Still fighting to exhaustion, Leo simply didn't stand up, closing his eyes to prepare for the upcoming "heavy pressure".

But this time, after waiting for a long time, he still didn't get that familiar feeling.

"Okay, the special training is over."

Old Akagi clapped his hands, indicating that the two Pokémon could stand up.

Leo opened his eyes and stared at the old man with a smile on his face.

"Tomorrow is the Volcano Hot Spring Festival. I believe your trainer will need your help, so the training ends here. Thank you for your hard work."

If Old Akagi didn't mention it, Leo didn't remember for a while that a week had passed, and it was time for the daily "painful" torture to come to an end.

Although he was usually beaten by Infernape - there was no way, after all, there was still a gap between the levels - and was oppressed to death by Charizard's pressure, but at the end of the training, Leo still felt reluctant to leave.

"Besides, continuing this special training will not have much effect. I believe you have already felt this."

Indeed, from being beaten up by the senior brother Infernape at the beginning to being able to fight back and forth with each other now, and from being suppressed by Charizard's enhanced pressure at the beginning to being able to stand up and move, it must be said that this special training has greatly increased Leo's strength.

But the most important thing is the huge energy that Leo has suppressed and wants to explode.

"Two conditions for achieving unparalleled, the first condition: reaching the most extreme state, you have achieved the goal."

Old Akagi touched Leo's head with his old and thin hands.

"I also know that the reason why you haven't entered the unparalleled is that you haven't decided on your own path."

It's not because what kind of elf you are that determines what path you take, but what kind of path determines what kind of elf you can become.

Somehow, this somewhat awkward words of Old Akagi have been firmly engraved in Leo's heart.

So even if he knew that he could evolve into Lucario at any time if he wanted, but now that he was still hesitating about what path to take, evolution would only make him lose the realm of the strongest and unparalleled.

"Don't be anxious, and don't be anxious. Go back and think about it with your trainer. You know, Pokémon and trainers are never two independent individuals."

The familiar words seemed to have been heard somewhere before.

The Flame Monkey standing aside seemed to have realized something, and his fighting spirit and fighting spirit became stronger.

"Also, I am looking forward to the move you are going to practice."

As Leo thought before, he has always lacked a killer move that can make the final decision, so during this period of special training, he has been constantly thinking about it. Old Akagi saw it, but he didn't intend to intervene.

In this way, Leo, Old Akagi and the eldest brother Flame Monkey waved goodbye, and then asked Charizard to send him back to Kabuki Town, preferably to the hot springs in the Pokémon Center in Kabuki Town.

Because after the battle with Infernape, he had no more strength left.

"Grandpa, big brother, goodbye!"

"Haha, have a good rest."

Old Akagi emphasized the word "well".

He grabbed Leo's Charizard, spread his wings, and flew towards Fuquan Town.

Unfortunately, Leo was too tired to look back, otherwise he would have seen the smirk on Old Akagi's lips.


"Plop", a Pokémon with blue and black hair was thrown down from mid-air by Charizard.

Leo immersed his whole body in the hot spring, and only stretched out one hand to wave goodbye to Charizard weakly.

"It's really worthy of being the hot spring in Fuquan Town, I feel like I'm alive again!"

Lifting his head from the water, Leo shook off the water droplets on his face, and then enjoyed the hot spring comfortably.

The sky began to darken, and Ming Rizhao and Feng Ling, who had spent a day at the training ground in Fuquan Town, also returned to the Pokémon Center where they were staying temporarily.

The Pokémon Center in Fuquan Town, as shown by its appearance, is a building that integrates a hot spring house, a hotel, and a Pokémon Center.

With Ming Rizhao's identity as a trainer, Ming Rizhao and Feng Ling can rest in the guest room of the Pokémon Center for free, and they can also enjoy free hot springs.

"Xiao Ling, let's go to the hot springs together!"

Ever since they were bewitched by Asha that hot springs can beautify and have a good effect on skin care, the two girls have been extremely keen on hot springs. They feel uneasy if they don't take a bath every night.

However, Ibrahimovic, who was originally following happily at his feet, immediately left when he heard about the hot springs.The horse flapped its short legs and was about to run away.

"No, you have to take a bath too. You've been training for a day and are covered in sweat and dust. Besides, taking a bath in this hot spring can help you sleep better at night."

Asuki was quick-witted and hugged the escaping Eevee.


I don't know how scared Eevee is of taking a hot spring bath. When he heard that he couldn't escape the fate of being bathed, his long ears drooped unhappily.

Asuki was both angry and amused.

"Okay, if you really don't want to take a hot spring bath, then I'll just rinse you with water, okay?"

Kirulian covered her mouth and chuckled. Although she could usually cover herself with psychic telekinesis to prevent dust from getting on her body, and psychic Pokémons didn't sweat much during training - how could they sweat if they sat and meditated all the time - so Lulu didn't really need a bath to clean herself.

However, Lulu is still willing to take a bath in the hot springs in Fuquan Town. After all, the hot springs in Fuquan Town have such magical effects. Taking a bath can not only relieve physical fatigue, but also relax the head that is aching from meditation.

As for Fengling, she feels so-so about taking a hot spring bath, mainly because the hot steam from the hot spring always makes her glasses foggy and she can't see things clearly.

But her elf Teng Teng Snake is different. She likes taking a hot spring bath very much.

You know, apart from water elves, the elves who like to stay in the water the most are probably grass elves. After all, sunlight and water are the two most favorite substances of grass elves, not to mention hot springs, which are rich in various minerals and magical energy. Therefore, Teng Teng Snake is always the last one to walk out of the hot spring.

While the author was talking, the girl and the elves had changed into yukata and came to the hot spring open to women and female elves.

Yes, Asuka, Kaede, Toutou Snake, Kirlia, and Eevee, by chance, are all girl groups, so they can just take a hot spring bath together.

Hmm? You mean Pokémon eggs?

Pokémon eggs with Schrodinger's gender can go anywhere.

Oh, I forgot to mention that electric Pokémon are forbidden to take a hot spring bath with other humans and Pokémons. They have their own special hot spring pools to bathe in. Why? Because they leak electricity, haha.

Leo, who was leisurely bathing in the hot spring, seemed to hear something.

However, after the fierce battle, he was dazed by the comfortable hot spring water, and his brain was a little unresponsive. He was lazy and did not react.

However, as the sound seemed to be getting closer, Leo reluctantly opened his eyes.

A male Pokémon, two girls in yukatas and several female Pokémons looked at each other.


(The following events happened in a very short moment).

Asuka covered the towel.

Asuka stepped into the hot spring.

Asuka grabbed Leo.

The vine snake stretched out its vines.

Leo did not react.

Asuka and the vines were thrown out with force.

Leo flew straight out.

Ibrahimovic was overjoyed.

Leo subconsciously wanted to grab something.

Leo grabbed Fengling's towel.

Ibrahimovic jumped out of Asuka's arms.

Leo flew out.

Seeing something flying in the air, Lulu subconsciously used telekinesis.

Ibrahimovic ran away.

Leo was wrapped in telekinesis and landed smoothly.


Who am I? Where am I? What am I doing?

Leo sat at the entrance of the hot spring pool, looking at the white towel in his hand in confusion.

What happened just now?

Leo looked at the Ibrahimovic who was happily wagging his tail and asked a soul-searching question.


Ibrahimovic was so happy that he finally didn't have to get wet.

But suddenly, a hand stretched out from the curtain covering the entrance to the hot spring and grabbed Ibrahimovic's tail.

He pulled Ibrahimovic in.


Ibrahimovic made a "whining sound".

Then another hand stretched out and snatched the towel from Leo's hand.


What happened? ? ?

Leo looked up and looked at the ceiling, thinking about his life as an elf.

"Dog author, where are the promised benefits???"

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