Thirty minutes before the orb rose.

"Now I will report the battle situation to you."

The host standing at the open hatch of the helicopter, holding the microphone in one hand and the railing in the other, was speaking excitedly.

"First, the most watched small team of three trainers challenged the girl trainer. With the help of the sudden reinforcement and the magical Eevee, the girl trainer perfectly defeated the three opponents, and the girl trainer and the boy trainer seemed to have made a decision and began to separate in two different directions to continue climbing the Yangyan Volcano."

"Oh, this scene full of youthful spirit reminds me of my youth, running in the sunset, that was my lost youth... Ouch!"

The host, who was about to recall his youth, quickly pressed down the hat on his head that was about to be blown away by the wind.

"Ahem, next, we can see that the gym owner, Miss Yasha, is driving the little fire horse to the top of the mountain at a very fast speed. On the way, she defeated two trainers, one of whom is the assistant of the gym. She is really a woman of fire. She can be ruthless to her own people."

Yasha rolled her eyes at the helicopter in the air.

The host's loud speaker continued to broadcast.

"Camera, quick, look there!"

In the camera shot, a fat trainer was wrapping the climbing rope around his waist again and again, and then tied the other end of the rope to his flying Pokémon.

Hearing that the camera was filming him at this time, the fat trainer smiled confidently.

"Huh, how could I climb the mountain like others?" He patted his Tropical Dragon, indicating that the latter should fly to the top of the mountain first to fix the climbing rope, and then pull him up.

"Although the rules state that you can't fly directly to the top of the mountain on a flying elf, I let the flying elf go to the top first and then pull me up, which is not considered a violation of the rules."

The fat trainer proudly put his hands on his hips.

The docile tropical dragon slowly flew up and flew towards the top of the mountain.

"Oh, this trainer is really unconventional. Although he fell off the mountain at the beginning, he still didn't give up his way of stealing chickens. Can he realize his plan by using the power of the tropical dragon this time?"

The host and many viewers are also very interested in this fat trainer, so the camera lens is also firmly locked on him.

Under the attention of countless eyes, the tropical dragon is finally approaching the top of the volcano.

Even the fat trainer who pretended to be indifferent but was secretly nervous also breathed a sigh of relief, and his expression on his face became complacent, with a kind of confidence that everything is under my control.


The tropical dragon, flapping its wings slowly, suddenly felt something was wrong.

The temperature on the volcano seemed to be constantly rising.

Then, a burning sensation came from his body.

Tropical Dragon looked back blankly and found that his leaves-made wings were actually burning!

He was stunned for a few seconds.

"Hot, hot, hot, hot, hot!!!!!!!!!"

Tropical Dragon panicked and flapped his wings quickly to try to put out the fire.

But unexpectedly, the more he flapped, the more intense the flames burned.

Tropical Dragon couldn't help it, and didn't care how his trainer was yelling, and flew desperately in the opposite direction of Yangyan Volcano.

"Tropical Dragon, stop, stop, stop, stop..."

The fat trainer made a series of desperate shouts.

The audience and the host watched the two figures, one big and one fat, gradually move away from Yangyan Volcano.

"Well, it seems that this trainer is ready to leave the game."

The host shrugged and signaled the cameraman to move the camera to other players.

During the farce, the contestants who had not been eliminated had basically crossed the halfway point of the volcano. Asuhi Zhao and Ye Yueyao had defeated the three trainers who stayed in their area, so they did not encounter other trainers on the way to the mountain, so they were far ahead in the progress of the mountain, and were about to meet Miss Yasha who was waiting at the top of the volcano.

All the audience were holding their breath, waiting for the exciting battle of dragons and tigers on the top of the mountain.

Inside the volcano.

The fire-breathing dragon suddenly spurted out flames from its mouth, forcing back the claws that attacked from the mist.


The owner of the claws snorted in dissatisfaction, and then walked out slowly.

The muscular Fiery Roaring Tiger revealed its true form.

Following closely behind was the cadre of the Lava Team, Fire Wing.

At this time, Fire Wing's eyes showed an irrepressible light.

"The fire-breathing dragon of the strongest fire-breathing dragon trainer, it's really a good opponent." He tilted his head to look at Fire Wing.The Flame Roaring Tiger said. "You said so, Roaring Tiger."

The Flame Roaring Tiger twisted his wrist, making a crackling sound, and his eyes were locked on Charizard.

"Be careful, I'm afraid that's the Flame Roaring Tiger that Leo mentioned."

Old Akagi could naturally feel the aura full of extreme malice. As Leo said, in the range covered by this aura, a feeling of fear would unconsciously arise in his heart.

But Old Akagi had experienced the ups and downs of life, and this fear was not enough to scare him.

"Monkey!" The Flame Monkey repelled the Dalubys and the Platyblade, and quickly returned to Old Akagi's side.

"Charizard, Infernape, come together and fight quickly!"

In the past, if he met such a powerful opponent as Blazing Roaring Tiger, Old Man Akagi would definitely fight him well. However, now that he felt the uncontrollable wave in the depths of the volcano that seemed to explode at the next moment, he did not care about the 1-on-1 standard. He just wanted to defeat the opponent quickly and stop the guy in the depths of the volcano.

Charizard and Infernape, who had a tacit understanding with Old Man Akagi, rushed up decisively.

Infernape took the lead, blasting the air with his fists and hitting at the speed of sound.


Charizard's attack was much more domineering. After a loud roar, crimson flames spurted out of his mouth violently, and at the same time, flapping his wings, he pounced on it.

"Come on!"

Facing Old Man Akagi's behavior of sending two elves, Fire Wing was not angry, but his eyes were shining, and his face was full of rare excitement.

"Tiger, Charizard is in your hands."

He threw a Poké Ball.

"Centipede, come out!"

As soon as the bright red centipede Pokémon appeared, it was hit by Infernape's [Sonic Punch].

"[Flame Wheel]!"

The flames on the head and tail of the Centipede ignited, and in a very short time, they wrapped around the whole body of the Centipede, and the Centipede rolled its body like a burning wheel, colliding with the two fists that came at high speed!

"Bang", the two Pokémons collided and separated, and neither of them could do anything to the other.

On the other side, the Blazing Roaring Tiger crossed his arms and split Charizard's [Jet Flame], then jumped nimbly, jumped above Charizard, and then crossed his right arm and hit Charizard from top to bottom with a hooked arm posture.

The battle-hardened Charizard turned around, and his thick tail collided fiercely with the sturdy arms of the Blazing Roaring Tiger.


The Blazing Roaring Tiger rolled back and dodged Charizard's second [Flame Spray].

The Peerless Charizard vs. the Peerless Blazing Roaring Tiger, the Elite Flame Monkey vs. the Elite Flame Scorpion, two pairs of combat combinations, in the first test, neither could do anything to the other.

When the fierce battle was about to break out.

Suddenly, Old Man Akagi and Huo Yi looked into the depths of the volcano at the same time.

Listening carefully, the thunderous roar became louder and louder.

The faces of the two people were also different.

Huo Yi's face showed joy from the heart.

And Old Man Akagi's expression became very ugly, and at the same time, as if he thought of something, his face changed drastically.

"Dude, hurry up!"

He mounted Charizard, put away the Flame Monkey, and then flew to the crater at a high speed!

The Blazing Roaring Tiger, who had lost its opponent, roared fiercely on the spot, while Huoyi and several other members of the Lava Team were waiting for something with joy on their faces.

"Quick, leave here!"

The cadres who had been staying deep in the volcano, as well as their subordinates, also ran out one after another. The cadre Dimiter, who was wearing a white coat that had been completely stained black by volcanic ash, shouted for them to leave as soon as he saw Huoyi and others.

Without hesitation, everyone summoned the Fiery Arrow Eagle and flew away from the volcano.

When a team member left the volcano, he looked back and saw that the lava, which had been flowing steadily, was now surging and expanding restlessly, and also emitting amazing heat.

"Where is the leader?"

Huoyi asked Liya.

"Don't worry, with the protection of that holy object, the leader will be very safe."

Grabbing the foot of the Fiery Arrow Eagle with one hand, Liya had enough time to support her glasses with the other hand.

"Moreover, as long as we obtain the holy object, it means that the holy beast will soon be able to descend into this world in its strongest form. At this point, there is no need for us to keep a low profile."

A light called ambition emanated from Liya's eyes.

"Fire Wing, Dimiter, as the deputy leader of the Lava Team, I hereby announce that today will be the day we make our announcement to the world."

CadreIn this tense moment of escaping the volcano, the team members still listened to Liya's words excitedly.

"Announce to the world - our Lava Team has been resurrected."

"No, we are not the organization that was left with only shame ten years ago. This is the moment when we are reborn, so we should be called..."

She paused.

"New, Lava Team!"

Everyone burst into huge cheers.

Liya looked around at all the members of the Lava Team, and the corners of her mouth curled up slightly.

"So I allow you to make a big fuss to celebrate the resurrection of the new Lava Team and to celebrate our leader's upcoming acquisition of the most powerful power in the world!"

"Gentlemen, celebrate!"

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