"Awoo!" "Woof!" "Chirp!" "Squeak!"

At the foot of Yangyan Volcano, in the viewing area, a large number of released Pokémon were barking restlessly, and a few timid Pokémon even huddled under their seats, trembling.

"Okay, Little York, stop barking, be good."

"Big Toothed Raccoon, what's wrong with you?"

"Coyote Dog, be quiet, if you keep doing this I'll put you in the Poké Ball."

Many people's words of comfort or threat did not calm the Pokémon down. On the contrary, some Pokémon barked even more impatiently. If there were researchers familiar with Pokémon ecology here, they would find that in these chaotic barks, there was extreme fear and panic.

The changes in the audience naturally attracted the attention of the host flying in the air.

"Oh, we can see that for some reason a large number of elves have become very irritable. Could it be that they have stayed too long and were affected by the high temperature of the volcano? This is indeed the case for elves with thick hair like Little York."

After explaining jokingly, the host couldn't help but wipe the sweat off his face with the back of his hand.

"Hey, can the air conditioner in the helicopter be turned up a little? It's a bit too hot."

The host shouted to the other staff in the cabin.

"No way, it's already turned up to the maximum."

The other staff were also sweating profusely.

"Damn it, why is it so hot today... cough cough cough cough..."

Before the host finished speaking, he was choked by a large amount of thick smoke suddenly spewed out from the volcano.

The helicopter was even shaken by the interference of the thick smoke.

The helicopter team flying in the sky was troubled by the thick smoke, while the people on the ground were shocked by the next changes.

"Boom boom", "boom boom", the earth was shaking slightly, and the sound of muffled drums came out faintly.

Thin cracks began to appear on the surface of the volcano.

At this time, Yasha, who was standing on the top of the volcano, also had a changed face.

She quickly took out her mobile phone and connected it to the big screen for watching the game.

"All staff, organize the audience on site and evacuate quickly! Repeat, pay attention to maintaining order and evacuate quickly!"

Then she contacted her assistant again.

"Xiao Ke, activate the first-level disaster prevention plan and evacuate all residents and elves!"

After speaking quickly, Yasha immediately summoned another flaming horse and rushed down the mountain, and at the same time summoned all the challengers who climbed the mountain and asked them to leave as soon as possible.

Seeing that the owner, who was always known for his heroic spirit, was also solemn at this time, all the contestants did not dare to delay. The trainers of the elves with fast movement ability sat on their own elves, Ming Ri Zhao sat on Yasha's flaming horse, and Ye Yueyao sat on Yasha's little fire horse. Everyone evacuated quickly down the mountain.

"Sister Yasha, what happened?"

Yasha's face was more serious than ever before.

"High temperature, earth shaking, increasing smoke... Yangyan Volcano is about to erupt!"


At this time, if you look down from the sky, you can see the crater of Yangyan Volcano, and the restless magma is ready to erupt.

The land began to crack from top to bottom from the crater, and the dusty smoke expanded and spewed out from the cracked mouth, covering the entire upper part of the volcano.

What's more terrifying is that the sky above the volcano showed a strange fiery red color, as if even the clouds were about to be burned by the flames, swaying with an ominous red light.

The figure of a giant dragon flew out very quickly, and following closely behind, a large number of eagle shadows rushed out of the thick smoke with humans one by one.

The fire-breathing dragon carried the old man Akagi and caught up with Yasha and others who were evacuating to the foot of the mountain.

"Asha, hurry up, inform everyone to leave Yangyan Volcano... No, leave Fuquan Town and retreat to a safe area!"

Old Akagi spoke very quickly, which showed how urgent the situation was.

"Grandpa Akagi, the first-level response plan has been activated, and the alliance has been notified and support has been requested."

Although he knew it was not the right time, Asuka still couldn't help asking this question.

"Grandpa Akagi, Sister Yasha, didn't the alliance classify this volcano as a dormant volcano a long time ago? How come it suddenly erupted?"

The Yangyan Volcano, which has not erupted for nearly a thousand years, is trying to bring the devastating disaster back to the world at this moment.

After hearing Asuka's question, Old Akagi looked at Yasha deeply and said seriously: "I have been feeling uneasy in my heart for the past two days, so I specially surveyed the volcano before and after the game day. I didn't expect to encounter..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by a voice from afar.

"You want to run away?"Where are you going?"

A burly man fell from the sky, followed by an excited flaming roaring tiger.


The man and the flaming roaring tiger fell directly in front of Asha's flaming horse, forcing the flaming horse to stop urgently. The powerful inertia almost threw Asha and Asuka Teru riding on the flaming horse out.

"It's you!"

Old Akagi frowned.

"Bang bang bang bang bang".

A large number of people wearing red and black vests fell from the sky one after another, like a human wall, blocking the way of the trainers evacuating down the mountain.

Looking at the familiar clothes, a lot of memory fragments flashed through Asha's mind.

"Is it you? ! Lava, Rock, Team! "

As if forcibly suppressing her anger, Asha stared at the group of uninvited guests in front of her and spoke word by word.

And what Asha said also made the trainers around her exclaim again and again.

It's really that the name of this evil organization is too loud.

Some evil organizations active in other regions, such as Team Rocket, Team Plasma, Team Skull, etc., or some small evil organizations such as the Pokémon Poaching Group, etc., basically had to act low-key under the thunder sweep of the Alliance ten years ago, resulting in most trainers only hearing about these evil organizations ten years later, but not having any deep impression.

However, for the people in the Middel region, Team Ocean and Team Magma are lingering shadows.

"Ten years ago, in order to realize the ideal world you imagined, you awakened Groudon and Kyogre. The battle between the two super ancient beasts brought great damage to the Middel region. Now that you have finally regained peace and stable development, do you want to provoke a war and bring disaster to this region again? "

An older trainer couldn't help but scold.

Ten years is not a long time, and among all the trainers present, almost all of them have witnessed the huge destruction brought by the two beasts, and some have even faced the beasts and the terrible natural disasters.

Faced with the scolding, Huoyi had no expression on his face, but another cadre Dimit walked forward.

"Humans, what humble and short-sighted humans are."

Dimitri looked at the trainer with a look of "pity", and then opened his hands, as if to embrace the world.

"Open your closed eyes and see, humans are growing endlessly, but we only have a pitiful little space. Yes, our great humans can only be imprisoned in this land and cannot break free, and the reason is to allow the elves in the sea to live freely?"

He spitted with disdain.

"How stupid, how absurd, how sad! Human development should not be constrained in this way. More land will allow humans to develop better! And our Lava Team is fighting for the future happiness of all mankind. "

Dimitri looked at all the trainers with a sick look.

"What qualifications do you have to blame us?"


More trainers couldn't help but cursed.

"Just for your so-called continental expansion plan, you let the beasts revive, and countless people were destroyed in the disaster? ! ! "

"In the face of the great revival, sacrifice is inevitable."

Dimitri suddenly shook his head and said with some disappointment.

"It seems that I can't communicate with you with words, forget it, forget it."

He waved his hand without hesitation.

"Kill them!"

A large group of Lava Team members behind him rushed over with a grin.

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