shrugged his shoulders and said: "If Wang Zhong and the sky demon are in collusion, I will be the first to stand up and kill the relatives, and I will definitely not protect them."

The Patriarch of the Wang family is very witty, because this was the personal order of Young Master Jian San, whose identity was there, giving him a hundred courage and not daring to help him.

Unless you think your head is too heavy on your neck, you want to change place.

"Let's go, then, what else is there to say" Zhang Zhaoqing said. After speaking, the group left violently and headed to Wang Zhong's manor.

With the departure of the twelve Heavenly Sovereigns, the depressive aura present finally dissipated.

Pu Qu and Mo Kuan looked at each other, feeling quite relieved in their hearts. The matter was solved surprisingly easily, making them seem to be in a dream. Mo Kuan muttered to himself: "Old Pu, you didn't mean that Jiansan is Huadie now A disciple? How come you have become a disciple of Da Meng Tian."

Pu Qu rolled his eyes and said angrily: "What is the relationship between Hua Die and Da Meng Tian Nu, think for yourself."

Hua Die and Da Meng Tian Nu Ke Yi Rou went out of the same school. Jian San estimated that they were originally Da Meng Tian Nu's apprentices, but because they wanted to learn alchemy, they also joined Hua Die's school.

"Pavilion Master, I, we are willing to return to Danzun Pavilion," someone in the crowd said weakly.

The two looked at the crowd and found a group of alchemists who followed Miao Huo, Miao Huo, Bai Zhen and the others were also in the crowd, all looking at him with hope.

This group of departed alchemists finally understood why the pavilion master was biased towards Jiansan, not only let him be the head of the North Campus, but also turned towards him everywhere, presumably they knew Jiansan was a goddess.

Pu Qu glanced at the crowd with indifferent eyes. There was no good expression. The reason why Zhang Kangcheng came so quickly was definitely that they went to Zhangjia to report immediately after they left.

"Master, the disciple is also willing to return to the Danzun Pavilion," Bai Zhen said pitifully in the crowd, with a trace of weakness, hoping to return to the Danzun Pavilion.

"Since you have all left the Danzun Pavilion, you are no longer members of the Danzun Pavilion. Danzun Pavilion doesn't need cartilage." Pu Qu said with a sneer after looking at the ruins below.

Among the crowd, Miaohuo Danzun was very spine, and heard indifferently: "You go with the old man. The old man will be able to break into the twelfth-rank Danzun in a few years, and he will become the guest of the powerful family at that time."

When the surrounding alchemists heard Miao Huo's words, their hearts suddenly relaxed, because among them, Miao Huo did have the potential to become the twelfth-rank pill.

As long as Miaohuo Danzun enters the twelfth rank, they can join a big power at will, or create their own power.

Seeing Miao Huo so confident, Pu Qu squinted his eyes. This guy is also a man, his feet are gone, and even dripping blood, he is still here to squint with him.

Pu Qu smiled proudly: "Sword Third Young Master has already said that he will send a Dandi to teach us, leaving is your loss."


As soon as he said this, Miao Huo and the alchemist beside him turned pale, and regrets grew infinitely in their hearts.

A pill emperor came to teach alchemy, what a chance this was, but unfortunately, they missed it.

"Dare to ask the Lord Puqu what he said is true" a voice came from the crowd.

Pu curved around, all with expectant eyes, calmly said: "Nature is true."

In fact, Pu Qu was very panicked because he was not sure whether Emperor Dan would come, and he didn’t even have an exact answer. The main reason was that he was unhappy when he saw Miao Huo’s attitude and couldn’t help but carry the flag. , I want to see the regretful expressions of Miao Huo.

Then, Miao Huo and the others showed extremely regretful expressions.

Seeing the faces of the people, Pu Qu's heart floated. Is this the feeling of pretending, really cool.

"From today, I don't want to see Miao Huo's ugly face in the ancient city," Pu Qu continued, "Miao Huo made two shots against San Gong Zi. Fortunately, San Gong Zi was generous and let him live."

These words directly drove Miao Huo into hell. There was no family in the ancient city that would take in Miao Huo, because no one would dare to take in anyone who had offended the Third Master Jian. .

"Haha, Lord Puqu, don't worry, we will not take in"

"Dare to kill the third son of the sword, I really want to kill him."

With murderous gazes swept across Miao Huo, his face turned pale in fright, and he left dingy.

On the other side, Heavenly Sovereigns of the three major families came to a manor, which was very large, at least several thousand acres. The arrival of the people, suppressed the atmosphere of terror, made a group of scary people tremble.

The Patriarch Wang looked down and said loudly, "Wang Zhong, come out and see you."

However, no response was received.

The spirits of Zhang Zhaoqing, Chen Mao and others radiated crazily, and even some special places shrouded in formations passed through. Unfortunately, no trace of Wang Zhong was found.

Patriarch Wang's face turned pale, his eyes were startled and angry, and he trembled: "Wang Zhong, really colluded with the sky demon."

There is no need to say more about this situation now. It must have been the previous battle that shocked Wang Zhong. There was a ghost in his heart, and he felt bad and slipped away early.

"Your little brother has slipped away, take care of your body." Chen Mao walked over, patted the Patriarch Wang on the shoulder, and said comfortingly.

"Hey, there is a person imprisoned in the dungeon." Zhang Zhaoqing suddenly showed a different expression, stretched out his hand, and detained a skinny figure held in a certain dungeon at a distance of several kilometers.

This person was wearing handcuffs and anklets, dishevelled, and ragged, like a beggar, and his breath was extremely weak, his eyes were hollow, but his eyes were shocked when he saw the surrounding celestial beings, and he was reborn with the light of life.

"You are Yao Luo Danzun" Chen Mao stared at this person and asked in surprise.

Yao Luo Danzun is the person in charge of the North Campus, but he disappeared decades ago. Everyone thought he had left the ancient city and went to other days. They did not expect to see Yao Luo in Wang Zhong's manor.

"I have seen Patriarch Chen", the beggar-like figure, arched his hand at Chen Mao.

"Yao Luo, why are you imprisoned by Wang Zhong in the dungeon" Zhang Zhaoqing asked.

Yao Luo respectfully said: "Wang Zhong wants me to refine a pill that can control the soul. I refused and I was imprisoned here."

After a pause, Yao Luo said excitedly: "Everyone, I want to report Wang Zhong. I saw Wang Zhong interacting with the sky demon of the Dragon Clan, and it was also the sky demon clan who asked me to refine the pill to control the soul. , Trying to control the heads of the big families in Bixiao Ancient City."

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