Early this morning, Xiaoyu ran to the hotel with her three elves excitedly.

"Leo, Lulu, Xiaozhao sister, I'm here to play with you!"

The little brat shouted before entering the room.

But what caught my eye was a group of people (elves) who had packed their luggage and were ready to go.

Xiaoyu held Mingri Zhao's hand, reluctant to leave.

"Now that I have the badge, it's time to start a new journey." Mingri Zhao squatted down and touched Xiaoyu's head with a smile. "I will come back to play with you if I have the chance, Xiaoyu."

"Then let's make a pinky promise."


The two girls, one big and one small, made an agreement reluctantly, while the positive and negative electric pats and pats were also pulling Leo with some sadness: "(Elf language) Are you leaving too, Leo?"

"I am an elf who is going to be on the road to becoming a champion, how can I just stay here?"

Liao put his hands on his waist and said shamelessly.

"Besides, we will meet again if we are destined to."

Positive Electric Pat nodded convincedly, after all, the brave fighting performance of the elf in front of him was just shown in front of him a few days ago.

"(Elf language) Then it's a deal, you have to come back to play with us."

Negative Electric Pat and Thunder Beast nodded in agreement.

Leo also patted their heads.

"Okay, got it, let's say goodbye in the end."

Leo opened his arms and wanted to hug a few elves to say a friendly farewell.

But he forgot that the two electric rabbits, Positive Electric Pat and Negative Electric Pat, would...

"Hey, wait, don't put your cheeks close to me, don't dawdle, it's leaking electricity... ah ah ah..."

Finally, under the embarrassed eyes of the three electric elves, Leo dragged his body numbed by the electric shock and limped onto Asuka's electromagnetic locomotive, and then waved goodbye to Zidian City.

This electromagnetic locomotive was customized overnight by the locomotive company for Ming Rizhao when they learned that Ming Rizhao had stepped forward to solve the crisis in Yinye City. Thanks to this new locomotive, Ming Rizhao no longer has to take a long-distance bus to the next destination city, but can drive the locomotive to enjoy the scenery along the way.

Since the driving difficulty of the electromagnetic locomotive is much lower than the previous bulky two-wheeled locomotive (when returning the two-wheeled locomotive to Miss Misa, the three little ones did not even dare to look directly at Miss Misa's distressed eyes), Ming Rizhao can drive it steadily by himself. As for Lalulas, because he did not like to take public transportation, he returned to the Poké Ball. Only Riolu was left in the back seat, looking around with interest.

"Where are we going to the next stop?"

Leo poked Ming Rizhao's waist and asked loudly.

It was necessary to be loud, after all, the speed of the locomotive was quite fast, so the sound of the wind blowing was also particularly loud.

"Go to Yuanqi City and see if there is a chance to find new partners."

The girl's voice came from the front of the motorcycle.

In the elf world, there is no regulation on how many elves a elf trainer can capture, but there are strict regulations on the number of elves when the trainer travels and fights. Generally speaking, an elf trainer cannot carry more than six elves. It is said that this is a rule set up to prevent elf trainers from summoning elves endlessly in battles.

Therefore, for many trainers, how to train and match their own elf teams is also a very important part.

As for the elves that have been captured, they can be sent to the designated ranch for care together with the elf balls through the elf transmission system unique to the elf center. The designated ranch can be a private elf ranch or a free ranch issued by the alliance. After the elves are sent to the ranch, they will be taken care of by private or alliance elf breeders, and before the battle, the trainer can also re-acquire the desired elves in the elf transmission system and join the team.

The elf transmission system is indeed a great invention that benefits the entire elf world.

Being able to convert living creatures into data and then transmit them is truly a black technology.

"Yuanqi City, I seem to have heard about it from someone... New partners? I'm still looking forward to it."

Leo thought to himself.

However, the growing Lalulas and the new partners who are about to join still make Leo a little anxious.

"No matter what, I have to evolve quickly, otherwise my strength will not keep up..."

Now Leo's strength has begun to slow down. Not long ago, he defeated the powerful enemy Thunder Beast, but he couldn't even upgrade his level by one level. If this continues, let alone defeating those mythical beasts to stand on the top of the world, even his teammates in the team will...I still don't know if I can win. After all, in the end, whether it is the world of humans or elves, strength is respected.

Since it is not as easy to upgrade as before, Leo decided to find a way from other places.

"The 'Battle Progress' in the [Illustrated Book] has completed another stage. Let me see what the reward is..."

When he opened the [Backpack], in addition to the new travel items that Asuka and Lalulas had stuffed in, there was also a new item that made him stare.

"Magic Candy!"

This item is just as its name suggests, a candy with magical powers. Leo, who is familiar with the game information in his previous life, naturally knows its function - it is very simple and crude, that is, to directly upgrade the level of the elves by one level. Whether it is a low-level elf or a high-level elf, as long as you eat this candy, you can easily upgrade.

Moreover, this kind of magical prop is also very rare in the game of the previous life, and the way to obtain it is also relatively special. After all, in the eyes of the game designer, this kind of prop that can destroy the game mechanism must be as few as possible.

But for Leo now, it is undoubtedly a pillow when he is sleepy.

Although there is only one "magic candy".

Leo happily took out the candy from the [backpack] and was about to put it in his mouth.

Suddenly remembered something.

"Wait, I defeated Thunder Beast before. Although I didn't level up, I should have gained a lot of experience. If I eat it now, doesn't it mean that I only use a small amount of experience to exchange for this "magic candy", which is not cost-effective!"

After all, the effect of "magic candy" is to increase the level by one level, regardless of whether the current level experience is the lowest value or it is about to be upgraded.

Thinking of this, Leo forced himself to put the "magic candy" back to the [backpack].

"Be patient, it will be better to eat it after the level is upgraded. It's rare to get such a prop, so I can't just waste it."

Leo continued to check his light screen.

"Magic candy" is the first reward, and the second is the [Iron Tail] move machine obtained after completing the "Get Badge" task.


"How do I use this thing???"

Leo was puzzled.

He held a thing that looked like a round disc in his hand, which made him look confused.

"I can't eat it, and there's nothing to watch." Leo pondered over this so-called move learning machine. "Do I have to break it, and then I can learn this move... But I always feel that it doesn't work that way..."

Leo fell into deep thought, and Asuka was also concentrating on driving the motorcycle. For a while, they were speechless.

The electromagnetic motorcycle carried them through the forest passage, crossed the bridge, and finally stopped in front of a lake.

"Okay, let's take a break and camp here today."

During the trip, in addition to seeing the scenery of the city, appreciating the scenery of the wild is also an important part of the adventure.

Asuka stopped the motorcycle, took off his helmet, and when he raised his hand to wipe his sweat, he found that his friend was still sitting on the back seat of the motorcycle with his head down and motionless.

"What's wrong, Leo?" Asuka came up. "Hey, why do you have a move learning machine in your hand?"

Leo was awakened from his deep thoughts.

"Ah, this... is that person, yes, Uncle Tiexuan secretly gave it to me."

It was really hard to explain the origin of this move learning machine, so Leo decided to lie and get away with it.

"Let's not talk about the source first, do you know how to learn this thing?"

By the way, change the topic.

Asuka's thoughts were also diverted by Leo, and she didn't delve into why Tiexuan would secretly give Leo a move learning machine.

She thought about it, and seemed a little uncertain and said: "I remember that I talked about it in the academy's courses before, and I need to download an application to use it... Wait for me to find it."

After that, she took out her mobile phone and operated it.

"Ah, I found it!"

The girl happily showed her mobile phone to Leo, and saw that there was an application called "Elf Move Matcher" on the mobile phone interface.

"Let me see the instructions... This software not only allows the elves to learn new moves through the move learning machine, but also adjusts the moves by letting the elves forget some moves... Let's give it a try."

Leo handed the CD over without comment.

Asuka touched the CD with his mobile phone, and it seemed to read the information in the CD through wireless induction. He saw that the application immediately added a move [Iron Tail].

Click to open, it turned out to be a very detailed teaching video on how to perform the Iron Tail move. The level of detail is estimated to beEven Psyduck or Hippopotamus can easily learn it after watching it.

Moreover, this teaching video is universal, that is to say, in addition to Leo, other Pokémons who have the conditions to learn this move can learn it - after all, how can a Pokémon without a tail learn [Iron Tail].

"So that's how it is."

Unexpectedly, but within reason, Leo felt that a very puzzling question in his previous life had been solved.

So why does the move learning machine look like a CD? It's because in the old days of the previous life, CDs were read with CD drives. Now that we have high technology that can directly read the contents of the CD wirelessly, there is no need for a device like a CD drive, but the move learning machine still retains the appearance of a CD out of habit.

It was also the first time for Asuka Zhao to use the move learning machine, so one person and one Pokémon were enthusiastically studying how to learn [Iron Tail]. As for Lalulas, who had no tail, he was busy setting up a tent on the side.

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