In a large motorcycle factory on the speed track.

Masha, the leader of the electromagnetic motorcycle gang, frowned.

"Is this the fourth battle you wanted to arrange? Let's see who has trained a stronger rider?"

Mesha stood in front of her former partner, now her opponent, and said with a little stubbornness.

"Yes, I am indeed not as strong as you now, but this is just the difference in strength between the two of us, and it does not mean that our motorcycles are not as good as yours. So, let's train a rider at the same time, and see who can win at the same starting line."

"I want to prove that a motorcycle is not a tool, but a partner that needs to be maintained with care."

Masha had a smile on his face.

"Interesting, I promise you... It just so happens that we have a new enthusiast here."

The boy who had been standing next to Masha and looking around curiously came out and greeted everyone politely.

"Hello everyone, I am Ye Yueyao."

The boy wore a red hat, his short black hair stood up energetically under the hat, and he was wearing summer sportswear.

"Ah, hello, hello, I'm Asuka."

Aika hurriedly responded.

Although the atmosphere between Misa and Masa was a little tense, Asuka and the boy had no grudges against each other, so there was no tense confrontation.

"Are you also a Pokémon trainer?"

Aika asked curiously when he saw the two small figures following Ye Yueyao's feet.

Ye Yueyao smiled and said, "Yes."

He then picked up the electric mouse with yellow hair and the blue frog with big eyes.

"These are my partner Pokémons, Pikachu and Frog."

Aika quickly patted Leo and whispered, "Leo, you should say hello too."

However, Leo, who was carefully observing Pikachu and Frog, waved his hand perfunctorily and continued to stare at the two Pokémons in front of him.

"Ahaha, my Pokémon is shy, he is Leo, and his Pokémon race is Riolu." Asuka quickly tried to smooth things over. "Your Frog doesn't seem to be a native Pokémon from the Middle region, right? It looks pretty rare."

Ye Yueyao put the Pokémon down and started chatting with Ming Ri Zhao.

"Yes, this little guy was exchanged from the Pokémon Exchange Center in Yuanqi City. Ah, you know the Pokémon Exchange Center in Yuanqi City, right? There are many Pokémons captured by trainers from other regions, and then due to various reasons: such as not matching the attributes of their own training, or not getting along well, etc., they come to the exchange center to exchange with other trainers."

"My Frog was also exchanged from a trainer from the Flot continent."

The Frog also shouted twice in a timely manner: "Quack!"

For Pokémon trainers, they usually have their own ideas when training their own teams. For Daigo, who I met not long ago, as a fan of steel attributes, the Pokémon teams that Daigo trained basically have steel attributes. However, for some trainers, there is no such rigid demand. The Pokémon that they like will be their own training Pokémon, such as the current Middle champion Odaki Safia.

According to the league regulations, a Pokémon trainer can have up to 6 Pokémons when he goes out. The extra Pokémons are either placed in various breeding houses, deposited in Pokémon centers, or exchanged at the exchange center for the Pokémons he likes.

It has been a short time since Asuka got the Pokémon trainer qualification certificate. So far, she only has two Pokémons, Ralts-Lulu and Riolu-Leo. She dreams of winning the honor of the regional championship, so she naturally needs a full Pokémon team. After all, the king trainer and the regional champion will not show mercy just because she has only two Pokémons. So when she was chatting with Ye Yueyao, she was still a little tempted by the idea of ​​going to the exchange center to get the Pokémons she wanted to cultivate.

"... Then let's make an appointment in two weeks."

"Okay, in two weeks, I'll see how far you can train." Masha agreed, with mockery in her eyes. "Your clumsy and heavy things are not as easy to use as our motorcycles."

Mesha clenched her fists, did not reply, greeted Asuka and Leo, and walked to her workshop.

So the story is like this. After agreeing to participate in the motorcycle competition, Misa carefully taught Asuka how to drive a motorcycle.

But the result...

"I'm sorry, sister Misa, I have tried my best to drive it according to your instructions, but I always feel out of control."

Asuki said in frustration.

Misa sighed. As a person who has experienced it, she naturally knows what's going on..

"It has nothing to do with you, Xiaozhao. This kind of motorcycle requires a lot of strength to control. Don't look at me like this," Misa rolled up her sleeves to reveal her bulging biceps. "I started exercising since I was a child, and it was not until I became an adult that I could control such a big guy."

"So it's normal that you can't control the motorcycle."

"Spiny Shell, melt the ice and put the motorcycle down."

Misa commanded the spiny shell, and then sighed again.

"I took it for granted."

"Or, see if you can find someone else to help you compete?"

Azuma Zhao asked cautiously.

Misa sighed for the third time: "If you can find someone..."

She pointed to the opposite side, and saw that the entrance of the large motorcycle factory was crowded with people visiting and joining in the fun. The sounds of various electromagnetic machines rang one after another. In contrast, the deserted small workshop seemed out of place.

Misa and Asuka Zhao were chatting, and the other three elves were trying to put the car back to the ground steadily.

The thorny shell that used [Freeze Beam] to freeze the motorcycle was using its affinity for ice energy to slowly melt the ice.

Because the ice house business finally returned to normal, and Lalulas, who had learned that his trainer and friends were going to participate in a motorcycle competition, asked Asuka to ask the store manager for a few days off to look after Asuka. If it weren't for Lalulas's telekinesis, Asuka would have fallen flat on his face.

At this time, Lalulas was also using her telekinesis to cover the motorcycle, letting it fall slowly.

However, the motorcycle was too heavy, and Lalulas couldn't support it for a while, so she hurriedly called her friends with telepathy: "(Elf language) Leo, come and help, I can't control it anymore."

"Here I come!"

Leo responded and ran over happily.

He easily held the motorcycle with both hands, and it seemed that he put the thawed motorcycle on the ground effortlessly.

Misa knew that Asuka had a mysterious elf that could speak human language, but when she suddenly saw Leo put down the motorcycle easily, she couldn't help but have a lot of ideas.

"Xiaozhao, how about letting your elf try?"

Asumi was a little confused, but Leo was very excited.

He had long wanted to ride the motorcycle for a ride, but after all, it was someone else's, so he couldn't just do it casually. This time, he got the permission of the owner, so he did it as soon as he said it. He jumped lightly and stepped on the motorcycle, holding the two handles happily.

Under the powerful power of the fighting elf, the motorcycle was like a small toy that Leo fiddled with at will.

But there was a big problem.

"Ahhhhhhh, I can't see the road!!!!"

Leo cried and hit the ground.

Do you remember how tall Leo was? Yes, it was just over 0.8 meters. After stepping on the motorcycle with this height, the whole elf could only raise his hands to hold the handlebars, and the front view was completely blocked by the towering front of the motorcycle.

If you can't see the road, you can't drive. Ah, poor Knight Leo's dream was shattered before it even began.

Misa looked at this scene and couldn't stop thinking.

"Xiaozhao's excellent ability to judge the road conditions, coupled with the power of her elves to easily control the motorcycle..."

Looking up, Misa said to the giggling Asuka and the crazy Leo: "How about you two try to drive this motorcycle together?"

Leo: "Ah?"

Ausuka: "Ah?"

Lalulas: "Oh?"

Thor: "Thor (elf language) Rain is nothing to me, sleep snoring..."

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