"Just the former champion."

Daigo replied indifferently, then turned to the people (elves) behind him and said.

"You guys leave quickly, leave this to me."

Just as the people below could hear clearly what the captain said, the captain could also hear clearly what Daigo and others said.

The captain shook his head.


"None of you can leave!"

The captain, who seemed to think that they were all in his pocket, showed a weird smile.

Daigo signaled the armored bird to fly high, and then, hovering in the air, looked at the man in black from a distance.

"If you think you can keep everyone with just this elf, you don't take me seriously."

Daigo's tone still had no emotional ups and downs, but the confidence in his words made everyone feel it.

"No, no, no, Mr. Champion, how can I not take you seriously."

The captain waved his hands repeatedly.

"I just know how powerful you are, so I don't want you to leave." The captain's weird smile became more and more obvious.

He reached his hand to his waist and took out another black Pokémon.

But his hand holding the Poké Ball seemed to be unable to bear anything and kept shaking.

"I kept it specially for you..."

The captain's eyes lit up with black light.

"Mr. Champion!"

"Come out, Articuno!"

The black Poké Ball was thrown into the air, and cold frost overflowed from the Poké Ball.


Accompanied by a loud bird cry, a large bird Pokémon with extremely long tail feathers and three dark blue prismatic feathers on its crown flapped its wings.


Naturally, Leo also knew what kind of Pokémon this beautiful holy bird was, but the next moment he opened his eyes wide.

"Why is it black?!!!"

Yes, this handsome bird, known for its coldness, was no longer the crystal clear ice blue color that Leo was familiar with. Instead, it was like mud on snow. Its almost blue feathers were covered with large areas of black spots. What was lingering around it was not ice crystals, but thick black mist.

"This mist..."

Lion looked at this scene and felt familiar. He thought for a while, and then suddenly realized.

"Just like Mewtwo!"

Leo was still in a state of excitement, and Daigo's indifferent expression on the other side also had a hint of solemnity.

Facing the giant steel pillar, although it looked terrifying, Daigo, who was also proficient in steel attributes, keenly sensed that the energy in the steel pillar was not as terrible as its appearance. In this way, through the Mega Evolved Mega Metagross and the cooperation of several powerful elves in his hands, he could always suppress the steel pillar Regis Chiru.

But now with the addition of a strange-looking Articuno, which is also one of the extraordinary beasts, the pressure on Daigo instantly increased.

"How about it, Mr. Champion, this is the opponent I prepared for you."

The captain said proudly.

"Leave as soon as possible, I will try to stop these two elves." Daigo landed next to the crowd (elves) again and said in a deep voice. "If possible, it would be best to find Qianli."

"If you can't find it, go to other cities, find the person in charge, and tell them the situation here."

"Mr. Daigo..."

Asuki Aoi hesitated.

Daigo took off again.

"These two guys are not easy to stop."

"But I'm the champion!"

"Although I'm not the champion now...haha."

Daigo laughed hard.

Champion, a title representing the strongest person in the region, is also the greatest guardian of the region.

At this moment, Asuka Aoi seemed to feel the weight of these two words.

On the side, Miss Junsha, who drove a police car, helped the two old people up, and then said to Ming Rizhao: "Hurry up, you also hurry up."


Ming Rizhao did not hesitate, nodded and wanted to get on the police car.

"Leo, come in quickly."

Leo looked at the two parties who were on the verge of a fight, and then looked at the Elf Center that was silent.

He frowned.

"Xiaozhao, you go first!"

Time was running out, Leo left only one sentence and ran to the Elf Center without looking back.

The Elf Center, which used to be brightly lit and never stopped all day, was no longer as quiet as before.

Leo slipped in through the half-open door, carefully avoiding the bookshelf that fell to the ground, or the various miscellaneous objects on the ground.

"The waveguide is in... that direction, right?"

In Leo's field of vision, the few faintThe waveguide was like an inconspicuous little flame, flickering secretly under the powerful energy radiation of Regis Chilu and Articuno. If Leo's perception had not become extremely sharp, he would probably not have noticed it.

Stepping over the fallen chairs and beds, Leo came to the inner room of the Pokémon Center.

"Not this one... Not this one... Ah, I found it!"

Pushing the doors of each room one by one, Leo finally found the target he was looking for in the innermost room.

A woman in a pink nurse dress was fainting on the ground, and in her arms, she was holding a few Pokémon eggs.

"Miss Joy!"

The exclamation that followed made Leo stunned.

"Didn't I tell you to leave quickly?"

Facing Leo's unpleasant words, Asuka Teru put the hat she was wearing on Leo's head, then tied up her long hair neatly and rolled up her sleeves.

"I'm your trainer. How can I abandon my own Pokémon and run away alone?"

"Lulu, Leo, come and lift Miss Joy."

Ashiro said as he bent down and held the Pokémon eggs in his arms.

"Let's go quickly, or if they start fighting, I'm afraid it will affect here...ah!"

What you fear will come true. Before the girl finished her words, the ground shook violently again.

The strong vibration caused the Pokémon Center, which was already shaky, to collapse, and the steel plates that fell from the roof hit them.

Fortunately, Leo discovered it in time.

"【Split tiles】, 【Break rocks】!"

Leolu jumped high and split the steel plates, and then broke them all.

"Go, I'll stop the wreckage... Oh my god, it seems that it's not necessary..."

The girl and the elves suddenly saw a bright light in front of them. It turned out that the upper part of the entire elf center was directly blown away by the powerful energy cannon, revealing that they were staring blankly at the empty sky above.

From a distance, I saw Daigo's elves fighting fiercely with Articuno.


With a miserable bird cry, countless dark clouds suddenly floated in the sky, and then fist-sized hail fell from the sky, hitting small round pits everywhere.

Asuka and Riolarlas quickly pulled Miss Joy to hide in the shelter of the elf center.

"Not good, we can't leave like this."

The girl's face was a little solemn.

The range of [Hail] used by Articuno was extremely wide, and the damage caused by the hail was no less than the earthquake caused by the step of the Steel God Pillar.

Moreover, it would be impossible for Daigo to get out and save them in a short time.

Because Daigo is also in a tough battle now.

"What should we do? We can leave here quickly by using [High-speed Movement]. If Lulu uses [Telekinesis], it won't be a problem to protect Xiao Zhao, but." Leo looked at Miss Joy, whose forehead was bleeding from the scattered gravel, and sighed. "We can't just abandon Miss Joy."

No matter in which time and space, the gentle and kind Miss Joy will always be the spiritual harbor of people and elves. Let's not talk about human trainers. From the elves who wandered in human society that Leo met in the Crescent Forest before, he learned that this woman who always wore a pink nurse's uniform would often gently provide shelter and food for those elves who had nowhere to go, and even treat and bandage their injuries personally, so that these wandering elves who had suffered the ups and downs of human society would always miss her kindness.

This time, when everyone in the Pokémon Center had already fled, Miss Joy resolutely turned back to protect the unhatched Pokémon eggs and took them away, regardless of the danger she was in.

How could Leo ignore such a kind and respectable Miss Joy?

It was obvious that Asuka Teru had the same idea.

"Leo, hold these Pokémon eggs and use [High-speed Movement] to leave. I believe you can avoid the falling hail and the aftermath of the battle."

The girl took off Leo's hat and carefully placed the Pokémon eggs in her arms one by one in the hood.

"Lulu, use [Telekinesis] to protect Miss Joy, and then follow Leo."

Lalulas was anxious.

"(Elf language) What about you, Xiaozhao?"

The girl smiled as if nothing was wrong.

"It should be okay for me to hide here for the time being. I believe the aftermath of their battle will not spread here so quickly." Seeing that Lalulas was still worried, Asuka Teru quickly added. "Come pick me up after you find a place to settle down."

Before he finished speaking, a huge block of ice fell from the sky and stuck in the middle of the elf center.

"...I'm afraid you'll be crushed to death."

Leo rolled his eyes and said bluntly

"Ahaha, it's okay, it's okay, you guys go quickly."

Asuhiro smiled awkwardly, urging Leo and Lalulas to leave quickly.

But Leo found that the girl in front of him still had a subtle fear in her eyes.

"After all, she's still a child..."

Lio sighed in his heart, and then mobilized all his brain cells to think.

He looked at the giant standing still, with energy light balls condensed in his palms, and then looked at the figure sitting on the armored bird, commanding the Mega Titanium and the telekinetic clay dolls, and the holy bird flying freely, spreading cold wind everywhere.

...Wait a minute, Regis Chilu is condensing energy again? ! ! !

Leo's scalp tingled instantly, and the familiar sense of oppression came again.

"Mega Metagross, use [Ultimate Impact] again!"

Daigo naturally noticed this, and he wanted to knock Regischirr back and interrupt his moves like he did last time.

But this time, a third party intervened.

"Ang——", Articuno flashed in front of the Mega Metagross in the impact state, opened its beak, and then a beam of cold light spewed out.

[Frozen Beam], sprayed out an extremely cold beam of cold light, the temperature was so low that it could even freeze the opponent in an instant!


The Mega Metagross buried its head and took the blow, and was immediately frozen all over, and the originally fierce impact momentum also slowed down.

This slowness gave Regischirr time to complete the move.

I saw that the energy light ball was getting bigger and bigger, and it seemed to be about to break at any time.


Leo pursed his lips and stared at the energy light ball with frightening fluctuations, and his claws had unconsciously clenched into fists.

In a trance, countless phantoms seemed to float before his eyes:

A phantom of a stone with many protrusions on all sides, then a phantom of a human, a phantom of a larger spherical object, and finally, a huge phantom that stood tall.

Coming back to his senses, everything in front of him became clear again.

Leo finally remembered what the stone was.

"But, isn't there still a wristband missing?"

But there was no time to think too much, Leo turned around quickly, took out the stone given by Daigo from Asuka's bag, and then went directly into the Poké Ball without saying a word.

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