In the workshop, Misa was telling Asuka and Leo the tricks of driving a motorcycle.

"When it comes to driving a motorcycle, the most important trick is," she paused. "It's balance."


I didn't expect to hear this word here. Asuka and Leo looked at each other.

"Yes, balance is very important when driving a motorcycle. You must always be aware of the state of the motorcycle and the condition of the track, choose the right action at the right time, and balance your driving with the movement of the motorcycle. The person is the car, and the car is the person, and you can achieve a state of unity with the motorcycle."

"This is what my father told me."

Misa added.

The two guys who had no idea about the balance of command that Daigo talked about all along, their eyes lit up when they heard it.


While Asuka and others were practicing driving motorcycles hard, all the senior officials of Zidian City gathered in the conference room in the center of the city government for an important meeting.

"... Miss Junsha, please show me the latest situation."

Miss Junsha, wearing a police uniform, walked to the big screen in the conference room and explained the various data displayed on the screen with a serious expression.

"Yes, everyone, please see, there have been frequent incidents in Zidian City recently, among which the cases of elves being stolen or robbed are the most common. According to the description of the victims, the criminals usually appear in groups, robbing the elves that have owners in an organized manner, or stealing the elves in the elf breeding house, and even the elf eggs are not spared. After many days of tracking and investigation, the perpetrators of such cases are basically locked into the elf poaching group. It's a pity that they are very cunning. After noticing the intensification of the police search, they hid, making it more difficult to arrest them."

"It's this group of people again."

The person in charge of the elf breeding house sitting at a corner of the conference table said bitterly. As an elf lover, what he hates most is those lawless elf poachers, not to mention that this group of hateful guys has caused a lot of trouble to their breeding house during this period.

The secretary general who was in charge of managing the daily affairs of Zidian City and presiding over government affairs looked at Tiexuan and said, "Tiexuan, should we cancel all the competitions and activities in the city during this period? The recent activities have attracted a large number of tourists. With such a high flow of people, it is difficult to distinguish who are the real tourists and who are the criminals who are taking advantage of the situation."

"No, no."

The person in charge of finance immediately raised objections.

"Due to the large-scale power outage in Zidian City some time ago, a large number of enterprises in the town have been implicated, so the government has also allocated a part of the funds to compensate the enterprises. If all recent activities are stopped, the city's consumption will drop, which will have a great impact on finances."

Speaking of the power outage, the director of the large power plant park in Zidian City also added a few words.

"It seems that some unknown people have also invaded the power plant park, but unlike the last electricity theft incident, this time they seem to be targeting various elves working in the power plant. I suspect that they are all the same group of people, and their purpose is to steal elves."

As we all know, the gym owner is a powerful trainer who directly belongs to the alliance after passing the gym owner qualification assessment of the Elf Alliance. This type of trainer not only has the support of the largest force in the elf world - the Elf Alliance, but also has its own strong strength. Therefore, in each city, the gym owner of the city plays the role of the highest person in charge and even the guardian of the city.

So although the leaders of Zidian City have their own opinions, the final decision still depends on the gym owner of Zidian City - Tiexuan.

"I understand the situation."

After listening to everyone's findings and opinions, Tiexuan's originally smiling face was now filled with a solemn look.

"As the CFO said, the previous blackout caused losses both financially and to the reputation of Zidian City, so the popularity of the various activities should not be wasted."

"But the increase in tourists also means that it is difficult to distinguish which ones are members of the poaching group, so during this period, we must strengthen the inspection of tourists. Participants must provide valid identification to participate in each activity or competition."

"At the same time, set up identity verification points at some checkpoints."

Tie Xuan looked at the several responsible persons who represented the police.

"Let the police arrange this matter, and try not to let go of any suspicious person."

"At the same time, the power plant park and each elf breeding house will implement a 24-hour uninterrupted shift patrol mechanism to ensure that there are no blind spots in the monitoring."

After explaining his arrangements one by one, Tie Xuan finally stood up and said earnestly.

"Gentlemen, I'll leave it to you during this period."The various responsible persons discussed some details and left to make preparations.

When Miss Junsha packed up her belongings and prepared to leave, Tiexuan called her.

"Miss Junsha, have you ever heard about the current situation in Yinye City next door?"

As for why Miss Junsha was the one to answer this question, we have to talk about the two famous families in the elf world, the Junsha family and the Joey family. As a major force in the police world, the Junsha family has Miss Junsha in almost every town, especially as a member of a government agency, they can obtain a lot of intelligence. Not to mention the Joey family, ordinary people may have less contact with the police, but whether it is ordinary citizens or trainers, the most frequented place is the elf center, and when you enter the elf center, you will be greeted by Miss Joey's gentle and kind smile, and you can't help but feel the huge popularity of the Joey family.

Let's get back to the topic.

Miss Junsha didn't expect to be asked such a strange question. She thought about it and answered: "I heard from my sisters that Yinye City seems to have encountered the same large-scale invasion recently. Ah, not only Yinye City, but also Yuanqi City around Yinye City is also in this situation."

Speaking of this, Miss Junsha couldn't help but curse in a low voice.

"I really don't know what these poachers are thinking. Can't they live a good life with their own efforts? They have to do these evil ways."

After saying that, Miss Junsha also hurriedly left the meeting room.

Only Tiexuan was left alone in deep thought.

"Elf Poaching Group, what are you planning..."

His eyes unconsciously looked at the various data marked in red on the big screen.


Two weeks passed in a flash.

Some people with sensitive consciousness will find that during this period of time, the security in Zidian City has become much stricter. Not only do you have to show your identity card everywhere, but you can also see fully armed police rushing by from time to time, which gives a feeling of impending storm.

But all this seemed to have nothing to do with Asuka and Leo who were immersed in motorcycle driving practice all day.


Misa slammed the door of the workshop, then turned back to Asuka and Leo who were pushing the motorcycle, and said calmly: "Let's go, it's time."

Larrasco, who was sitting on the motorcycle, patted Leo who was pushing the motorcycle with his hand, and asked with some concern: "(Elf language) Leo, how is your cooperation with Xiaozhao?"

Because Lalulas also needed to go back to "Hoenn Ice Room" from time to time to help (after all, the salary for part-time work has not been received yet), he did not participate too much in the training of Asuka and Leo.

"Not ideal..."

Leo smiled bitterly.

Recalling the various experiences of falling off the motorcycle repeatedly because of poor cooperation, Leo felt a pain in his waist, body and legs.

Seeing that Asuka Teru had band-aids on his knees, elbows, and even cheeks, but still looked serious, Leo could only sigh and silently train hard with his trainer, although in the end the two of them could only barely cooperate to make the motorcycle run the whole way. But it was good enough to be able to drive steadily, not to mention all kinds of fancy operations.

"We're here!"

While everyone and the elves were thinking about their own things, they came to a track on the speed track.

"Humph, you're finally here."

Masha and his group, driving a cool electromagnetic levitation motorcycle, had been waiting there for a long time.

Before the real game, Misa didn't have much to say. She took a deep breath and said, "Xiaozhao, Leo, I'll leave it to you."

At this time, Masha realized that something was wrong.

"Wait, why are there two of you competing."

He pointed at Asuka Teru and Leo.

"No, no, no, strictly speaking, Leo is my elf, a part of me, and we didn't say that I can't bring my own elf to the race, right?"

Ashiro Asoka "argued" with a stiff upper lip, after all, it was hard to say that she couldn't drive the bulky two-wheeled motorcycle by herself.


Seeing that Masha seemed to want to continue to say something, Ye Yueyao, who was already dressed in a rider's outfit, waved his hand: "Forget it, Boss Masha, it doesn't matter if it's a person or a person and an elf."

"But," he added with a smile. "Since you brought the elf, then it's okay for me to bring my own elf, right?"

Mesa and Asoko Asoka naturally did not reject Ye Yueyao's proposal.

Soon, two completely different motorcycles were pushed to the starting point of the track.

The one on the left was a traditional two-wheeled motorcycle, with two wide and thick tires at the front and back, and a "rumbling" engine, like a motorcycle about toLike a beast roaring in the forest, Asuhi Teru, wearing a rider's uniform, sat astride it, and in front of him was Riolu holding the handlebars. Even if a person and an elf were riding on the motorcycle at the same time, they could not cover the huge body of the motorcycle.

On the right was a streamlined electromagnetic motorcycle, with two wheels flashing with electric light, "buzzing" and rotating, providing a constant supply of magnetic force to form a reverse force with the electromagnet buried under the track, making the entire motorcycle levitate, and Ye Yueyao and his elf Pikachu were also ready.

The biker who was responsible for issuing instructions held up the flag.

"Three, two, one, take your positions, ready..."

"... Start!"

"Boom——", "Swoosh——"

The two motorcycles rushed forward like dragons entering the sea.

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