On the outskirts of Zidian City, on the road leading to the speed track.

Some well-informed people knew about the chaos in Zidian City and evacuated from Zidian City to other cities.

And in the crowd rushing on the road, Asuka and Leo were running at full speed.

"Why didn't you say we learn how to drive an electromagnetic locomotive?"

As he ran, Asuka complained with some regret.

As for why they are here now, it all started with the small note that Uncle Tiexuan secretly gave Asuka.

"I believe you have also learned about the situation in the three cities. I am in Zidian City, and there are also powerful trainers in Yuanqi City. However, I have not been able to contact Qianli in Yinye City, the center of the incident. In addition, our two cities cannot send reinforcements at this stage, so the situation in Yinye City is the most critical. Therefore, I hope you can help find Qianli in Yinye City and ask him to prevent the situation from getting worse. Because you are the only one who has certain strength and is familiar with Yinye City and Qianli, there is no other way, I can only ask you. Remember, you must put your life safety as the top priority on this trip, and remember to use your two elves flexibly."

"Also, remember to avoid the huge elf, He is not an existence that you can currently match, remember!!!"

The words on the note were written very sloppily, and you can tell at a glance how hurriedly Tiexuan wrote this paragraph.

Asuka, who got the note, had read the contents of the note at a glance when Tiexuan was confronting the poachers, and discussed the decision with Leo and Lalulas in telepathy.

"Leo, Lulu, do you think we should go?"

The note asked Asuka to go to Yinye City, but the girl thought it would be better to ask her elf for advice.

Although the elf was enlarged ten times, Leo, who was familiar with the elves in the previous life game, saw at a glance that the huge elf was the legendary Steel Pillar.

"Steel Pillar, Regischiru, the legendary giant..."

"Steel Pillar... Are you talking about the huge elf in Yinye City?"

"Well, yes, He is a legendary elf with the power of a secondary beast, and Regischiru is His real name."

Legendary elf, secondary beast, these titles shocked Asuka and Lalulas.

"(Elf language) Legendary elf, sounds so scary, Xiaozhao, why don't we not go."

Lalulas's worried voice sounded.

Asuka was also a little timid. After all, no matter how brave she was, she was just a 15-year-old girl. Facing a spirit of the divine beast level, she could not help but retreat.

But somehow, Leo remembered some things about Yinye City: Qianli who patiently guided them, the lovely blue bird family in the nature reserve, the talkative Kodora, and the cold-faced but warm-hearted Grandpa Ono and the kind-hearted Grandma Ono.

Of course, there was also the first sweet, hot, cream cake he ate after entering human society.

What Leo did not expect was that everything he thought in his heart was also seen by Asuka and Lalulas, who were connected to him by telepathy.

The girl and Lalulas also pursed their lips.

There was a short silence.

"Let's go, we are going to Yinye City!"

Asuka firmly conveyed this idea in his heart.

"As long as we don't come into direct contact with that spirit, I believe the danger is not that great, and," Asuka glanced at Leo. "We also have a Pokémon who has defeated a super beast!"


Lalvath also clenched his fist to cheer for Leo.

Hey, hey, hey, I was able to tie with Mewtwo by cheating, okay? Don't talk nonsense, what if Mewtwo misunderstands.

Leo looked at the girl with a sidelong glance, but felt relieved.

"Dinglingling", the "comfort bell" hanging around Leo's neck made a subtle ringing sound.

Now that they have reached a consensus, the next step is how to get to Zidian City. You know, they came to Zidian City from Yinye City, but it took them nearly an hour to get there by car. If they had to walk, it would probably take at least three or four hours.

After such a long delay, no one knows what accidents will happen.

So, the first thought of Leo and Asuka was:


Their eyes drifted towards the electromagnetic suspension motorcycle placed in the motorcycle store.

However, despite their eagerness, they still shook their heads and sighed at the reality.

Because when they first learned to drive a locomotive, they only learned how to drive a traditional locomotive. Although this new electromagnetic locomotive is easy to operate, it still requires a certain level of proficiency to drive it.The current emergency situation did not allow them to learn how to drive an electromagnetic locomotive leisurely.

The final result was that they sneaked out of the crowd and ran all the way to the small workshop at the entrance of the speed track.

Lalulas, who was not good at running, entered the Poké Ball by herself. She didn't want Asuka to hold her and run to waste extra energy.

"You want to drive a motorcycle to Yinye City?" Misa heard Asuka's request and opened the workshop without saying a word, pushed the rough motorcycle out, and didn't even ask them why.

"Although I don't know what you are going to do, I believe that there is no difficulty that cannot be overcome with your bond!"

Misa handed the car keys to the girl and gave a thumbs up to Asuka and Leo.

"Come on, I hope to see you as active as that day."

"Be safe, and have a good trip!"


Yinye City.

Qianli, who was shrouded in black fog, faced the elf opposite him that exuded endless power, with a solemn face.

"God of the Sea, Lugia... No, that's not right, why is Lugia all black?"

A huge elf stood quietly beside the uniformed man, and its 5-meter-long body made the uniformed man look particularly short. He had a pair of huge wings like palms hanging beside him, and there were long and pointed strips on the outside of his red eyes and behind his head. In contrast to the black color of his whole body, the fins on his back and tail were white, and a thick tail swayed slightly behind him.


The uniformed man heard Qianli's question and reached out to pat Lugia.

"He is not the God of the Sea, and he is not Lugia either. To be precise, he is Dark Lugia!"

As if he heard the man calling his name, Lugia... no, Dark Lugia let out a low hum, announcing his existence.

The faint low roar and the oppressive feeling of being a top-level divine beast made Qianli's powerful King of Leave tremble.

"Dark Lugia?" Qianli naturally felt the suffocating oppressive feeling, which even made him have no extra thoughts to think about what the black fog surrounding him was.

"Facing such an opponent, we can't just rely on the King of Leave."

It is true that the rule of the Pokémon battle is that the number of Pokémon sent by one's side must be the same as the number of Pokémon summoned by the opponent, but in such a strange situation, and it is not a regular Pokémon battle (who would send a divine beast in a regular battle?!...Dakto: I can't hear you, speak louder!), facing an opponent with bad intentions, Qianli naturally would not rigidly insist on using only one Pokémon.

"Bonus, Kentaro, come out!"

The Pokémon Ball was thrown, and a Pokémon with a cub in its pocket and a Kentaro with its horns erected were also summoned.


The hot-tempered Kentaro exhaled heavily from his nose, and his hooves kept digging on the ground.

The steady Marmoset reached out and pressed the curious little Marmoset back into her belly bag. She also felt the strong pressure from the Pokémon opposite.

Lv65 King of Leave.

Lv62 Kentaro.

Lv61 Marmoset.

The three normal Pokémons were all ready to fight as if they were facing a great enemy.

Because the opponent they were facing was:

Lv75 Dark Lugia!

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