Leo and Asuka were already familiar with driving a two-wheeled motorcycle. Moreover, Leo only needed to keep the direction, and Asuka was responsible for observing the road conditions, so he also took this opportunity to check his light curtain.



Pokemon: Elite - Riolu (Wave Aura State) (Male)

Level: Lv24

Attribute: Fighting

Feature: Psychic Power (Will not fall into a cowering state)

HP: 73

Attack: 64

Defense: 46

Special Attack: 50

Special Defense: 44

Speed: 66 (+5)

Free Attribute Points: 0

Special: Wave Mind Control (Can mobilize the energy of the wave for telepathy, environmental exploration and perception of objects, as well as simple control of the wave energy)

Moves: Lightning Flash (Lv3), Metal Claw (Lv3), Wave Missile (Lv2), Tile Break (Lv2), See Through (Lv2), Double Return (Lv1), Digging (Lv1), Rock Crushing (Lv0), High-Speed ​​Movement (Lv0)

Evaluation: A Pokémon with excellent wave perception, with a certain tacit understanding with the trainer.


The level is still at Lv24 against Magneto. Firstly, it is because the higher the level of the Pokémon, the harder it is to improve. Secondly, the Pokémon that he will fight are all low-level Pokémon, or he will be defeated by those powerful trainers (such as Daigo), so the level is still not much improved, which also makes his basic attributes remain the same.

Fortunately, Asuka and Leo often train on weekdays, and the level of the moves is not determined by the victory or failure of the battle. Therefore, after a long period of training and repeated use in battle, the two commonly used moves [Metal Claw] and [Brick Breaking] have also been improved.

Although [Lightning Flash] is used a lot after training, it is just because of the energy limit in Leo's body that there is no way to make this move go to the next level.

As for [Rock Crushing], it was learned when he felt the change of his own energy when the level was upgraded to Lv23, and [High-speed Movement] was realized by his mind and heart with his trainer during the motorcycle racing duel.

"But, does this comment mean..."

Leo's eyes lit up.



Ordinary props: Special candies x 10, potato chips x 3, wallet x 1, camping supplies x 3, kitchen utensils x 5, lighter x 1

Recovery medicine: Wound medicine x 2, good wound medicine x 2, antidote x 2, antidote x 2

Fruit bag: Orange fruit x 5, peach fruit x 5, ordinary fruit x 3

Move machine: None

Battle supplies: Pipi doll x 1

Special items: Elf nectar x 1, black belt x 1, transparent bell x 1, armor (damaged) x 1, soothing bell x 1


Since knowing that Leo has a very magical "backpack", Leo has assumed the role of a mobile warehouse in the team.

Asuka's snacks, camping supplies, and even her wallet were all thrown into the [backpack]. Facing Leo's suspicious eyes, the girl didn't want to admit that she was excited to test the limits of the [backpack], but said with a thoughtful face that she would not be afraid of her wallet being stolen again. Of course, Lalulas on the side also put her favorite kitchen utensils into Leo's [backpack] with an embarrassed look.

In addition, the girl trainer also spent a lot of money to purchase a batch of medicines and an expensive Pipi doll that was said to attract the attention of wild elves and then take the opportunity to escape, although Leo thought that the doll was mostly used by the girl to hold it while sleeping.

There were many new things in the [backpack], but there were only a few fruits from the Crescent Forest and the elf nectar collected in the Chaoyang Valley, so Leo was not willing to take them out to eat easily now, and wanted to keep them as a thought. After all, there was no such thing as food corruption in the [backpack], and it could be stored for a long time.



[Main Mission]

The First Coming of Darkness: Completed.

Dark Disaster: Insufficient information, unable to display completely. (Status: Uncompleted) (Progress: 1/10) (Reward: Free Attribute Points x 10)

[Secondary Mission]

The Strongest Evolution: Please evolve into a new form. (Status: Uncompleted) (Reward: Free Attribute Points x 5)

Charging Necklace: Recharge a necklace that has run out of energy. (Status: Unfinished) (Reward: Free Attribute Points x 5)

Repair Armor: Repair damaged armor. (Status: Unfinished) (Reward: Free Attribute Points x 5)

Search for the Past: Investigate your own past and the truth about the only Riolu/Lucario left in the world. (Status: Unfinished) (Progress: 1/20) (Reward: Free Attribute Points x 50)

Get Badge: Get the first badge of any gym with the trainer. (Status: Unfinished) (Reward: Move Learning Machine [Iron Tail])

Fame Contest: Get the top three in any Pokémon Battle Contest. (Status: Unfinished) (Reward: Gold Bead)


As for the task part.

"It's a bit confusing. What did I do to make the two tasks of 'Dark Scourge' and 'Search for the Past' have progress bars?"

Leo was puzzled.

After all, his "system" is not like the one in ordinary games, where you can select a task and then a navigation will appear. You can only rely on yourself to guess the information related to the task based on the short task description, and then you can complete it. It is not difficult for some clear tasks, such as the "strongest evolution" task, which obviously requires you to evolve into Lucario to complete it, but how to "pursue the past", Leo has no idea at all.

"Do you want to find the green onion head?"

When it comes to the past, Leo immediately thinks of the onion head who likes to travel through time and space.

"Or should I find Dialga?"

However, thinking about Dialga's untouchable appearance and powerful strength, Leo thinks it is more reliable to find the harmless onion head with a pair of watery dark circles under his eyes.

"But the rewards for the two extra tasks are also very good. [Iron Tail] can just make up for the weakness of the tail that can't be used for attack, and increase the means of attack, while [Golden Bead] can be sold by Xiaozhao for money, so it can be an extra meal."

Ashiro Zhao looked at his elf smiling happily, and at the same time looked at the big pit in front of the car.

"Leo, don't be dazed, be careful ahead!"


The car almost flipped over.

After being beaten by Asumi Zhao's pink fist, Leo controlled the motorcycle and set off again towards Yinye City.

However, the closer they got to Yinye City, the more people fled. Everyone had a terrified expression on their faces. Many of them were injured, and they hurriedly tied bandages and fled away from Yinye City without caring about their injuries.

"Hey, you! It's dangerous ahead, don't go any further."

Some kind-hearted people saw the girl driving the motorcycle to Yinye City and shouted anxiously to Asumi Zhao.

"Shua", the motorcycle stopped, and Ming Rizhao, wearing a helmet, asked curiously: "Hello, can you tell me what's going on in Yinye City now?"

"It's chaotic, too chaotic!"

"Yes, there are elves everywhere attacking people, and a large group of people wearing black vests are smashing, looting and burning everywhere."

"Although the police and some elf trainers are trying to stop that group of people, but... the most terrifying is the huge elf."

"It's terrible, I have never seen such a big elf in my life, and just walking has caused many buildings to collapse."

"Wow, my house is gone before I have paid for it..."

People talked at once, and I don't know who said it.

"At this time, why is Qianli Pavilion Master missing?"

"Yes, if Qianli Pavilion Master is here, this will never happen!"


People fell into silence for a while, and then they still told Ming Rizhao not to go to Yinye City, and left in a hurry.

"It seems that the situation in Yinye City is very critical."

Asuki and Leo have a deep understanding of the current predicament of Yinye City.

"Speed ​​up!"

Finally, they decided to rush to Yinye City as soon as possible and find Qianli, who is trusted by people.

"Mr. Qianli, you can definitely solve the current troubles."

Both the people of Yinye City and Asuka are so convinced.


But at this moment, Qianli is also facing a more critical moment in his life.

"【Divine Power】!"

The invisible and shadowless super-powered telekinesis made the King of Leave, who was about to use the 【Destruction Ray】, receive a shocking attack on his mind, and directly interrupted the use of the 【Destruction Ray】.

"Kentaro, 【Slam】."

Seeing that the powerful move of the King of Leave was terminated, Qianli shouted and asked Kentaro, who had circled to one side, to charge.


Kentaro lowered his head, and two sharpThe bull horn violently charged at Dark Lugia.

"Fly up, then, [Cyclone Attack]."

The uniformed man did not take the powerful [Slam] seriously at all, he just directed Dark Lugia lightly.

Dark Lugia swung its thick dragon tail, directly throwing the King of Leave standing there, and then shook its huge wings, flying into the air, and then the two wings like palms fanned out a huge spiral airflow, blowing Kentaro who was charging to the ground and unable to stabilize his body.

The long-ambushed marsupial leaped, punched with its right fist, and tried to knock Dark Lugia down with a [Stun Fist].

Dark Lugia looked at the increasingly large fist coldly with its emotionless red eyes, and then pulled its body slightly higher, skillfully dodging the marsupial's punch.

"【Dragon Dive】!"

A huge amount of dragon energy covered the Dark Lugia, forming a flying dragon phantom with wings spread out, standing proudly in the wind. Then, as the Dark Lugia dived, the flying dragon phantom seemed to roar and suddenly connected with the marsupial that had not yet stood firm.


The marsupial was knocked away by the 【Dragon Dive】, and a large area of ​​wounds appeared on her body. Although she struggled desperately, she was still unable to fight again because of the heavy injuries.

"Who are you?"

Qianli looked at his trump card elves being knocked down one by one, his face as heavy as water.

This was not the most difficult battle he had ever encountered. Thinking back to the battle with the God of the Sky in order to stop the God of the Sea and Land, the incomparable strength was the most unforgettable one in his life.

And this time, facing the mysterious man who used the Dark Lugia that was born in an unknown way, Qianli felt more uneasy about facing the unknown.

The King of Leave, Kentaro, and the Beast fell one by one, but the man in charge did not let Dark Lugia deliver a fatal blow.

Note that the fatal blow here is a real fatal blow, the kind that takes the opponent's life.

Instead, the man in charge let Dark Lugia return to his side, and he looked up and waited for something.

"If the person who is recognized by Rayquaza is at this level, I am very disappointed."

The man did not directly answer Qianli's question.

At this time, Qianli could also see that the man in front of him was stalling for time and was not fighting him seriously.

"...", Qianli took a deep breath, took out the Poké Ball and collected all his Pokémon that could not fight, and then secretly looked at the black mist surrounding him with his peripheral vision.

"What is this? Is it creating a fighting space? Otherwise, if it is still in my gym, with the figure of Dark Lugia, it is impossible to do the big gesture just now."

Qianli only felt that there were more and more mysteries in front of him.

"I wonder what's happening in Yinye City now..."

He was extremely anxious, and subconsciously thought of the person he sent the message to.

"I hope he can get here soon..."

Qianli finally calmed down, reached to the far right side of his belt, and touched the Poké Ball that seemed to have been silent for a long time...

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