The sight returned to the ring.

Asuichi and Leo have one thing in common, that is, sometimes they will think of other things, and then their minds will wander.

When the [Electric Shock Wave] of the opposite Raidenmon came at a high speed, his trainer was daydreaming, and Leo said that he was not panicked at all...


Fortunately, Leo is a kind of Pokémon with strong autonomy and initiative. He complained about Asuichi in his heart, and then focused on how to deal with it.

The wave missile locked onto Raidenmon, and the lightning also locked onto the wave missile. Therefore, no matter how Leo controlled the direction of the wave missile, he could not avoid the entangled lightning.

"Boom", the wave energy and the electric energy collided, and exploded heavy smoke.

"Here it comes, using smoke to cover your body, and then suddenly attack, I have seen a lot of routines!"

Leo has played a lot of this routine, so when the smoke blocked his sight, he cautiously stepped back a few steps to guard against the sudden attack in the smoke.

Looking at the move list, I guess Raidenmon will use the highest-level [Thunder Fang], but this is a physical move. As long as I am ready to use [See Through] or [Double Payback], I should have a chance to gain an advantage...

Leo was still thinking in his mind, but he heard his trainer who was distracted shouting: "Leo, use [Dig Hole]!"


Looking at the battle arena made of cement under his feet, Leo just wanted to curse.

It is common sense that ground-type restrains electric-type, so I don’t know if it is to deal with ground-type Pokémon. The ground of the arena of this electric-type gym is not an ordinary mud floor, but a cement mixture with a high hardness. Although it doesn’t matter to real ground-type Pokémon, their powerful ground-type energy is enough for them to overturn the cement floor, but for non-ground-type Pokémon like Leo, it is extremely difficult to use ground-type moves.

Therefore, when Asuka and Leo were discussing the way to attack the gym, they did not think of using the ground-based move [Dig Hole] to fight. Just looking at the cement, they knew that this was impossible.

But why did they have to spend so much energy to use [Dig Hole]? If they wanted to avoid [Thunder Fang], wouldn't it be a better choice to use other blocking moves?

Although he was a little confused, the trust that Leo and Asuka had built before made him choose to trust his trainer.


Concentrating all his strength on his fist, Leo punched the ground.

A shallow pit appeared, revealing the cement mixture inside.

The claws popped out of his hands, and Leo dug hard.

Just when Leo finally dug a small hole to hide in, he felt a tingling sensation on his back.


The loud roar of Thunder Beast was accompanied by thousands of shining electric lights!

"Raidenmon, [100,000 Volts]!"

Unlike what Leo expected, Raidenmon surprisingly used [100,000 Volts] which was one level lower than [Thunder Fang]!

"Fuck, you don't follow martial ethics. You said you would use physical attacks under the cover of smoke..."

Leo's somewhat exasperated voice was covered by the thunderous thunder.

"Boom", "boom", "boom", "boom", the exploding Ten Thousand Volts bombarded every inch of the arena, and the dazzling lightning illuminated the entire gym.

"My Raidenmon is best at special attack."

Tiexuan said with a big laugh, enjoying the familiar numbing feeling in the air.

Ashiro frowned.

She originally thought that a Pokémon like Raidenmon, who was extremely fast and had the bonus of static electricity, would fight in close combat. What was now displayed in front of her and her elves was an all-round and all-round opponent with good long-range attacks and easy paralysis in close-range attacks.

No matter what tactics were used, it seemed that Raidenmon could not be restrained well.

Since the tactics didn't work, then...

"Leo, charge directly!"

Ashiro gave the order decisively, and at the same time explained some things to Leo in his mind.

Leo jumped out of the small hole and shook his tail that was exposed outside the small hole without time to retract it.

The hair on the tail that was electrocuted stood up fluffy.

Are you here to rush? Okay, I like it!

Leo grinned, then exerted force on his feet, and his figure jumped out like a rocket.

Raidenmon, not far away, adjusted his steps and continued to use [100,000 volts].

"Hiss, this electricity is really awesome."

In the dense thunder and lightning, a nimble figure dodged left and right, but there were too many thunder and lightning, and sometimes it was difficult to dodge.As soon as he was hit by the powerful lightning, Leo grimaced.

However, the pain of being hit by the electric current further stimulated Leo's tenacious fighting spirit.

"【Wave Guided Missile】!"

During the process of charging, Leo did not intend to be beaten in vain. He kept moving and fired multiple blue wave guided energy bombs in succession.

Raidenmon also took several wave guided missiles with a low "woohoo" sound because he concentrated on performing 【100,000 Volts】.

For a while, the battle scene seemed to become a competition of perseverance between the two elves.

Raidenmon who took the wave guided energy bomb and Riolu who was electrocuted to the point of smoking, the two elves made the audience cheer for them.

It took a long time to say, but with Leo's speed, it only took a few more seconds to charge in front of Raidenmon.

Looking at the opponent so close, Leo's eyes flashed with a gleam of light.

At this time, he no longer cared about the lightning hitting him. He raised his right hand, and brown-red fighting energy emerged, wrapping around his palm to form the phantom of a knife.

"【Breaking Tile】!"

After finally getting close, Leo seized the opportunity to use his moves, but before he could chop down with his hand knife, the agile Raidenmon jumped back and dodged it.

The bonus of the "leader" title shortened the preparation time for Raidenmon to release his moves, and also made his movements to avoid the opponent's damage more agile.

"Boom", the lightning continued to bombard Leo.

He gritted his teeth and charged forward again against the lightning.

"【Breaking Tile】!!"

Raidenmon dodged again.

"Damn, this guy is too fast!"

No matter how many times he tried, Leo's close combat moves would be dodged by Raidenmon in time, which not only consumed a lot of energy, but also caused him to continue to suffer damage from the continuous lightning attacks.

After [Brick Break] was dodged again, Leo took a breather in the gap between lightning strikes.

This tired state was directly captured by Tiexuan.

"Raidenmon, use [Thunder Fang]!"

Close combat is not only an opportunity for Leo, but also a good opportunity for Raidenmon.

Tiexuan immediately changed his tactics, asking Raidenmon to change his tactics from [100,000 Volts] to [Thunder Fang], which has a strong deterrent effect at close range.

Leo barely raised his right hand and tried to use [Brick Break] to fight again.

The electric light in the sky was instantly reduced, and then Raidenmon opened his mouth, with fangs flashing with electric sparks, and bit down on Leo's raised right hand.

"Buzz buzz buzz——", the dazzling yellow light exploded again, and the power of [Thunder Fang] was fully released on Leo.

"Uh woo woo..." Leo, who was trembling all over from the electric shock, clenched his teeth, glared, and refused to fall down.

The problem was that the [Brick Breaking] that he wanted to perform could not be performed because his hand was bitten. The fighting energy that had gathered could only wander around and then return to Leo's body.

Misfortunes never come alone. As the current flowed through Leo's body, a feeling of powerlessness and numbness began to surge from his body.

He couldn't move his whole body.

He was not unfamiliar with this feeling. A long time ago in the Crescent Forest, the Queen Flower used various powders to make him experience the pain of various abnormal states.

Paralysis, this abnormal state will make the elf unable to move because of numbness all over the body.

Some spectators outside the venue have begun to shake their heads.

"It seems to be over. This Pokémon is paralyzed, and Thundermon has the upper hand. There is no way to change the situation."

"Yeah, it's a pity. We are just one step away from getting the badge."

"At this age, it's good for this little girl to play such a wonderful game."

"I hope she can summarize it well when she goes back. She should be able to win next time."

The people behind her left the field one after another, but Xiaoyu still stared at the field and didn't leave.

Because she found that Sister Asuka didn't panic because Leo was suppressed, but still had a calm look on her face!

"Leo, can you move?"

Asuka asked in the telepathic communication.

"It's, it's okay, hiss, this guy, bit, it really hurts me."

Leo's intermittent voice came back.

"Very good, then catch him, don't let him use his speed to escape!"

Asuka's eyes lit up.

"I finally got a chance to control him, how can I let such a good opportunity go!"

Leo bared his teeth, and his bitten right hand suddenly dropped down, directly clamping the head of Thundermon with his arm and body!

"Ah (elven language) What are you going to do?"

Thundermon made a panicked sound, and because he was still biting Leo's hand, it sounded like a gurgling sound.Leo threw out a small bottle with his left hand, and then the brown-red fighting energy emerged from his left hand again.

At some point, the paralysis current on his body had disappeared without a trace.

"Finally caught you, you can't hide now."

He said with a "sneer".

Raidenmon panicked and shook his head frantically, trying to break free from Leo's restraints.

But it was still in vain.

Leo raised his left fist, and the surging fighting energy wrapped around his fist.

"【Break Rock】!"

"Bang", "Bang", "Bang", continuous punches hit Raidenmon's head until the latter was hit with a "@_@" eye, and then released Raidenmon, who had no fighting ability, and then collapsed on the ground.

"Is that, anesthesia remover..."

Tie Xuan took a look at the small bottle thrown by Leo, and instantly identified what the item was.

"Lure Raidenmon to close combat, then restrain Raidenmon's movements, then use an antidote to remove the paralysis, and finally successfully counterattack."

Tiexuan said with relief as he collected the fainted Raidenmon.

"It seems that you and your Pokémon have grown a lot."

"A wonderful match!"

All the audience applauded, and the little brat Xiaoyu cheered especially hard.

Waiting for the applause and cheers to subside slightly.

Tiexuan stepped out of the battle arena, stood on the booth behind the arena, and waved to Asuka.

"Pah," the Poké Ball flashed white light, and Ralts reappeared.

Asuka and Ralts, who was supporting Leo, and two other Pokémon walked onto the booth with excitement.

Uncle Tiexuan smiled his signature smile again.

"I, Tiexuan, the leader of the Electric Pokémon Gym in Zidian City, recognize the strength of the challenger Asuka Akira, and hereby declare that the gym challenge is successful!"

"And, I award the Electric Gym the Electric Badge!"

A female apprentice walked onto the booth with a tray.

On the tray, a pink cloth was placed, and on top of the cloth, a shining badge was quietly placed.

The badge was round, with two small lightning bolts carved diagonally. A small bead was inlaid in the center of the circle. There seemed to be a faint electric light flowing inside the bead. The overall color of the badge was golden, representing the leaping and shining of lightning.

"Electricity Badge!"

Asuka Akira carefully picked up the first gym badge in his life, and his hands even trembled slightly.

"Is this the gym badge?"

Leo and Lalulas stood on tiptoe and watched intently.

"You can store this badge in a special badge box, and then use the mobile phone scanning function to write the badge's record into your electric elf trainer card, so you don't need to take out the badge every time."

Tie Xuan explained to Ming Ri Zhao.

"Finally, let's take a group photo, haha!"

A camera was hung from the ceiling of the gym. Xiao Yu shouted "Wait, I want to take a photo too", and a photo was taken, recording the scene of Ming Ri Zhao's first gym badge. Among them, the electric badge she held in her hand was shining.

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