In a hot spring hotel in Fuquan Town, the boy was sleeping soundly.


The alarm clock on the bedside rang on time.

The quilt on the bed moved, and a sleepy electric mouse came out.

"Yawn~, Pika Pika."

Pikachu rubbed his eyes, and then pushed his trainer with his short hands, trying to wake him up.

Ye Yueyao ignored it.

Pikachu pushed again.

Ye Yueyao turned over.


The sizzling current began to flow in the electric bag on Pikachu's cheek.


"Pika... Chu!"

"Uh uh uh!"

Poor boy, the wonderful morning started when Pikachu woke him up with an electric shock.

After washing up and going downstairs for breakfast, Ye Yueyao felt that the fatigue accumulated during this period of travel had been completely eliminated after a beautiful hot spring bath last night and a whole night of comfortable sleep.

Walking on the streets of Fuquan Town, the scenery that caught my eye was still that various buildings and houses were shrouded in hot mist. I just don't know if it was because autumn was about to begin, but the breeze in this hot town was actually mixed with a slight chill.

"We have an appointment to challenge the gym today, so everything depends on you, Pikachu, Frog."

Ye Yueyao cheered for Pikachu on his shoulder and the Poké Ball on his waist.

"And you, new friend."

A brand new, blue and white Super Ball shook.

Suddenly, a girl who seemed familiar ran past in a hurry from a distance. At first glance, there was also a furry Pokémon standing on the girl's shoulder, and then there was a slender and beautiful Pokémon figure following closely.

Ye Yueyao scratched his head and was about to say hello, but the girl disappeared like the wind.

"...Forget it."

Nothing is as important as the Pokémon Gym Challenge. I'll go say hello to her after I get the badge.

Ye Yueyao thought so.

He was very confident that he could get the Pokémon Gym Badge in one challenge. The first reason was that he was confident in his own strength. The second reason was that the Pokémon Gym in Fuquan Town was also a guidance-type gym, and the strength was not particularly high. The most important thing was that the gym here was mainly composed of fire-type Pokémons, and he happened to have a water-type Pokémon with an advantage in attributes.

His confidence only lasted for a while.

Until he heard the format of this Pokémon Gym Challenge, he began to doubt his life.

"Hello challengers, I am the assistant of the Pokémon Gym in Kabuki Town. Since there are many challengers recently, the gym owner decided not to conduct the gym challenge in the usual 1-on-1 battle, but to adopt a new form - the Volcano Hot Spring Festival."

"The rules are as follows: The challenge will be conducted with 14 challengers, 5 gym apprentices, and the gym owner as contestants. They will start a mountaineering battle on Yangyan Volcano. Each person can only carry three Pokémons, and the use of props is prohibited. During the climbing process, 1-on-1 or mixed battles are allowed. Those who reach the top of the volcano can Grab the flag on the top of the mountain, and the challenger who finally gets the flag and successfully goes down the mountain will get the Pokémon Badge. "

In the regular Pokémon Gym Challenge, challengers enter the gym one after another. If the previous challenge fails, it will be the next one's turn. Most of the trainers who come to Fuquan Town to challenge are novice trainers. The experienced ones only have two badges. Some fledgling trainers may even challenge the gym for the first time. It is no wonder that the trainers were shocked after hearing the weird challenge rules.

"Is the owner of this Pokémon Gym kidding? How can you make Pokémon battles so trifling?"

"That's right, I heard that many trainers are dissatisfied with the strange ideas of this owner every time, and have complained to the alliance many times."

"The alliance should be called to cancel the qualifications of this owner. How can you mess around like this?"


A large group of challengers blocked the door of the gym, and they expressed many dissatisfactions.

The assistant in the uniform skirt looked at the noisy trainers calmly.

Behind them, on the height of the Pokémon Gym, Asha and old man Akagi were also watching the commotion at the gym entrance.

"So, the Alliance protects these trainers too well. A fair 1-on-1 battle, unlimited use of medicines and props, don't joke, if you face the vicious Rocket Team, Marine Team, Magma Team, will those evil organizations give you such a 'fair' battle opportunity? In addition, the terrible power held by those evil organizations..."

As if she remembered something in the past, Asha's face was uncertain.

"Okay, little Asha, after the disaster ten years ago, thoseThe alliance was determined to sweep away the evil organizations with thunder. Today's trainers rarely come into contact with the dark side of the world, so it is understandable that they do not attach importance to the cultivation of coping ability in this regard. "

Old Akagi comforted Yasha, and then he was quite emotional.

"It's not like us back then. Those evil organizations were like bamboo shoots after the rain. After destroying one bunch, a bunch of them would pop up. They were everywhere. At that time, we were trainers. If we didn't defeat a few cadres of the evil organizations, we would be embarrassed to call ourselves professional Pokémon trainers. "

The natural disaster ten years ago.

The huge red and black shadow ruthlessly passed by, the scorching sun hung high and the scene of the scorching earth, the lava rolling with the terrible figure, and the tragic scene of the corpses and wreckage all around, unconsciously appeared in Yasha's mind again.

She couldn't help but clench her fists.

Yasha took a deep breath and calmed her thoughts again.

"To face difficulties head-on, to face difficult challenges without fear, to have the courage to move forward and break through one's own limits, now the trainers have no such will."

"Yes, so if you can occasionally find such people with such will, isn't it also a very happy thing?"

"So, is this why you are willing to train that Pokémon? Grandpa Akagi."

Yasha looked at the old man Akagi.

The latter looked at the situation in the gym below with a smile and said nothing.


A few days ago.

"Are you willing to become such a peerless Pokémon? "

After Charizard showed off his unique heroic spirit, Akagi suddenly asked Leo.


Leo closed his eyes, then opened them, full of determination.

"Yes, please teach me!"

"Even if it's hard and tiring, even if..." Akagi looked at Asuka. "Even if your trainer will be affected?"

Leo and Asuka were stunned.

"Thirty years ago."

Akagi began to recall the past.

"Someone swept through all the Pokémon Gyms with an absolute attitude, and the Four Heavenly Kings could not match him. When he was about to win the championship, he withdrew from the championship battle. Are you curious about what happened? "

Everyone nodded wildly. No one and no elf were not curious about why such a powerful trainer chose to retire at the height of his career instead of reaching the highest peak of glory.

Old Akagi slowly unzipped his trouser legs.

Looking closely, I saw that his calves were covered with burn scars, and some places were even charred. His legs, which were already thin due to old age, looked a bit horrible with these terrible injuries.

"This is it!"

Asuki couldn't help but cover his mouth.

It has been so long, but those scars and marks are still so clear and have not faded. It is conceivable how serious the injuries were at that time.

No wonder Old Akagi still limped when he walked.

"This is the destructive power of Wushuang."

Old Akagi pulled down his trouser legs and said lightly.

"After challenging the Four Heavenly Kings, Charizard and I felt that we had reached our limits. We did not have enough confidence to challenge the champion. At that time, I had already noticed that Charizard was at a certain limit, so we trained hard and tried to break through the limit. "

"What was the result?"

Feng Ling asked curiously.

"We succeeded. Charizard successfully leaped to a stronger level of unparalleled elves, but it was precisely because of our success that we failed."

"At the moment when the life level was sublimated, Charizard itself could not control the flames that ran wild on its body, and finally, the flames swallowed my legs. It took me a full year to recuperate from this injury, and a year later, because of my own injuries, it was difficult for me to support high-intensity battles, so I decided to quit the path of a professional trainer."

Everyone and the elves were silent. No one would have thought that the reason why this once "strongest Charizard trainer" quit his career was precisely because of his Charizard.

"By the way, have you tried to soak in the hot springs here? "

Old Akagi suddenly asked an unrelated question.

Asahiro and Fengling shook their heads. The former was originally invited by Asha to take a hot spring bath, but failed to do so because she was looking for Leo, while the latter was worried about Asahiro's safety and ran out with him.

"Then you must try it later, because the hot springs here have a magical healing effect for humans and elves."

Old Akagi smiled and pointed to his legs.

"My legs have barely recovered to this state after years of soaking in the hot springs a certain extent. "

The hot springs in Fuquan Town have such benefits? No wonder so many trainers come here to soak in the hot springs, and no wonder old man Akagi is determined to build a town in the place of these hot springs.

"So, you also know that becoming a peerless elf may have an impact on trainers."

Old man Akagi brought the topic back.

"I don't know what impact a Pokémon like Riolu will have after becoming a peerless elf, but because you are a trainer and a partner, it is difficult to say whether it will have an impact on each other."

Leo struggled in his heart.

Becoming the strongest peerless elf is the path he has always pursued.

But if it is because of himself that Asuka Aoi has an accident, this is also something Leo cannot accept.

"Forget it, not being the strongest is not a problem. I don't believe there is no other way to become stronger."

Leo was about to speak, but Asuka Aoi spoke first.

"I would like to ask you to guide Leo and make him the strongest Pokémon! ”


“Go and become the strongest, Leo. Like we said before, I believe in you!”

Ashiro looked at Leo and said seriously.

“Besides, you are a fighting-type Pokémon, not a fire-type Pokémon like Charizard. I don’t have to worry about the danger of being burned by the flames. In addition, I believe that Grandpa Akagi should have a way to prevent it.”

“So, put down the burden in your heart.”

“For you and for me, become the strongest!”

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