
Outside the valley, a giant beast roared, and the roar was as deafening as thunder.

This huge beast was covered with dark blue fur, and its body was round like a ball. Its white belly kept rising and falling with each roar. Its face, which originally had a simple smile, now had a ferocious look, and its wide-open eyes were filled with crazy red light, exuding a tyrannical atmosphere.


Looking up at the nearly 3-meter-tall giant in front of him, Leo was shocked, and a familiar elf name came out of his mouth.

In various games or animations, Snorlax is a kind of elf with a gentle temper. Although it is huge, it likes to eat and sleep by nature, so it is also nicknamed "lazy fat man" by many people. The violent beast in front of him was very different from the Snorlax in his impression. The docile appearance was gone, and the ferocious and ferocious expression was accompanied by a thunderous roar. The whole body was glowing with dazzling red light. The broad palms slapped left and right, fanning out strong palm winds, and the thick soles of the feet stomped the ground from time to time, causing waves of earthquakes.

The natural landscape of Chaoyang Valley, which was originally full of trees and streams, was also destroyed at this moment. Broken trees lay across the ground, branches and leaves fell to the ground, the ground was shaken and cracked, and gravel and dust flew everywhere.

The elves who rushed to the valley entrance were oppressed by Snorlax's crazy momentum and did not dare to move forward.

"Well, that is?"

Leo dodged the flying gravel and squinted his eyes through the dust to look at Snorlax who was standing there with his hands raised and feet stamped.



Encounter progress: 23 / 25

Battle progress: 8 / 25

[Real-time analysis]

Pokemon: Leader - Snorlax (Frenzy) (Male)

Level: Lv35

Attribute: General

Feature: Immune (will not fall into poisoning state during battle)

Leader: Chaoyang Valley (invalid)

Moves: Sleep (Lv4), Snoring (Lv4), Million Ton Punch (Lv2), Sleep Talk (Lv2), Mount Tai (Lv2), Round (Lv2), Crazy (Lv1), Throw (Lv1)


Another leader-level Pokémon!

This is the second leader-level Pokémon Leo has seen besides the Squirtle leader. Apart from the level that is almost as high as the Squirtle leader, there are two level 4 skills and other rich skills in the move list, so it is not difficult to imagine why the Snorlax in front of him can cause such great destructive power.

"The leader is Chaoyang Valley?" Leo remembered the story that Queen Flower told before.

But then, his eyes were attracted by another piece of information.

"It's this crazy suffix again..."

The group of Pidgeots and Pidgeots that I met not long ago also have such a suffix!

Leo was shocked.

Looking carefully, around Snorlax, a green figure was constantly flashing around Snorlax, and the large sickles on both arms were flashing coldly, slashing down on Snorlax one by one. However, Snorlax was surrounded by blood-red energy, and the sharp slash could only cut on that energy, just like cutting on steel and splashing sparks.

As if annoyed by the harassment of Scyther, Snorlax suddenly jumped up and slammed heavily on the ground.


The ground shook violently, and the strong shock wave spread directly, sweeping towards the elves standing at the entrance of the valley.

"Oh no, it's [Mount Tai's Pressure]!" Elite Arm Strength said in horror as he felt the might of the ground collapse.

Just when the elves had no time to dodge, a deep voice that made the elves feel relieved immediately sounded.


A heavy back blocked them, and the familiar green grid-shaped semicircular barrier unfolded, making the shock wave impact of [Mount Tai's Pressure] dissipate into nothingness.


The elves shouted excitedly.

The one standing in their way was Squirtle Boss, but he didn't wear the sunglasses that he always wore. And it was obvious that Squirtle Boss was not in good condition. His whole body was covered with dust. There were even some cracks on the hard shell behind him. The wound on his left arm was so deep that the flesh was visible. His right hand, which was raised to perform the [Hold] move, was also trembling slightly.

"Front row, assault formation, spread out!"

Hearing Squirtle Boss's calm command, the Pokémons subconsciously entered the battle mode.

The elite Armstrong in the front row led Armstrong, Monkey King, Geodude and other Pokémons with powerful assault capabilities to scatter directly.With agility, they moved on the broken ground plates and surrounded Snorlax in a very short time.

At the same time, the giant bee with two long spears aimed their sharp spears at Snorlax in the air.

"Back row, abnormal state."

Grass and insect-type Pokémon such as Walker, Stink Flower, Paras, Unicorn and Caterpillar gathered grass-green energy, and the moves [Paralysis Powder] and [Hypnotic Powder] scattered yellow and purple powder mist, and the move [Silk Spinning] formed a tough and sticky insect net.

Butterfree flying in the sky waved its light insect wings, and the strong wind from the [Wind] move blew the insect net under Snorlax, entangled his lower limbs, and the abnormal state powder mist with paralysis current and hypnotic breath enveloped Snorlax along the wind.


Suddenly inhaling the mist with paralysis powder and hypnotic powder, Snorlax felt numb and stiff all over, and his head was dizzy. He couldn't help but roar loudly. His fat body moved desperately, trying to escape the range of the powder mist, but because his feet were entangled by the extremely sticky insect net, he fell to the ground without paying attention.


With a brief command, the elves who had been ready to attack Snorlax used their most powerful moves to attack Snorlax's fallen body.

The Armsmen carried brown-red fighting energy on their feet and kicked Snorlax with a [Lower Body Kick]; the Geodudes picked up various sharp or hard stones from the scattered rubble around them, wrapped the stones with brown rock energy, and hit Snorlax like [Falling Rocks]; the Monkey Monsters danced with their claws, and used the [Scramble] move to hit Snorlax.

After the giant beepers in the air accumulated their strength, they dived at high speed and stabbed Snorlax fiercely with their sharp double guns. They broke away with one blow, and then pulled up to a certain height in the air again, repeating the dive and stab.


Snorlax was unable to dodge the attacks of the elves due to his huge and heavy body. He could only lie on the ground and passively endure it. The constant pain from his body stimulated him to become more crazy.

Seeing that Snorlax was suppressed and could only lie on the ground and struggle powerlessly, the Squirtle boss breathed a sigh of relief and directly dispersed the [Hold] barrier.

After a burst of attacks like mercury pouring down on the ground, most of the elves were panting and recovering their energy. Snorlax, who was lying on the ground with his head in his arms, had a fierce look in his eyes. He grabbed the thick tree trunks lying on the ground beside him with an agility that was inconsistent with his fat body, and used his huge strength to throw several tree trunks like boomerangs at the group of elves.

The incident happened suddenly, and the Squirtle boss couldn't gather energy quickly to cast the [Hold] barrier again. However, he was not panicked at all. He calmly shouted to the green figure resting beside him: "Mantis, cut them off."

"Shua——", Scyther rushed towards the rotating tree trunks without hesitation, and the sickles on his arms flashed coldly, cutting quickly, directly cutting the tree trunks into dozens of smaller pieces.

"Shield team, block it."

The Squirtle who had been guarding in front of the grass insect elves in the back row stepped forward, retracted their heads and hands into their shells, and stood in a row with their legs firmly planted on the ground.

The [Retract into the Shell] move will greatly increase their defense.

"Bang Bang Bang", the debris of the tree trunks hit the defense line of the Squirtle, causing no injuries except for making them retreat slightly.

At this time, a dazzling light lit up, and the huge flower on the head of the Queen Flower standing in the back row gathered a large amount of grass energy.

"【Green Grass Field】", Queen Flower shouted softly, and the energy spread out in a ring, sweeping all the elves standing on the ground, making the elves refreshed, and the tired bodies that were exhausted from excessive energy exertion were restored. After being swept by this green light, the wounds on the body of the Squirtle boss also began to heal gradually.

The move 【Green Grass Field】 can restore all the elves standing on the ground, which can be regarded as a great weapon for the recovery system.

"Is this the group battle in the elf world?"

Leo, hiding aside, was shocked when he saw the smooth and smooth coordination of the elves' moves.

In the original games or animations, the best battle was 3 to 3. Although there would be a certain combination between the moves, there was no scene like the one in front of him where dozens of elves took turns to make moves and cooperate, which made people feel excited.

Back to the battle scene, Snorlax is not a weak Pokémon. It has a high special defense and is highly adaptable to abnormal conditions. In addition, it has thick skin and a surprising amount of health. Although the Pokémon's fierce attacks like a storm temporarily suppressed Snorlax,, but gradually, Snorlax began to adapt. The two sides were deadlocked for a long time. Perhaps Snorlax knew that he could not beat this group of elves with his remaining little reason, so he staggered into the forest.

Seeing Snorlax escape, the tense elves finally relaxed.

"Oh my god, I'm scared to death." The Squirtles sat on the ground and scratched their heads with their claws.

"I'm so tired, I just want to go back to sleep." The grass leaves that were originally towering above the walking grass also drooped down.

"Yes, yes." The other elves nodded in agreement.

Seeing that the crisis was resolved, several elite elves were relieved, and they walked aside to communicate in a low voice without paying attention to the elves who were gathered and chattering.

Leo pretended to be calm and listened.

But no one noticed that a blue figure flashed in the stream not far away.

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