After defeating Pidgeot and winning his first victory in his Pokémon career, Leo has a deeper understanding of fighting.

It was a sunny day with a suitable temperature.

On the training ground in the valley, a Riolu was fighting with Geodude.


Leo slid sideways to avoid the stone thrown by Geodude, and used his left claw to punch and hit Geodude's round body with a horizontal hammer.

"Hiss", because Leo did not use energy to make this attack, his flesh and blood body hit Geodude's extremely hard rock shell, and he gasped in pain.

Geodude was knocked crooked, but took the opportunity to pick up sand and stones from the ground and threw them out.

Pokémon fighting naturally does not pay attention to any martial ethics, and every blade of grass, tree, sand and stone around them are weapons they use.

Leo rolled on the ground and stretched out his legs to sweep.

"It's over. I forgot that Geodude has no legs!"

As soon as he kicked, Leo reacted. Geodude is a Pokémon with a special body structure. In addition to its round body (head?) like a stone, it only has two powerful arms and no thighs. It can only move by rolling its body.

Geodude supported himself with both hands and dodged Leo's sweeping kick. Then he put his hands together and smashed it down hard.

Seeing that the hard rock fist was about to fall, Leo's energy surged, his claws popped out, and they were attached with a metallic color.

"【Metal Claw】!"

However, the metal claws he used were not a direct attack. Instead, Leo crossed his claws in front of his head, using the hardness of steel energy to counter Geodude's stone fist.

"Sizzle", the metal and rock collided, creating sparks.

Geodude was blocked this time and could not use the force in the air, so he fell to the side.

The key to fighting is to win when you have the upper hand. Seeing that Geodude lost his balance, Leo took the opportunity to step forward, and brown-red energy surged from his body.

"Take it, [Lightning Flash]!"

Like a lightning flash across the sky, Leo rushed towards Geodude with abundant fighting energy.

Geodude looked at Leo rushing towards him, and quickly put his hands in front of him, curled up his whole body, and at the same time, a burst of brown energy surged out of his body, wrapping Geodude's whole body, forming a round shell.

Move: [Circle], curl up the body to become round, thereby improving its own defense.

On one side is the fierce lightning attack, and on the other side is the unshakable solid defense.


Leo and Geodude collided fiercely, dust flew, and the huge impact force caused the gravel on the training ground to fly everywhere, and the recoil caused by the impact caused the two Pokémon to fall directly backwards.

"Ahem," Leo got up from the ground, looked at the round-eyed Geodude on the opposite side and smiled triumphantly, "Geodude, I won this one."

Fighting, sparring, playing with the walking grass mosquito coil tadpole in his spare time, and being asked by the queen of flowers to collect nectar and steal food from time to time, Leo lived a plain but interesting life.

The only regret is that after defeating the Pidgeot and gaining a lot of experience and directly upgrading to a higher level, his level-up speed slowed down again. He could only hone his fighting skills in friendly sparring with the elves in Chaoyang Valley, trying to combine the various fighting techniques of his previous life with the various moves of the elves. This made him better understand how to exert every bit of energy. Even without looking at the specific information displayed on the light screen, he could sense his own strength.

Off topic: The elves themselves can also sense their own energy intensity, and the energy intensity determines the quantified level of the elves. However, the level does not necessarily represent the strength of combat ability. The victory of the battle will also depend on various factors. Therefore, there are many examples of low-level defeating high-level in the elf world.

The little Geodude supported his body with both hands and said to Leo helplessly: "You are improving too fast, kid. I won't fight anymore. I can't beat you now."

This little Geodude is also a very powerful elf among the Geodude tribe in "Chaoyang Valley". In the beginning of the competition with Leo, he was able to suppress Leo with his higher skill level and rich combat experience. However, Leo was also a fighting expert in his previous life. After getting familiar with the use of skills and his own elf body, he could already skillfully integrate his various fighting skills into the battle. In addition, the increase in level brought about the improvement of his own attributes. In the subsequent competitions, Leo could already beat the young elves in the valley.

Leo shook his sweat-soaked hair and said with a smile: "After the fight, let's go to the pond to take a bath together?"Geodude showed a contemptuous look and raised his middle finger: "Get lost, you want to kill me if you let me soak in the water."

By the way, Geodude's attributes are ground + rock, and it is four times restrained by water.

"If you want to soak in the water, go soak by yourself, but be careful that the elves will dislike you." After saying that, Geodude showed a gloating smile and rolled towards his residence with his hands on the ground.

Leo didn't care much. He scratched the hair on his head and walked towards the pool in the center of the valley humming a song: "Take a bath, take a bath, baby gold water is indispensable..."

"Hehe, don't mind if I pick two leaves for you."

Coming to the tree beside the pool, Leo shamelessly pretended not to see the angry eyes of the Metal Pupae, and casually tore off a few huge leaves and threw them on the edge of the pool, intending to use them to wipe his body after swimming.

Looking at the sparkling water, Leo couldn't help it.


A dog jumped into the clear pool directly in the posture of jumping into the water.

"It's so cool!"

It was noon at this time. After sweating in a battle, jumping into the cold water and taking a nice bath was so cool. Moreover, the body of an elf is stronger than that of a human, so there is no need to worry about catching a cold or having a fever.

If you ignore the horned goldfish and mosquito coil tadpole spitting angrily next to them.

"Puh, puh, you stinky little dog jumped in with sweat again." The mosquito coil tadpole widened his round eyes and kept spitting foam from his mouth.

The horned goldfish on the side poked Leo with the horns on his head.

The evolved form of Riolu, Lucario, has the attribute of steel, and Riolu's original body is naturally stronger and tougher. The horns of the horned goldfish are just a slight tickle for Leo. Besides, everyone just showed a little indignation. In fact, they were all joking, so there would naturally be no bloody scene with blood holes poked all over the body.

Looking at the round body of the mosquito coil tadpole, Leo became playful and hugged a mosquito coil tadpole, swimming happily in the pool like a swimming buoy.

"Ahhhhhhh!" The mosquito coil tadpole was so angry that not only circles of spiral lines appeared on its belly, but also circles of spiral lines appeared on its head.

They were having fun in the pool, while other elves in the valley were busy with their own things.

The valley was peaceful.


"Boom boom boom——"

The earth shook violently, as if something heavy was rolling over it.


Another strong vibration, the pool also set off waves due to this violent vibration. Looking at the ups and downs of the waves in the pool, Leo quickly ran ashore.

"Don't be afraid, stay here, I'll go see what's going on?"

Looking at the panicked appearance of the young elves such as the tadpoles, Leo felt that he was also an adult elf (in spirit), and put on a calm expression to comfort them.

When the young elves calmed down and gathered together, Leo turned and ran to the valley entrance. Along the way, the older or stronger elves in the valley also rushed to the valley entrance.

"What's going on?"

Leo asked while running.

It's a pity that no elf could give an answer.

"Boom boom--"

"Wow, here it comes again!"

The strong vibration came again, Leo staggered, but still relied on his good balance to stabilize his steps and continued to run to the valley entrance.

"Gurgle gurgle", some elves around him did not have such a good balance, and they rolled into a ball, and some elves rolled with the stinky flowers, with a hot expression on their faces.

At this time, a sturdy Armlet jumped out of the group of Pokémons. It was the Elite Armlet who had taught Leo the energy theory knowledge before.

He frowned and said, "Why are you panicking? Stay calm."

"All Pokémons below level 15 should not go over. The older Pokémons lead the team and take all the Pokémons in your group to hide in the shelter."

"Follow me, Pokémons above level 15, and line up in battle formation."

The Pokémons that were originally in a mess quickly calmed down after hearing the command of the Elite Armlet. Armlet and the Monkey Kings carried the inconvenient Geodude and ran at the front of the team behind the Elite Armlet. The Squirtles stayed in the middle of the team. At the end was the Tyrannosaurus Rex, who led the Walking Grass Flower and Paras, and other Grass and Bug Pokémons. Finally, Butterfree and Beedrill flew above the team.

Leo glanced at his level Lv13 displayed on the screen. Seeing that the elite arm force did not drive him away, and he really couldn't suppress his curiosity, he quietly mixed in with the ranks of the Squirtles in the team and ran towards the valley entrance together.

A group of elves passed byAfter some adjustments, they finally arrived at the entrance of the valley.

The scene before them made the elves shudder.

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