"I just mentioned the difference between the internal and external energy of the elves, so I have to mention it here."

"Energy such as water, fire, electricity, grass, rock, ground, steel, ghost, ice, poison, insects, etc. are all elements of matter. They have a common name: elemental energy."

"Water energy often comes from oceans and rivers; fire energy can come from volcanic lava; natural lightning or man-made generators contain electrical energy; grass energy comes from forests and grass; rock energy comes from mountain rocks; ground energy comes from mud puddles; steel energy comes from steel creations; ghost energy comes from the dead air of creatures, ice energy comes from glaciers and snow; poison energy comes from various poisonous swamps or toxic substances; insect energy comes from the pheromones secreted by insects themselves."

" For these elves that are mainly based on elemental energy, the moves they use are more about communicating the external energy of the external environment with their own internal energy. For example, the Squirtle boss that you are curious about can use [Surf] on flat ground. The principle is that Squirtle boss mobilizes his own powerful internal water energy and simultaneously communicates with the water vapor floating in the air. After being intentionally mobilized and shaped, the abundant water energy will form waves, so [Surf] can be smoothly performed on flat ground. So it is the same reason that water elves like to stay in places with abundant water energy. The more water energy around them, the less effort they can use their moves and make their moves more powerful. "

Thinking carefully about the games he played in his previous life, Leo suddenly realized something.

In the game, when you enter a battle, you can use various moves regardless of the occasion. For example, the electric type [100,000 volts] can also be effective in a stone cave, the grass type [Flying Leaf Blade] will not be unable to be released because of the lava area, and even the fire type [Flame Jet] can be used in the ocean. It can be seen that these moves are all performed by the elves' own internal energy communicating with the corresponding external energy.

As for the abundance of environmental energy, it can also be verified that the power of the moves will be affected. For example, after using [Pray for Rain] to obtain rainy weather, the power of water-based moves is enhanced and the power of fire-based moves is weakened. This is undoubtedly because the rainy weather greatly increases the content of water energy in the environment, while the corresponding fire energy is reduced. The opposite of [Pray for Rain], [Sunny Day], calls out sunny weather, activates fire energy and weakens water energy.

"Why does this elemental elf look so much like a magician in a novel?"

Leo laughed dumbly.

Arm Strength looked at Leo's inexplicable smile, a little puzzled, but did not delve into it and continued to explain.

"But for us fighting type, or psychic, flying, evil, dragon, goblin and general elves, it is obviously impossible for the external environment to contain fighting energy, psychic energy, evil energy and the like."

"And these energies that cannot be obtained from the surrounding environment, the doctor calls them transformation energy."

Transformation energy!

Hearing the key point, Leo's expression became focused.

"Since it is impossible to obtain Transformation Energy from the outside world, this energy is cultivated by the elves themselves. For example, Psychic Elves will exercise their willpower through meditation and other methods to improve their Psychic Energy. The stronger the willpower of an elf, the stronger his Psychic Moves will be. For example, [Telekinesis] will become a more powerful [Mental Power] after training."

"Flying Elves will constantly practice their flying skills. Skilled flying skills can even use the power of wind to perform powerful flying skills. For example, [Air Blade] is a flying move that uses the power of wind, while [Swallow Return] is a move that relies on the excellent flying skills of the flying elves."

"Evil Elves will enhance their momentum and aura. For example, the powerful move [Evil Wave] is a move that is filled with The malicious aura makes the enemy shrink back. "

"I have never seen a dragon-type elf, but according to the theory of the doctoral research, dragon-type elves have a special physique, which will continuously generate dragon-type energy for them."

"Fairy-type elves will form a unique charm by improving their temperament and external form, and this charm also determines the strength of their moves, such as the [Aesthetic] move. The more charming the elf is, the more powerful the effect of using this move will be."

"Finally, there are very common general elves. They will continue to dig deeper into the unique skills of their own race and improve themselves by strengthening these unique skills. The unique skills include [Snake Stare] of the snake-shaped elves, [Transformation] unique to the Ditto clan, and so on. "


After hearing this theory, Leo's understanding of this elf worldThe more profound it is, the more he can't help but admire the erudition of the elf in front of him.

Seeing the patient and patient look of Arm Power, if he wears a pair of glasses on his face and holds a book in his hands, he will look like a researcher. Leo couldn't help but think.

"And for us fighting-types, the source of energy is very simple."

Speaking of this, Arm Power bends his hands, exerts a little strength on his body, and various muscles with obvious lines appear on his arms.

The style of the painting suddenly changes, and Arm Power's image instantly changes from a graceful scholar to a muscular man.

"The energy of the fighting system comes from our well-trained bodies. Boxing moves require the strength of our arms, kicking moves require the strength of our legs, and the core force and balance of various moves rely more on the strength of our core trunk. Therefore, if you want to become stronger, you must fully exercise your body so that fighting energy can be generated from all parts of the body."

"In short, the stronger your body is, the stronger the fighting energy generated will become. Similarly, the stronger your energy is, the better your body will be strengthened."

"The two complement each other."

"For fighting moves, it's like this."

After saying that, Wrist Strength walked to a tree, took a deep breath, and then chopped the tree trunk fiercely with a hand knife.

The huge force made the tree branches and leaves shake constantly, sawdust scattered on the trunk, and an arm-long dent appeared on it.

Leo stepped forward to feel the depth of the dent, and what was amazing was that the dent was as deep as a palm. You know, this tree feels like steel to the touch. The trunk is thick and strong. The wrist force can cut with such great power without using energy. It can be seen that fighting energy has a very considerable strengthening on the body of the practitioner.

He pretended not to see the resentful eyes of the metal pupae that fell to the ground.

The back of the metal pupae will produce a kind of mucus that can stick them firmly to the tree. Most green caterpillars will find a suitable tree and lie on it when they feel that they are about to evolve. When they evolve into metal pupae, they can be fixed on the tree they choose, avoiding falling to the ground and being hurt by other elves.

However, under the powerful blow of the wrist force, no matter how firmly the metal pupae stick, they are helplessly shaken off.


Wrist force smiled a little embarrassedly, holding the metal pupae in his hand, and "sticking" them to the tree one by one.

"When you have energy and pour your energy into your combat actions, you will develop various skills with different effects, which are called moves," Armstrong was still explaining, when suddenly there was a sound of flapping wings above his head.

The two elves looked up and saw a Butterfree slowly descending from the tree, with an angry look in its red compound eyes.

"What the hell are you doing again, Armstrong?!"

Butterfree flashed its big white wings and yelled angrily.

Leo took a sneak peek at the tree that the two of them were tossing around, and saw that there were many dents of varying depths around the trunk.

It seems that this tree has been ruined by Armstrong.

"Ahhh, you also knocked down my brothers and sisters, how abominable!"

Butterfree saw the aggrieved little eyes of the Metal Chrysalis that fell from the tree, and suddenly became even angrier. The tentacles on his head swung, and he waved his wings without saying a word and fanned towards Armstrong.


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