The hot weather, the extremely tense and panic mood, and the alarm bells that kept ringing in the instinct of life, all put pressure on the elves who could easily run a long distance in the past.


Kentaro, a trainer, fell to the ground with his legs softened, and he and the trainer on his back fell to the ground.

The energetic Kentaro, because of his irritable temper, likes to run around, so his physical endurance is also very good. However, in this high-pressure environment, even the carefree Kentaro can't bear it. In this desperate escape, he quickly consumed his physical strength and finally fell down due to exhaustion.

Kentaro's fall seemed to trigger a chain reaction. Several elves beside him also fell down, panting heavily, and could no longer move.

"Damn it."

Asha frowned and stopped.

Her Pokémon was fine. Apart from being a little tired, she still looked full of energy. This was not only because Arcanine, Flame and Charmander were all extremely good at running Pokémon, but also because these Pokémon were generally of high levels. In addition, they had seen many big scenes following the Pokémon Gym Master, so they could barely hold on.

But the participating trainers were different. The Pokémon they had were generally around level 20. Facing such a horrible natural disaster, it was already very good to be able to hold on for such a long distance.

At this time, they had already run to the entrance of the mountain road of the volcano, and were about to leave the area of ​​Yangyan Volcano.

However, they could not relax yet, because the road ahead was still a low-lying plain area, and the magma would not disappear out of thin air just because they left Yangyan Volcano. It would inevitably submerge everything, so the trainers had to reach a safe area before they could relax.

Mingri Zhao and Ye Yueyao jumped off Flame and Charmander and helped up several trainers who fell to the ground.

"By the way, Lulu, can you use [Teleport]?"

The incident happened too suddenly, and Asuka Teru didn't remember this quick transfer skill for a while. At this time, his mind cooled down a little, and he quickly summoned Chilulian to ask.

Lulu closed his eyes and tried to operate his super energy.

Unfortunately, after trying hard, Lulu could only shake his head in frustration.

"Elulu. (Elf language) No, the space here is too unstable, there is no way to use [Teleport]."

[Teleport] is an unimaginable move. After many scientists' research, they found that although this move is magical, it also has many limitations. First of all, the environment for performing it needs a relatively calm and stable space, and secondly, the performer must also concentrate on this move.

Lulu can achieve the latter limitation, but the problem lies in the former limitation. Just looking at the shaking earth and the oppressive aura, you can know how unstable the current space is.

"How is it, can you still hold on?"

Asha looked back at the lava rolling down slowly, her face full of anxiety.

"Not bad."

The trainers collected the exhausted Pokémon.

"Now we can only run, hurry up, run!"

Several younger trainers such as Asuka and Yeyueyao, and two trainers who injured their legs when they fell to the ground, rode Pokémon that still had strength, while other trainers ran desperately.

Leo rejected Asuka's suggestion to let him return to the Poké Ball. He did not sit on the Flame Horse anymore, but ran on the ground while protecting the Flame Horse. Firstly, as a Pokémon specializing in speed, after the previous training to strengthen endurance, he was no worse than the Flame Horse in terms of running speed and continuous endurance, so there was no problem in running away. Secondly, he was also more worried about Asuka. If he stayed outside, he could avoid not being able to provide support in time when something happened.

The trainers continued to escape from the volcano.

However, compared to the previous assistance of a large number of elves, at this time, those trainers who could only run for their lives were quickly left behind, including Asha who let other trainers ride on Arcanine and ran by herself.

The lava still seemed to be slow, but it was actually very fast to submerge everything.

The unbearable burning heat kept coming from behind, always warning people not to stop.

Old man Akagi sat on the Charizard, which could only fly at a low altitude because of the wing injury, and looked at the scene with a serious expression.

He suddenly leaned over and whispered a few words to his Charizard.

"Roar! (Elf language) Good!"

The Charizard roared in agreement.

Then, the Charizard, which was flying away from the volcano, suddenly turned around and flew behind the fleeing trainers.

""Little Yasha, I'll leave the others to you."

Old Akagi's voice came from afar.

"Let me, this old bone, buy you some time!"

Looking at the receding Charizard and the hunched figure on its back, Yasha couldn't help shouting.

"Grandpa Akagi, you..."

Unfortunately, Yasha's words were drowned out by the roar of the volcanic eruption, and the two people (elves) who were going away didn't hear it.

Old Akagi and Charizard flew to a position that was relatively close to the lava.

"Dude, you'll have to work hard again."

The old man patted Charizard's neck apologetically, and then fell off Charizard.

The golden flames once again wrapped around Charizard's body, making Charizard's eyes sparkle with golden light.

"Roar. (Elf language) I don't remember my trainer being such a fussy person. "

The bond of the soul made old Akagi understand Charizard's "contemptuous" words, and he laughed.

"Yes, I'm old, and I've become like this without realizing it, but..."

Old Akagi looked at the seemingly unstoppable lava and felt proud.

"We have fought against gym leaders, the four kings of elves, and defeated those powerful evil organizations, so today let's experience the feeling of fighting against natural disasters!"

"【Jet Flame】!"

Charizard took a deep breath, and a large amount of red flames were sucked into it.

"Boom!", the flames erupted, forming an extremely thick column of fire that hit the magma directly.

"Sizzle, sizzle, the contact between the flames and the magma exuded bursts of unpleasant smell of gunpowder.

Old Akagi stared at the scene closely.

"No, man, it's not powerful enough. "

Although the flames were powerful enough, they still couldn't stop the lava from rolling down.

"In this case, stop [Jet Flame] first." Old Akagi thought about it in his mind and quickly switched to the next method. "Use [Storm]!"

Unconditionally believing in his trainer, Charizard endured the pain in his wings and fanned a violent hurricane.

"Then, use [Jet Flame] again!"

The fierce flames were sprayed out again, but after the storm, they burned extremely vigorously in an instant.

The wind borrowed the fire, and the fire spread all over the prairie. In the wisdom of old Akagi, all things in the world are related and connected, and this tactic of strengthening his own moves with the help of different attributes is the reason why he became a powerful trainer thirty years ago.

The huge column of fire catalyzed by the fierce storm hit the magma again.

The rolling trend of the lava seemed to be slightly blocked.

This scene was not missed by old Akagi.

"Dude, do it again. "

Charizard readjusted himself and used the combination of [Storm] and [Jet Flame] again. Afterwards, Charizard even mixed his own golden flame into it, making the jet of fire even more powerful.

The magma finally paused visibly.

"Very good, very good, man, let's do it again..."

Old Akagi, who was delighted after seeing the results, was about to let Charizard continue to implement this set of tactics when he suddenly heard Charizard's unusual panting.

He woke up instantly.

After fighting with Blazing Roaring Tiger, and then being injured in the battle, plus the escape just now, and now trying his best to use the moves, Charizard, he, also felt tired.

The most important thing is...

Old Akagi thought to himself.

"I, and he, are both old. "

If it were Charizard, who was full of vigor and ambition in his youth, he would not be half as tired as the one above after fighting the Four Elf Kings continuously - yes, thirty years ago, the road to challenging the champion required defeating the Four Elf Kings continuously.

But now, even if Charizard was holding on and continued to inhale a large amount of flames as if he refused to admit defeat, his trembling wings and the flickering flames on his tail all showed that his fellow was beginning to lose his strength.

Old Akagi looked back and saw that the trainers were still desperately running away, but the distance did not seem to be far away.

"Gurgle", a series of bubbles came out of the magma, and slowly, it resumed rolling down.

We must fight for a chance for the group of children, but Charizard has already...

Old Akagi clenched his hands, and his veins bulged.

The magma seemed to be rolling down unstoppably again.

At this time.

"Flame Chicken, [Flame Fist]!"

"Megalodon, [Mental Power]! ”

“Greek Shark, [Dragon Wave]!”

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