The agile Flame Chicken fell from the sky holding a black-haired woman in a vest. After landing on the ground, the woman jumped to the side, and Flame Chicken's fists ignited with fire. With a shout, the fist-shaped flames broke out directly and bombarded the magma that was blocked by an unknown object at some point. The force was so strong that it even rolled the lava back a little.

Looking up, the giant gold monster with metal limbs was covered with a layer of rich pink super-powered brilliance, while the nobleman with blue-green hair used his keen eyes to observe the flow of magma and directed the super-powered telekinesis to block it.

Afterwards, an elf shaped like a hammerhead shark rushed in like a high-speed jet. Under the command of a woman in a black robe with long golden hair, dragon-attributed shock waves spewed out of its mouth, and together with Flame Chicken's fist-shaped flames, they resisted the magma.

Red Fire had left and returned to the air where the Lava Team was on the Dark Flame Bird.

The news team, who had regained control of the live camera, immediately hurriedly aimed the camera at the figures fighting against the volcanic eruption.

"We can see that the emergency rescue team sent by the alliance has arrived at Yangyan Volcano first."

The people who appeared in the camera made everyone exclaim.

Middel's current champion, the strongest elf trainer, the daughter of Odasumaki Elf Doctor - Odasumaki Safiya.

Middel's previous champion, the son of Devon Company, the steel elf expert - Daigo Tsuoki.

Middel's previous champion, a well-known myth and ruins research master, an elegant and powerful woman - Zhulan.

And, the founder of Kabuki Town, who once had the title of "the strongest fire-breathing dragon trainer", Akagi.

Four trainers who were famous in the past or present.

All gathered here.

Old Akagi was naturally no stranger to these three people.

"Safiya, Daigo, Takeran, do you have any way to quickly get those kids to a safe place?"

Daigo shook his head.

"It's too urgent. I only have Metagross with me."

"Me too. Because Troloro the Tropical Dragon is not suitable to come here, I hurriedly borrowed the Tanabata Bluebird from Uncle Qianli to come here."

Safiya interrupted.

Takeran simply pointed at Garchomp.

"This guy is the only one I have that can carry people."

Although Garchomp flies like a high-speed jet, its body is not huge. At most, it can only carry an adult woman like Takeran. It is unlikely that Garchomp can take all the trainers away.

Similarly, Metagross and Tanabata Bluebird can only carry one adult. Therefore, it seems that the idea of ​​taking the trainers away with the help of several new recruits as envisioned by old man Akagi is not feasible.

"Change your thinking. We just need to stop the magma here and give them enough time to evacuate."

Zhu Lan said lightly.

The camera zoomed out to the intersection of the elves' moves and the magma. Flame Chicken's uninterrupted [Flame Fist], Metagross's highly concentrated [Spiritual Power], and Garchomp's [Dragon Wave] again and again, the fist shadow, the mind, and the wave turned into a barrier, making the magma stop moving forward.

Old Akagi's Charizard won precious breathing time. The Charizard, which had been forced to raise its wings, relaxed and the flame in its mouth was decisively extinguished, allowing itself to recover its strength and energy. After all, the continuous and uninterrupted use of the two powerful moves [Storm] and [Jet Flame] still consumes a lot of energy.

"Thank you for your hard work, old friend."

Old Akagi wanted to put Charizard into the Poké Ball, even if it was only for a short time, so that Charizard could get a better rest in the Poké Ball.

Charizard waved his hand, and then signaled to the old man Akagi to take over the three Pokémon.

Flame Chicken's arms continued to blast out [Flame Fist], and it was not as stable as at the beginning. Metagross' eyes narrowed unconsciously, and Garchomp's mouth continued to release shock waves, and he was already a little out of breath.

The eruption of the largest volcano in the entire Middel region was not something that a few Pokémon could handle - even if they were extremely powerful champion Pokémon.

The three champions naturally noticed that their Pokémon began to lose some strength.

At the same time, they all lit up with colorful lights.

"Flame Chicken..."



"...Mega Evolution!"

If you want to resist nature, you must rely on the power beyond nature, that is, the magical power born in nature that maintains the bond between trainers and Pokémons - Mega Super Evolution!

Three different voicesrang out.

The hair exploded, and the feathers on the body stood straight up to the sky. The horns on the head originally on the two horns became one, and the yellow patterned fur turned black and appeared flame-shaped. Four long flame streamers were flying gracefully backwards on the arms.

——The fighter in the flames, Super Flame Chicken!

The original four legs turned into four thick arms and stretched forward, and there were four smaller arms behind it. The metal cross on the face turned golden, the chin spikes protruded, and the eyes were shining with super power from time to time.

——Hard steel, Super Metagross!

The body became even taller, and in contrast, the head and shoulders became thin. Five pairs of white bone spurs grew outward on both sides of the abdomen, and hideous red spikes emerged from the knees. The energy that was so abundant in the body overflowed, melting the hands and wings, and condensed into a huge blood-red sickle.

——The violent slasher, Super Biting Land Shark!

"Roar!" Although it has not evolved to Mega, Charizard's pride is inspired by the three "younger generations". The dazzling golden flames are draped over Charizard from head to toe, as if it is wearing a layer of king's armor, and the two horns on its head are covered by the blazing flames, as if it is crowned with a crown.

——The King of Flames, the Extreme Flame Unparalleled Charizard!

The four super-powerful elves appeared together, and the interlaced and shining light also brightened the originally gloomy and sultry Yangyan Volcano.

"【Flame Fist】!", "【Spiritual Power】!", "【Dragon Wave】!", "【Jet Flame】!"

The powerful moves that originally required a certain amount of energy and energy to perform were now effortlessly performed in the hands of these four elves as if they were playing.

The golden flames pushed the powerful fist shadow, the shock wave full of dragon power and the invisible and shadowless super-powered telekinesis spiral impact.

"Lulu", the trend of the magma rolling down was completely stopped, and it could only slide down from the edge of the range of the move helplessly.

From the camera view of the high-altitude helicopter, it was as if a vacuum zone was opened up out of thin air on the Yangyan Volcano. From the middle to the end, there was no trace of magma flowing.

People who closely followed this event couldn't help but applaud.

"It's worthy of being the champion, it's really amazing!"

"That's right, and that old man is also very strong."

"Dad, do you know who that old man is?"

"He is an idol that my generation admired very much. Look at his Charizard. The popularity of that year was not less than that of the champion's elf."

Middle's champions, as always, are the pillars of people's hearts!

It's just that the audience cheered for this kind of style of resisting natural disasters, but some people didn't seem so calm.

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