Leo was also staring at Asuka's eyes.

The girl's eyes contained a variety of complex emotions, but the firmness that was revealed made him feel that Asuka was not being upset or anything, but was really hurt by his recent actions.

"So, trust is something like this..."

Leo muttered in a very thin voice.

Then his claws slowly stretched out to the Poké Ball.


Lulu was a little worried and wanted to persuade Leo, but Asuka stopped him.

Leo picked up his Poké Ball and looked at it carefully.

It was an ordinary Poké Ball with a classic red and white color scheme. As long as he long-pressed the white button in the middle, the Pokémon captured by the Poké Ball would be released and the relationship of capture would be terminated.

Exhaling a breath, Leo stretched out his claws and pointed at the button in the middle.


Feng Ling couldn't help but speak out.

Asuka's eyes were still firm, but the sadness hidden in the deepest part of his eyes was a little stronger.

"Ding", the claw touched the Poké Ball.

Then, the Poké Ball shrank with a "whoosh".

"Hold it firmly, don't lose it, otherwise I will have no home to return to."

Leo threw the shrunken Poké Ball to Asuka.

"Didn't your father once say that we should respect the wishes of the Pokémon? I didn't even say I wanted to leave, but you forced me to leave. Tell me, do you have another dream dog outside?"

After the usual nonsense, Leo apologized seriously.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry for my willfulness and my distrust of you."

"So, can you please help me overcome my inner fear?"

Leo turned to Lulu.

"Also, I'm sorry to make you worry, Lulu."

"Can you lend me a hand when I train in the future?"

Asuka put away Leo's Poké Ball.

Then, Bondi punched him in the head.

"Hey, hey, hey, don't hit me on the head, what if you hit me stupid?"

"Oh, you made me and Lulu worry for so long, so what if you hit me on the head?"

"I'm injured, you're a lady, don't touch me... No, why did you hit me, Lulu???"

"Eel! Hit you, hit you, hit you!"

"Ah, you guys, that's enough, and you, Eevee, don't join in the fun, hey, Snake, don't think about taking advantage of the situation."


Asha and Akagi watched these little guys fighting for a while.

Taking advantage of the opportunity when everyone was relieved, Leo also said the reason for his abnormal behavior recently.

"A Fiery Roaring Tiger that makes Pokémon extremely afraid?"

Asha couldn't imagine it. As the owner of a fire Pokémon gym, she knew about the Fiery Roaring Tiger, a powerful Pokémon with fire and evil attributes. She had also encountered it in her previous battles, but it was not so exaggerated that she was controlled by fear and could not move when standing in front of the Fiery Roaring Tiger.

Ashiro confirmed Leo's statement. After seeing the Fiery Roaring Tiger, she also felt an irresistible shudder in her heart.

"That Fiery Roaring Tiger is not simple, just like, just like your Charizard, Grandpa Akagi."

Leo looked at the Charizard that had been lying lazily.

As if hearing that he was mentioned, Charizard's eyes flashed, and he looked at Riolu inadvertently.

A powerful aura instantly enveloped him, but unlike the time when the Blazing Roaring Tiger was here, this aura did not frighten Leo. Instead, he felt the majestic aura and the surging momentum of blazing flames.

Akagi was a little surprised that Leo could see through his Charizard's strength.

"This is Riolu's unique ability."

Leo used his usual excuse to explain the system's ability.

Stimulated by Charizard's aura, Snake and Kirlia also showed instinctive vigilance. Vines popped out from Snake's neck, while Kirlia and Kirlia were covered with a thin layer of pink light.

On the contrary, the innocent Eevee did not show any abnormality. He ran to Charizard with his short legs and looked up at him curiously.

Old Akagi patted Charizard gently.

The latter yawned and folded his wings, and with it, his powerful aura.

Old Akagi took a sip of tea and asked.

"Do you know that different elves of the same elf race have different differences?"

"Yes, elves of the same race, in terms of appearance, except for their height, have a very rare type of elf with a different color. Although this type of elf has no more ability than ordinary elves of the same race,Although they are strong, they are also very popular with humans because of their unique appearance. "

Feng Ling, who likes to read various books, spoke confidently.

"If we distinguish them by strength, some individuals in the same elf race have outstanding abilities. These individuals are called elite elves. In addition, there will be another rarer individual. This individual is rarer than the heterochromatic elves, and almost only appears in the elf communities. Researchers call this kind of elf individual "leader elf". It is a kind of elf that is stronger than its own kind. This kind of elf also has unique abilities, but the unique abilities of each leader elf are different, and the conditions for their appearance are also very different. So far, there is no detailed information to explain this phenomenon. "

Amori Zhao listened with great interest, because in the academy, she learned the most about the knowledge related to the elf battle, and knew very little about the knowledge points of these elves' ecology.

Yasha added: "Not only that, for the leader elves, they are actually different. Generally, the leader elves that appear in the same elf race are called "leader elves". This kind of elves often play a leading role in their own tribe. If you encounter a large group of elves living in groups in the wild, and the leader is a particularly powerful elf, be careful. The strength of this leader elf will become extremely terrifying under the blessing of the tribe. "

"Of course, there are some special cases. There is also a chance that "leader elves" will appear in mixed elf tribes, but this is much more difficult than the former. After all, it is still difficult to get the followers of different elves. "

"Then there is another kind, which is more scarce, called the overlord elf. "

"Overlord elf? ”

It was the first time that Feng Ling knew that there was such a difference among the boss elves.

Only Leo was not surprised, because so far, he had already encountered four dominant elves: the dominant Nidoking and the dominant Blastoise of the Crescent Forest, the dominant Blaziken of Safiya, and the dominant Swampert of Ruby. He witnessed the evolution of one of the dominant elves. All the people and elves at the scene were probably not as familiar with the dominant elves as he was.

“Yes, just like the champion Safiya’s Blaziken, it is a dominant elf. This kind of elf is usually followed by elf tribes other than its own race because of its extremely terrifying strength. The following elves may even spread throughout an entire area, and over time, they become regional overlords. ”

“In the precautions of the alliance, some of these dominant elves are as dangerous as some weaker mythical beasts. Therefore, if you find a dominant elf in the wild and don’t have strong strength, my suggestion is to leave immediately, because some irritable elves have a very strong sense of territory. As long as you mistakenly enter the area it commands, you will attack, which is extremely dangerous. ”

“From ordinary elves, to elite elves, to the leader elves and overlord elves, this is the normal life level of elves. Every elf has the potential to cross the life level, but it is very difficult to continue to sublimate. ”

After speaking a long paragraph in one breath, Yasha also thought of something and did not continue.

At this time, Asuka raised his hand.

“What if there are elves who do not live in groups? How can they sublimate their life level?”

“For example, there is only one elf left in the world.”

All the people and elves looked at Leo.

“Follow me. "

Old Akagi was the first to break the silence.

After he walked out of the hut, Asuka and Fengling discovered that the old man looked like he had injured his legs and was limping when he walked.

Yasha sat still and motioned for the two and the elves to follow Old Akagi out.

Although Old Akagi's walking was not smooth, he still walked briskly, and Charizard followed behind him, swaying from side to side.

Soon, several people (elves) came to an open place.

"Old man, show your heroic figure to the children. "

Old Akagi patted Charizard's wings.

"Swish", the wings spread out, and when they were spread to the maximum, Asuka and others realized how huge the wings were, as if covering the sky and the sun.

Charizard also changed from a lazy posture to a majestic appearance in an instant.

Sparks splashed out of its mouth.


The earth-shaking roar followed by the blazing red flames that burst out from Charizard's body!

The flames wrapped around the dragon's body, circle after circle, and the flames were like sharp swords, piercing the air, sweeping out with overwhelming and majestic momentum!

Looking at the Charizard that was like a king bathing in flames, whether it was Asuka orIt was Fengling, even Leo who claimed to be well-informed, as well as Lulu, Snake and Eevee, all of whom were stunned with astonishment.

"!", the elf egg was stimulated by the power of the flame and shook even more violently.

There was pride and satisfaction in the eyes of the old man Akagi, and there was a trace of regret in the deepest part.

"This is another life level of the elves."

"The elves who live alone, after breaking through their own limits, reach another strongest height."

"Unparalleled in the world."

"Unparalleled in the world!"

The leader elves who live in groups, and the unparalleled elves who walk alone!

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