Leaving the "battlefield" to Butterfree and Armstrong, Leo quickly hid to the side.

Just after Armstrong explained the energy theory in the Pokémon world, there was a "big battle" to watch. Leo naturally would not miss such a good opportunity and watched the battle between Butterfree and Armstrong intently.

He subconsciously opened the [Illustrated Book] and looked at the two Pokémon on the field.



Encounter progress: 18 / 25

Battle progress: 0 / 10

[Real-time analysis]

Sprite: Normal - Butterfree (female)

Level: Lv18

Attribute: Bug + Flying

Feature: Compound Eyes (hit rate of own moves multiplied by 1.3 times)

Moves: Ultrasonic Wave (Lv1), Wind (Lv1), Paralysis Powder (Lv0), Illusion Ray (Lv0)


This angry Butterfree is not as strong as Elite Arm Strength in terms of level and moves, so she also very cleverly uses the flying skill [Wind] that restrains the fighting type as the first move.

【Wind】 is indeed one of Butterfree's higher-level moves. Her snow-white wings fluttered in the air in accordance with the flow of the wind. Light blue energy flowed on the black lines of her wings. In an instant, two light blue winds blew up from the ground and blew towards the wrist.

"It's the same 【Wind】 move, but the effects of the two elves are completely different. The one used by Popo is a small tornado, while Butterfree uses this kind of breeze." Leo thought in confusion. "But this weak wind doesn't seem to have much killing power...ah, this is it!"

Although the breeze blowing past was not fierce, the wind speed was extremely fast. The leaves that were shaken off the ground flew up one by one under the influence of this extremely fast breeze, and rushed forward in a mighty manner.

Leo was shocked.

"Is this the [Wind] version of [Leaf Blade]?!"

Butterfree undoubtedly has rich combat experience. Not only did she use the flying skill first, but she also cleverly used the scene of fallen leaves all over the ground. The edges of leaves are originally sharp. If the speed is sufficient, the seemingly thin leaves can cause fatal damage.

"Swish, swish, swish——"

Wanli stared at the green leaf storm that was whistling in the wind, and a brown-red light appeared on his body.

"[Bullet Fist]!"

After the words fell, the two fists were thrown out as fast as bullets, and the afterimages left by the punches formed a barrier in front of Wanli.

Unfortunately, even if the fist shadows were swung tightly, those thin leaves, due to their small size, easily passed through the [Bullet Fist] to form a fist shadow barrier and continued to cut towards Wanli.

"You can't avoid my 'Leaf Storm'!"

Just when Butterfree thought he had won, Leo noticed the slight smile on Armstrong's lips.

"【Shoot Down】!"

A light shout came from Armstrong's mouth. Seeing that the [Bullet Fist] couldn't completely resist the flying leaves, Armstrong made a quick decision and slapped the ground with his fists. The ground was covered with various sand and stones. After Armstrong's quick slaps, the sand and stones were slapped up and blocked in front, so that the leaves that rushed into the sand and stones could only fall down helplessly.

Use two moves at the same time!

Leo was shocked again, his two eyes widened like they were wearing black masks.

Whether in the game or in the animation, the duels between the elves are basically one move at a time, and the coordinated use of multiple moves will only appear in multiple elves' battles, performed by different elves.

The battle that broke Leo's habitual thinking, whether it was Butterfree using the venue environment to perform a move she didn't know, or a single Pokémon like Armstrong performing a combination of moves, made Leo feel that the world was a little more real again.

Leo sighed, the battle on the field was not over yet.

After Armstrong cracked Butterfree's moves, he didn't give her too much reaction time, and he flashed and rushed forward directly.

As a fighting Pokémon, close combat is his best area.

"Damn, [Wind], [Paralysis Powder]."

Seeing Armstrong approaching, Butterfree flapped its wings in a hurry to retreat, and used [Wind] again to fan the wind, and the wings also shook off yellow powder while flapping, mixed with the wind and blew forward together.

[Paralysis Powder], Pokémon that stick to this powder have a chance of falling into a paralyzed state.

The paralysis state is one of the more annoying abnormal states. When a Pokémon falls into the paralysis state, a yellow paralysis current will flash across its body. This paralysis current will paralyze the Pokémon.The body, making it twitch uncontrollably, will greatly affect the elves' moves in the battle.

Facing the oncoming paralysis powder, Arm Force did not dodge or avoid, and let the yellow powder fall on his body.

Unfortunately, Arm Force still encountered the probabilistic event of falling into a paralysis state.


The yellow paralysis current flashed through Arm Force's body, and Arm Force's fast-moving body also paused because of the paralysis and twitching.

Butterfree was overjoyed when he saw this, and his two tentacles trembled: "[Illusion Ray]!"

A spiral of colorful light was generated between the tentacles. Just as the rays that turned into a circle were about to be emitted, Arm Force, who was in a paralysis state, emerged with more vigorous fighting energy. He kicked his legs, jumped into the air, and chopped towards Butterfree with his right hand like a knife.

"[Break Tile]!"


The hand knife hit Butterfree's head.

"Ouch!", Butterfree screamed in pain after being hit by a powerful [Brick Splitter] from Armstrong, and was unable to maintain its flying posture, falling heavily to the ground, raising a large amount of dust.

Feeling that Armstrong's moves were more powerful than before, Leo thought for a moment and understood the reason.

The reason was Armstrong's "Perseverance" characteristic.

This characteristic will strengthen the attack of the Pokémon when it is in an abnormal state other than dying. Armstrong deliberately took Butterfree's [Paralysis Powder] just now in order to get the abnormal state of paralysis, and then used the attack-enhanced move to knock Butterfree to the ground.

Pokémons are indeed natural masters of combat.

However, Armstrong's [Brick Splitter] looked like it hit Butterfree badly, but in fact it did not cause substantial damage to Butterfree. After all, both Pokémons understood that this was just a competition, not a life-and-death battle, and both sides actually left room for maneuver in the battle.

Butterfree hummed a few times and flew up again.

"Well, this is the nth time you have lost to me." Armstrong said with a smile.

Butterfree frowned and said in a depressed tone: "I have been thinking about these two moves for so long, and you just cracked them."

After saying that, Butterfree flew to the tree and dug a few times, and took out a cherry-like fruit and handed it to Armstrong.

"This is a cherry fruit, which can relieve the paralysis state. You are usually gentle and refined, but you are like a reckless man when fighting."

Leo felt the same way.

Armstrong was obviously gentle and refined when explaining knowledge, but once he entered the fighting form, his muscles exploded instantly, and he rushed forward with a pair of iron fists.

After eating the cherry fruit, the paralysis in Armstrong finally subsided, and he returned to the appearance of a high-level intellectual, saying: "You just saw it, moves, in simple terms, are the skills of using our energy through various actions. Each elf will have moves of its own race and attributes, and can also learn moves of other attributes, but there will be relative restrictions. For example, grass-type elves may not be able to learn fire-type moves, and elves without wings cannot learn moves that require wings to perform."

"And you," Armstrong looked at Rio. "Although I don't know what your race of elves is good at, it seems that you should be more suitable for learning agility-related moves, and you should not be good at energy-related moves."

Elves like Riolu have agile limbs, and have good compatibility with boxing and kicking skills. And because Riolu also has a tail, the tail-related skill "Iron Tail" is also in Riolu's move list.

"The elves can sense what moves they know. Come on, sense your own moves, and then let me see if I can teach you how to use them."

"Finally, we're getting to the point!"

After hearing all the theories, Leo was eager to try them out. In addition, he had already scanned his own move list, so he said without hesitation: "I know [Lightning Flash] and [See Through]."

Wrist Strength frowned: "Well, to be honest, I don't know these two moves very well, and I can't teach you anything."

"Ah?!" Leo was disappointed.

"However, there happens to be a guy there who knows [Lightning Flash], you can ask him." Wrist Strength pointed to the entrance of the valley. "But that guy is not easy to get along with, you have to be prepared first..."

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