The poaching team leader standing on the shoulder of the Steel God Pillar Regischiru was suddenly somewhat satisfied.

Because the man who was once the strongest was now troubled by "his own elves". Looking at Daigo's solemn face, the leader's heart almost swelled to the extreme.

"What Middel Champion, can't he only hold on under my power!"

Articuno fought one against three, not losing the wind at all, and even the cold frost brought by the flapping of its wings would freeze on Daigo's elves from time to time, making it difficult for them to move.


Regischiru made a restless sound, as if he couldn't wait to vent his desire to destroy everything.

"Very good, Regischiru."

The leader laughed at the sky.

"Use your [Destruction Ray], destroy everything again... Uh, what is that thing???"

The scene that his eyes accidentally saw made the leader a little stunned for a moment.


In the elf center with the roof cut off in Yinye City

"Ah, Leo, why did you suddenly run back to the Poké Ball?"

Asuki was a little caught off guard. This guy rummaged through her bag, took out the strange stone and stuffed it into her hand, then ran back to the Poké Ball.


Riolu's Poké Ball shook in Asuka's hand.

"What do you mean? You want me to throw your Poké Ball out with force?"

The girl was puzzled.

Seeing that the energy ball seemed to be about to explode in the next second, Asuka followed Leo's instructions and picked up the Poké Ball with one hand and was about to throw it out.

"What? Two hands? No need, your Poké Ball is only this size, I can do it with one hand..."

Before he finished speaking, Asuka felt the Poké Ball in his hand become hot, and the entire Poké Ball changed from the ordinary red on top and white on the bottom to a glowing white style with only a red line in the middle, flowing with unknown energy and blooming with mysterious colors.


What made the girl's eyes widen the most was that this "all-white" Poké Ball was actually "growing bigger and bigger" and finally became the size of a basketball.

"What is this?"

Not only did the captain ask this question, but even Asuka, who could only hold this large "Poké Ball" because it was too heavy, was surprised.

"Throw it out!"

Leo said to the girl telepathically.

"Then shout..."

The girl lifted the large "Poké Ball" to the top of her head with all her strength, and then threw it hard, shouting.

"Riolu, Gigantamax!"

At this moment, the energy that had been brewing for a long time suddenly erupted, and a beam of extremely destructive power roared out.

And just before the [Destruction Ray] erupted.

The huge "Poké Ball" flashed a dazzling light.

"Boom——", "Boom——"

Extreme, huge, incarnation!

Its name is...


With the dark red reflection, Riolu's figure seemed to be inflated.

Continuously getting bigger, bigger, bigger!

Until the body shape similar to Regischilu stopped changing.

Daigo, who was still entangled with Articuno, narrowed his eyes.

"I... Rio... Lu... is... coming..."

A thunderous voice came from the top, and Asuka Teru looked up at his Pokémon blankly.

Riolu watched himself change from his original size until he could look at Regischilu at eye level.

"Is this Gigantamax?"

In the dark red light, Riolu felt the changes in his body.

The huge body, the suddenly increased strength, the vigorous energy, and even the hailstones that were originally the size of a fist, now became as small as rice grains, and it didn't hurt when they hit him.

Before he could finish his sigh, the fierce [Destruction Ray] came towards him.

"【Wave Guide】!"

I don't know if it's because of the Gigantamax, but Leo just felt that he had a hard time speaking, so he just silently recited the name of the move in his mind, then raised his hand and tried to gather his own wave energy.

However, Leo forgot that after the Gigantamax, the elf can only use the Gigantamax move.

Fortunately, he remembered it in an instant, so he quickly took a look at his light screen.



Elf: Elite - Riolu (Gigantamax) (Wave Guide Aura State) (Male)

Level: Lv24

Attribute: Fighting

Feature: Mental Power (Will not fall into the state of shrinking)

Special: Wave Guide Mind Control (Can mobilize the energy of the wave guide for telepathy, environmental exploration and perception of objects, and simply control the wave guide energy)

Gigantamax move:Gigantamax Attack (Lv3), Gigantamax Steel (Lv3), Gigantamax Wall (Lv2), Gigantamax Fist (Lv2)

Moves (unusable): Lightning Flash (Lv3), Metal Claw (Lv3), Wave Missile (Lv2), Brick Break (Lv2), See Through (Lv2), Double Payback (Lv1), Dig Hole (Lv1), Rock Crushing (Lv0), High-Speed ​​Movement (Lv0)

Evaluation: Pokémon with excellent wave perception, with a certain tacit understanding with the trainer. In the Gigantamax state, life and attack will be improved.


(Note 1: In order to avoid watering down, the attribute points are omitted this time)

(Note 2: I didn't expect that I could water down this note)

"Gigantamax Attack? Gigantamax Steel? Gigantamax Wall? Gigantamax Fist? Are these my new Gigantamax moves?"

In addition to being more powerful than ordinary moves, Gigantamax moves also have various special effects.

The general type move [Lightning Flash] is converted into the super move [Super Attack], which can reduce the opponent's speed.

The steel type move [Metal Claw] is converted into the super move [Super Steel], which can strengthen our defense.

And those change-type moves, such as [See Through], are all converted into [Super Defense Wall], which can completely resist the opponent's attacks including super moves, but it is easy to fail if used continuously.

Finally, it is Riolu's own attributes. Fighting type moves are all converted into super moves [Super Fist Fight], which can enhance our attack ability.

Facing the fierce impact of [Destruction Ray], Rio naturally chose that move.

"[Super Defense Wall]!"

The light wall quickly spiraled in front of Rio, blocking the [Destruction Ray].

"Boom", the wind and waves caused by the energy beam hitting the light wall all rebounded towards Regis Chilu and the captain.

In the wind and waves, the captain was almost blown down.

"No matter what you are, you have to disappear!"

After finally stabilizing his body, the captain's smug expression disappeared, and he turned into a ferocious look.

He looked at the elf in front of him that had grown bigger for some reason with hatred, and the veins on his forehead bulged.

He jumped up and jumped off Regischilu's shoulder, and then landed on the ground under the guidance of his own elf.

"Regischilu, smash him for me."

"Bang", Regischilu took a step and charged heavily towards Leo.

The body after the Dynamax seemed to become extremely heavy. Leo subconsciously wanted to dodge to the side, but suddenly remembered that behind him, there were his trainer and Miss Joy.

If he dodged, they would be exposed to danger.

"Then let's go head-on!"

Leo gritted his teeth and transmitted his situation and the information of the opposite Regischiru to Asuka through telepathy.

He believed that his trainer could give him appropriate guidance. After all, even if the difference in size was eliminated, there was still a certain gap between Leo and the opposite Divine Beast Spirit.

"Fortunately, Regischiru's level seems to have dropped from Lv75 to Lv50 for some reason, so we can still fight!"

"However, why does the trainer's column show..."

Leo couldn't help but think of something else.


[Illustrated Book]

Encounter Progress: 80 / 100

Battle Progress: 48 / 50

[Real-time Analysis]

Sprite: Miracle - Divine Beast - Steel Pillar - Regischiru (None) (Darkness Control)

Level: Lv50 (Original Lv75)

Attribute: Steel

Trainer: Kokokoko

Feature: Light Metal (Pokémon with this feature weigh only half of themselves)

Miracle: Ten Thousand Forged Steel Body (Extremely hard body forged over tens of thousands of years, almost impossible to break)

Moves: Heavy Charge (Lv5) (Original Lv7), Lock (Lv5) (Original Lv7), Metal Claw (Lv5) (Original Lv7), Iron Wall (Lv5) (Original Lv7), Instant Amnesia (Lv5), Arm Punch (Lv5), Trampling (Lv5), Primal Force (Lv4), Cannon Cannon (Lv4), Destruction Beam (Lv3)


After receiving Leo's telepathy, Asuka Teru has not yet fully recovered.

Although the girl could not see Leo's light curtain, at least some key information was fully transmitted to Asuka Teru.

Leo's telepathy continued to come.

"Xiao Zhao, in my current state, I can only use 3 moves. I just used [Giant Defense Wall] to block [Destruction Ray]】, there are only two chances left, we must find the right time. "

Knowing the urgency of the situation, the young trainer immediately entered the battle analysis state.

She held on to a broken wall tightly to prevent herself from being knocked down by the vibration caused by Regis Chirrut's step.

She closed her eyes, and various tactics quickly flashed through her mind.

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