The much-anticipated volcanic hot spring festival finally opened.

In the town of Fuquan, whether it was local residents or tourists from afar, they all put down their work and went to the viewing area specially set up by Yangyan Volcano to watch this unique badge challenge.

In front of the bustling viewing area, there were several large screens hanging.

"1, 2, 3...20, a total of 20 contestants will appear in this celebration, let's wait and see!"

The host's voice came from the big screen.

14 challengers, 5 gym apprentices, and the generous girl who was very familiar to the residents of Fuquan Town - Master Yasha.

They were distributed at different entrances at the foot of the volcano, waiting for the command to start the competition.

On the big screen, the camera swept across each contestant.

Some were eager to show off their skills; some calmly sorted out their Poké Balls and climbing tools; some were perhaps a little nervous, and kept muttering to themselves, as if to cheer themselves up; and some closed their eyes and rested, unmoved by the outside world.

The camera gradually pulled away, and the audience saw that the photographers of this competition were actually the reporters of the Elf Daily, the largest news media in the Middle Region. They were sitting in a helicopter and separated into several teams to show every scene of the Fuquan Town Volcanic Hot Spring Festival from many aspects.

"... We can see that the flame flag has been planted at the top of the volcano. All contestants must climb to the top of the mountain to compete for the final destination of the flag. During the climbing process, they can fight with their three Pokémons. Those who are defeated twice will be declared defeated immediately."

The camera was aimed at the big flag on the top of the mountain, which was fluttering in the wind. The host was also sitting in a helicopter, explaining the rules to the audience on site and watching remotely.

For challengers, this is a good time to show their strength and gain reputation and badges. For the apprentices of the gym, this is a rare opportunity to gain the appreciation of the gym owner or even the old man Akagi, so that they can be cultivated.

Therefore, all the contestants are determined to win the final victory of this celebration.

There is no cumbersome opening ceremony. When the contestants are in place one after another.


A huge ball of flames sprayed into the sky and exploded. At this moment, the volcanic hot spring celebration officially kicked off!

Under the excited gaze of all the audience, the contestants started their own actions.

After a contestant climbed the mountain road, he quickly found some remote mountain climbing routes.

"Oh, it seems that our contestant intends to avoid the fight on the way up the mountain and preserve his own strength to deal with the final battle." The experienced host quickly guessed the contestant's plan.

"But be careful, the trails on the volcano are not as easy to walk as you think."

As soon as the voice fell, the challenger who tried to climb the mountain by trail was careless and rolled down the mountain. Fortunately, he did not climb too high at this time, so even if he rolled down, he was not seriously injured.

Just this made the contestant doubt his choice.

The audience exclaimed when they saw this somewhat thrilling scene.

However, a louder noise broke out in a scene that the audience saw from other perspectives.


The time was pulled back to ten minutes ago.

Standing at the entrance of the foot of the volcano, Asuka took a deep breath and calmed down her excitement and nervousness.

The girl was wearing a simple mountaineering suit, her long hair was tied into a neat ponytail, and she wore the Poké Ball hat on her head as always.

Three Poké Balls were neatly placed in a row at the waist.

"Lulu, Leo, Bubu, today's game depends on you!"

Amorizhao patted the Poké Balls gently, and then whispered the arrangements.

"In the previous battle, I plan to let Lulu go first as the main force, because Lulu's super power can be better exerted in such uneven terrain and is not easily affected by the terrain."

"And Leo, you continue to accumulate that punch. When you want to punch, then it will be your stage to perform."

"As for Bubu..."

Amorizhao paused, a little embarrassed.

"Well, let's play by ear."

The three Poké Balls shook and responded.

"Okay, let's go!"

Proud of the experience of looking for Leo in Yangyan Volcano last time, Ming Rizhao also has some experience with the climate of the volcano and the rugged mountain road. Moreover, the tactics she adopted were to climb the mountain along the main road, not to deliberately find a small road to avoid other challengers, nor to deliberately provoke othersThe ultimate goal of the challengers is to reach the top of the mountain, defeat all opponents, and get the flag!

"Facing difficulties head-on and not afraid of challenges, this is a real trainer!"

The girl's eyes were firm, and she climbed up step by step.

But sometimes, difficulties really seem to be intentional and come directly to the door.

What's worse is that since there is no place in the rules and no restrictions, some challengers were clever and took advantage of the loopholes.

Three challengers walked out from the other side of the mountain road.

"The rules don't say that you can't fight in a team."

The challenger in the lead was the Pokémon trainer who complained the most fiercely at the door of the gym that day. He looked at the lonely girl and smiled proudly.

"First, defeat the trainers who are in the way, and then the three of us can discuss slowly."

Three to one, including all the Pokémon, is a nine to three battle. In addition, the trainers who come to challenge the guidance-type gym in Fuquan Town are about the level of novice trainers. With this overwhelming number advantage, it is impossible to lose.

The leading trainer smiled from ear to ear.

Looking at the smug faces of the three people in front of him, Asuka Teru was not angry at all, but just put his hand on the Poké Ball and looked at the opposite side calmly.

Asuka Teru remained calm, but the audience watching the game was lively.

"Three trainers bullying a little girl, what a skill!"

Some audience members who love to fight for justice shouted loudly.

The three trainers in the team, two men and one woman, looked to be in their twenties or thirties. Although they were not particularly old, compared with the beautiful and youthful girl on the opposite side, they seemed to rely on their age to bully others.

"But if there are no restrictions in the rules, it is reasonable. From a tactical perspective, there is no problem."

Such discussions are naturally not without rational people.

"Hey, isn't this girl the trainer who broadcast the battle with the giant elf in Yinye City before?"

"Ah, really, the trainer who saved my hometown, I must support her!"

"I remember she has an elf that can transform into a giant. I wonder if I will see it again this time."


No matter how people talk about it, it can't affect the contestants.

The other two trainers of the three-person team were a little unhappy to see Asuka Zhao so calm.

"Don't talk nonsense with this little girl, just beat her and climb the mountain."

The three trainers threw the elf ball directly.

"Sun Rock."

The rock elf that looks like the sun was summoned, squinting its lifeless eyes and looking at everything in front of it.

"Chao Beibi."

The magnetite Pokémon with a red nose turned 360 degrees as soon as it appeared. The reason was that its magnet-like nose was directly attracted by the magnetic field, and the scene suddenly became a little funny.



The fat seagull with a huge beak shouted actively, and the water vapor emitted from its body diluted the hot breath of the volcano.

The rock and psychic Sun Rock, the rock type Chao Beibi, and the water and flying type Saury. It must be said that these three trainers have made a lot of preparations for this volcanic festival. Knowing that the gym in Buquan Town is a fire gym, the biggest challenge target gym owner Yasha is also good at fire Pokémon, so they prepared rock and water Pokémon that restrain fire to fight.

However, the other challengers are not necessarily all fire Pokémon, but it doesn't matter to these three people. There are a total of nine Pokémon, and the round-robin battle alone can wear out the opponent.

Asuhi Teru quickly glanced at the three Pokémons, then took out a Poké Ball.

"Then I will..."

The girl hadn't finished her words.

Suddenly, the boy's voice sounded from behind everyone.

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