The reason why the elves named this valley "Morning Sun" is that the towering mountains on both sides of the valley are located in the north and south, and the valley mouth faces due east and the terrain is low. Therefore, every morning, the morning sun passes over the canopy of the forest from the east, casting the warm and brilliant sunlight into the valley, making the scenery of the entire valley covered with a layer of golden gauze, which is incomparably beautiful.

It was also early in the morning, and Leo, wrapped in the morning light, also felt a warm feeling on his body, but he did not have the mind to enjoy the sunshine, but looked around as if he was looking for someone.

"Well, brother Armstrong, I found it!"

Among the armstrongs with similar appearances, Leo found the elite armstrong who guided him yesterday.

A little addition is that in this world, except for some individuals with special talents, the elves of the same race are not much different in appearance. At most, they are slightly different in body shape or some body parts.

So how do elves of the same race distinguish different individuals?

Here we have to mention that there is a substance called "elf pheromone" in the elf world. Leo himself can only sense this substance after becoming an elf. It is like an ID card in the human world, marking the identity of different elves. The "pheromones" of elves of the same race tend to be similar, but they are different according to different individuals.

Therefore, when facing an elf, you can sense its corresponding race and distinguish its unique individuals according to the "elf pheromone".

Similarly, since "elf pheromone" is enough to distinguish elves, elves generally have no habit of naming, and basically call them by their race (but some elves who have a deeper contact with human culture still like to give themselves a name to express their uniqueness).

Let's get back to the topic.

Elite Arm Force is also training attentively among a group of fighting elves at this time.

"Hello, Brother Arm Force."

Leo approached Elite Arm Force and said hello.

"Oh, it's you. Your name is... Leo, right? How are you? Did you have a good rest?"

Wrist Power raised his hand to wipe the sweat off his face and smiled at Leo.

"Yeah, thank you for your concern. Last night was the best night I slept in a while," Leo paused and said hesitantly, "Well, I have some questions to ask you. I wonder if you are available now?"

Wrist Power simply stopped exercising and led Leo aside.

"Okay, tell me, is there anything I can help with?"

"Can you teach me how to fight? I feel like I have learned some moves, but I can't release them."

Leo's eyes were full of desire, and his heart also longed to fight and release his passion like the wrist power and monkey monster he had just sparred with.

In his previous life, he was also keen on fighting and fighting, so he decided to become a professional fighter. Although he could not stay in the ring in his previous life due to heart disease, now that he has been reborn in this elf world with fighting as the main theme, how can he resist sweating and releasing his desire to fight?

"I see. I understand."

After listening to Leo's story about how he tried to use a move yesterday but nothing happened, Armstrong nodded to show that he understood.

"Then what do you think a move is?" Armstrong asked back.

Leo was speechless for a moment. In his previous life, no matter in games, comics or animations, there was no detailed explanation of why elves can use moves, because in games, being able to use various moves is a common game mechanism, and in comics and animations, trainers can make elves use corresponding moves just by shouting the name of the move.

However, in this real elf world, there is no game interface to choose to use moves, and it is impossible to use a move just by shouting the name of the move, so how are moves used?

Armstrong looked at Leo thinking with a distressed look on his face, and smiled and patted his shoulder.

"I see your energy fluctuations, you should be an elf that was born not long ago. Don't worry too much, most newborn elves find it difficult to use moves on their own without the guidance of their elders."

"Then watch out."

Wrist Power's expression became serious, he stepped back a few steps, and took a stance. He took a deep breath, his body slightly tense, at this time, brown-red energy surged from Wrist Power's body, winding up along his arms, and in a moment it covered his fists.

"【Bullet Fist】!"

With a clear shout, Wrist Power's fists went straight out, swinging forward violently.

"Bang Bang Bang Bang——"

The fist speed was extremely fast, and the interlaced fist shadows even left afterimages in the air, and the energy wrapped in the fists hit in front of him as he punched.In the open space, holes were blown up one after another.

In just two or three seconds, Leo couldn't even count how many punches he had thrown. Looking at the holes that were blown up, deep or shallow, the power of this move was obvious.

Wrist force stopped punching and exhaled lightly.

"Look at my move again."

Wrist force paused for a while, then took the same stance and threw the same punch.

But this time he didn't call out the name of the move, and the brown-red energy didn't emerge. The final result was that the speed and power of the punch were still very strong, but not as powerful as the previous time.

"What do you think is the difference between my two moves?"

Leo frowned and said, "Is it the problem of the brown-red energy?"

Wrist force nodded.

"Everything in the world, whether it is living creatures or dead things: such as rocks, water, wind, or even the air, is full of energy, and this is why we can use various magical moves."

"For elves, energy can be divided into internal energy and external energy. Internal energy refers to the energy stored in the body by elves through cultivation, accumulation, absorption, etc.; while external energy refers to various energies existing in the external environment."

"Take water elves as an example. Why do they appear in rivers and oceans? In addition to the ecological environment being suitable for their survival, they can fully absorb and store energy in places with abundant water energy. At the same time, when encountering external enemies, they can better use water energy to repel the enemy."

"Grass and insect elves prefer forests and wilds, flying elves often build nests in high places, rock and ground elves are accustomed to caves and caves as their homes, and the ecological distribution of elves is inseparable from energy."

Wrist Strength talked freely.

Leo suddenly realized, but he was still a little curious in his heart. He finally couldn't help but interrupt his wrist and said, "Wait, brother, how do you know so much knowledge?"

No matter how you look at it, you don't think that an elf living in the wild would know so much theoretical knowledge.

Sure enough, the answer of the wrist cleared Leo's doubts.

"I have been studying with a famous elf doctor for a period of time. The doctor is the most authoritative elf researcher in this area. He has a deep research on various elf knowledge. At first, I was just assigned to protect the doctor's safety, but in getting along with the doctor, I was gradually attracted by the doctor's erudition. Moreover, the doctor did not dislike me because I was an elf. After I kept asking various questions, he often took the trouble to teach me a lot of knowledge..."

"Can we elves communicate with humans?" Leo's heartbeat accelerated slightly. Even if he was reincarnated as an elf, he was still eager to enter human society again one day as a human in his previous life.

The wrist nodded, and then shook his head.

"Human language is different from our Elvish language. I was able to communicate with the doctor because he used a lot of rare materials to make several Elvish translators. I am honored to use one of them to communicate with the doctor."

At this point, Arm Power showed a look of reverence and joy on his face, but it didn't last long, and he said sadly.

"When I came to explore the forest here, I unfortunately lost contact with the doctor because of an earthquake. After wandering around, I came here. I met a lot of partners here, and they are all happy to help me find the doctor's whereabouts. Alas, it's a pity that there is no news until now."

"Okay, let's not talk about this, let's get back to the topic just now."

Arm Power put aside his worries and explained to Leo again seriously.

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