Not far from Yangyan Volcano.

The members of the Lava Team are now standing on a slightly lower hillside, looking at the scene of the volcanic eruption.

The leader Chihuo standing in the front looked a little unhappy.

Originally, she wanted to use a shocking event to gloriously announce the revival of the Lava Team. The beginning and the middle were very good, but the ending was ruined by the intrusion of those champions who made her hate her so much.

"Damn champions."

Chihuo's face sank. In her plan, she used the lives of more than a dozen trainers - there was even a gym owner of a Pokémon Gym among them, to avenge the Thunder Operation of the Pokémon Alliance ten years ago. Unfortunately, all this seemed to be unsuccessful.

As the think tank of the Lava Team, Liya had many strategies flashing through her mind.

She pushed her black-framed glasses and said in Chihuo's ear.

"Leader, actually, if you think about it the other way around, now is a good opportunity."


Chihuo looked at Liya coldly.

Liya continued to speak in a low voice.

"According to the original plan, we wanted to use the volcanic eruption to bury those trainers, and even destroy the key town of Fuquan Town to retaliate against the Elf Alliance, but now there are several champions, our plan may not be realized."

Liya's eyes flashed with cunning under her glasses.

"But let's change our thinking. If we bury here, what we will bury is..."

The finger pointed at the four calm trainers.

"What about the lives of these champions?"

"If we can take advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity here, all these so-called champions..." Liya put her palm across her throat. "In this way, it is estimated that the Elf Alliance will be shocked."

"The reputation of our Lava Team is bound to rise to a higher level!"

After listening to Liya's suggestion, Chihuo's heart moved, and he immediately looked at the scarlet gem in his hand.

The gem shone with red light as always, reflecting the "Ω" symbol.

After several champions tried their best to stop them, they finally bought precious evacuation time for the group of trainers.

They finally left the foot of Yangyan Volcano and retreated to Liuming Mountain. On the way, they finally met the rescue team sent by the Elf Alliance. With the help of the rescue team, they and the elves evacuated to a safe area.

It can also be seen from the big screen that the three champions and old man Akagi relaxed their tension after learning that everyone had evacuated safely.

Asuka and Fengling, who came hurriedly, hugged each other and celebrated their escape.

"Fortunately, nothing happened..."

Leo breathed a sigh of relief, but suddenly, he felt a tightening feeling in his heart.

"What's going on???"

This feeling... made him uneasy just like when he predicted the destruction of Chaoyang Valley in the Crescent Forest.

He subconsciously looked up.

Several strange red lights, with an ominous aura, shot rapidly towards Yangyan Volcano from a distance.

On the Yangyan Volcano.

“…Okay, we’ve received news from the Alliance. All tourists and residents in Fuquan Town, all players participating in the volcano festival, and all people and elves in the area threatened by the volcanic eruption have been successfully evacuated to a safe area.”

Saphia received the news from the Alliance from the bracelet, and then said to the others.

“Then our mission will be over.”

Dawu also breathed a sigh of relief and looked up at the volcano that was still erupting.

“Speaking of this, could it be related to the bead of the Lava Team? It would be great if we could stop the eruption.”

“It’s good enough to be able to stop it for a while, but unfortunately, Fuquan Town can’t be saved.”

Zhulan felt a little regretful. After all, she also liked the hot springs in Fuquan Town. She often came to Fuquan Town to soak in the hot springs after exploring the ruins to eliminate her fatigue.

Fuquan Town is located at the foot of Yangyan Volcano, and the surging magma will never let go of this town.

Old Akagi smiled generously.

"It's okay. If Fuquan Town can be built once, there will be a second time. As long as everyone is there, Fuquan Town will not disappear."

The old man couldn't help but glance at his Charizard.

The three champions nodded. After all, the old senior in front of them personally opened up the town of Fuquan Town in the barren land at the foot of the volcano, so he was naturally qualified to say the above words.

"Okay, let's retreat..."

When Safiya was about to summon her Tanabata Bluebird, she suddenly found several red lights bombarding around them.

The four trainers were stunned.

HeTheir battle-hardened acumen was urgently ringing the alarm bell, as if reminding them to evacuate quickly.

But the nerves that were tense just now suddenly relaxed, and then immediately tensed up, which was easier said than done.

It was this moment of daze.

The next second.

"Boom boom boom boom", Yangyan Volcano seemed to be affected by some mysterious force and shook even more violently. And the four trainers suddenly cracked around them, and the hot magma gushed out instantly!

Even before a second, the magma had already surged up, like a huge wave, surrounding the four trainers from all directions at a very fast speed, and further compressed inward.


It should be said that although they were a little careless, the champion or the trainer who was close to the champion also reacted very quickly, and immediately asked the elves who had originally worked together to resist the magma in one direction to instantly separate into four directions to protect the four trainers.

"Damn it, what's going on?"

Saphia gritted her teeth while commanding the Super Flame Chicken.

"... Is it the Magma Team's fault?"

On the way here on the Metagross, Daigo still took the time to watch the live broadcast, and naturally saw the declaration of the Magma Team leader and the scarlet gem.

"Daigo, think of a way."

For things other than fighting, Zhulan has never been very interested, so even at this critical moment, she decisively threw the task of thinking to Daigo.

Daigo looked around helplessly.

I don't know if it was stimulated by the red light, or the volcano itself has been suppressed for a long time, the surging magma is like a wave after another, and it is going to destroy all the creatures inside.

What's worse is that when fighting against the more intense magma, the three super-evolved elves are also under greater pressure. Although they can still maintain a stalemate at this moment, looking at the faint light that begins to radiate from them, it can be known that these three super-evolved elves will not be able to hold on for long.

The wise and resourceful young man also felt difficult for a while.

"The four directions have been surrounded, so the only place that can break through is above."

Daigo pointed upwards, but his expression was a little embarrassed.

"But if an elf here suddenly withdraws, the corresponding direction will collapse instantly, and magma will also take the opportunity to pour in."

"So, we need a new elf to help an elf here, so that he can break free and create opportunities for everyone."

Since Daigo and Bamboo Lan only have Metagross and Garchomp, Safia and Old Man Akagi immediately summoned Tanabata Bluebird and Infernape.

The information of Blaziken, Metagross, Garchomp, Charizard, Tanabata, and Infernape quickly passed through Daigo's mind, and then he told the others his plan: "The positions of Garchomp, Blaziken, and Charizard remain unchanged. Tanabata and Infernape may need two Pokémons to work together to resist one direction because of their strength."

"So I will let Metagross take off first, and then use super powers to take everyone into the air. After leaving, everyone can immediately take back their Pokémons and then summon them out, so that we can get out of here smoothly."

Safiya, Bamboo Orchid, and Old Man Akagi nodded.

"Then let's get ready to start... Damn it!!!"

Daigo's face suddenly became extremely ugly.

Good fortune never comes alone, and misfortune never comes alone. It seems that the luck of these champions is not very good. Just when the four were about to start the action, the crater made a loud noise, and then several giant rocks wrapped in thick smoke were ejected from the mountain pass, falling directly towards the place where the four were holding on.

The huge rock fell head-on without mercy, and the surrounding lava was stirring.

In an instant, a great crisis was about to come!

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