"Boom", the fire in their hearts ignited, and suddenly, Leo and Asuka felt that their hearts had transformed, no longer afraid of the opponent's ferocity, no longer shy about their own cowardice.

Courage, like the strongest heart tonic, made them both burst into fighting spirit!

"What is this?"

Asuka looked at her hands in disbelief, it was a layer of warm, yet powerful azure light, covering her whole body.

"Xiaozhao, fight! Let us, fight!"

The girl looked at the little back and listened to his firm words.

I felt that after this back, there was no fear!


Asuka nodded heavily.

"Let us fight!"

The azure light spread.

On the contrary, Fire Wing and Blazing Roaring Tiger standing opposite felt the fluctuating power in the huge azure light, and they were puzzled and even a little frightened.

"What the hell is this?"

"Tiger Tiger! (Elf) I don't care what it is, I'm going to tear them all apart!"

The Blazing Roaring Tiger roared loudly. Facing Leo's long-lasting attack, he was already a little angry. He immediately ignored his trainer's instructions and opened his arms on his own, trying to defeat his opponent with the most ferocious hook arm.

"Bang", Leo's right arm firmly blocked the Blazing Roaring Tiger's hook arm, and then punched back. The heavy punch even knocked the latter back a little.

"Tiger Tiger Tiger? (Elf) What the hell, how did your strength suddenly become stronger?"

The Blazing Roaring Tiger quickly felt that the current Leo was different from before.

No, take a step back first. The Blazing Roaring Tiger thought so, and then calculated Leo's attack range, intending to step back a little to adjust.

"Bang", but unexpectedly, Leo's legs seemed to stretch suddenly, kicking him hard.

Leo was silent and flew forward.

The Blazing Roaring Tiger was also furious.

"Tiger Tiger. (Elf language) I don't believe that you little bastard can beat me!"

As soon as the thought came up, the Blazing Roaring Tiger had to turn his head to avoid Leo's uppercut, and the avoidance was very large.

Because he expected that Leo, who was smaller in stature, would not be able to hit him with the second punch due to the length of his arm. This was the calculation instinct of an elf who was accustomed to close combat.

Unfortunately, reality gave this elf who thought everything was under control a slap in the face.

Leo's two consecutive attacks came quickly and were very swift!

He stretched out his left hand and clenched his fist, and from bottom to top, he gave the arrogant Blazing Roaring Tiger a powerful uppercut!

"Bang", Blazing Roaring Tiger fell to the ground with his head raised under the heavy blow.

However, these punches did not directly make the Blazing Roaring Tiger lose its fighting ability. When he turned over from the ground, he saw his opponent walking out of the light mixed with white and azure blue, and he was not able to react for a while.

"Tiger? (Elf language) What on earth are you?"

Akira was also surprised, because the one who walked out of the white light was no longer a small elf, but a brand new elf that was as tall as a man and majestic.

It still had the same blue-black fur color, but the originally slender legs became strong and powerful. On the chest, it was like wearing a yellow vest, and there was a nail protruding in the middle. The white round blocks on the backs of both hands had now become two sharp thorns.

The biggest change was the head. The originally small pointed ears were now erected high, and the black vertical strips hanging beside the head had now moved to the back of the head, from two to four, like a tied headscarf, flying behind the head with the wind.

Even though his figure and appearance have changed a lot, what remains unchanged is the resolute and courageous look in his red eyes.

Slowly stepping out of the white light, his voice, which was originally a little childish, has become extremely calm at this moment.

He looked at all the people and elves present, then looked up at the distant sky and issued a declaration of his birth.

"I am the messenger of the waveguide, I am the one who helps the weak and the strong, and I am the nemesis of evil."

"My name."



"Bang", the teacup in the mysterious man's hand suddenly broke.

As if sensing something, the mysterious man was a little uneasy. "He" walked to the window and stared into the distance. It seemed that in a very far place, there was a ray of blue light that "he" disliked and even hated very much.

"He" thought quietly for a long time.

Back to the table, "he" pressed the button and summoned several men in black.

"New mission, find a 'Lucario' named"'s elf. "

"He" glanced at his subordinates with ruthless and indifferent eyes.

"Then, kill him."


Leo looked at his own information.



Elf: Unparalleled Courage - Lucario (Wave State) (Male)

Level: Lv30

Attribute: Fighting + Steel

Attribute: Justice (When a Pokémon with this attribute is attacked by a Dark Attack, its attack level increases. When it is attacked by a series of Dark Attacks, its attack level increases each time.)

HP: 91

Attack: 85

Defense: 55

Special Attack: 83

Special Defense: 52

Speed: 90 (+5)

Free Attribute Points: 5

Unparalleled: Fearless Courage (The Pokémon and its trainer see the path ahead clearly and are no longer afraid. Courage is always in their hearts. When this Unparalleled Attack is used, all abilities are doubled.)

Moves: Wave Missile (Lv4), Lightning Flash (Lv3), Metal Claw (Lv3), Tile Break (Lv3), See Through (Lv3), Rock Crushing (Lv2), High-Speed ​​Movement (Lv3), Lv2), Iron Tail (Lv2), Under Kick (Lv1), Double Return (Lv1), Digging (Lv1)

Evaluation: A Pokémon that is in tune with the trainer's mind and can manipulate wave energy very skillfully.


Unparalleled in the world, one of a kind, unparalleled courage, Lucario!

Everything that has happened before, bloomed the most colorful flowers at this moment.

Evolving into Lucario, not only has a great change in form, but more importantly, it is reflected in the advancement of strength:

The title of the elite Pokémon has changed, turning into a Pokémon with unparalleled courage, and with it, that special talent has become a unique move of Lucario - [Fearless Courage], the effect is the same as its main It is as simple and crude as a human, just double all the abilities of the elves.

Don't think that this simple doubling is so simple. This ability will have a stronger effect as Leo becomes stronger. Imagine that after reaching the maximum level, Leo, whose original attack value limit is only about 220, can double his attribute value directly to 440 through this unparalleled ability. What a concept. Some elves that have finally evolved, the overall attribute value is not even as high as Leo's one attribute value. Moreover, this unparalleled ability can double all of Leo's attribute values. What a terrifying ability!

Even with such a terrifying ability, Leo also vaguely felt that there seemed to be something The restrictions are the same.

The second change is the waveguide ability. From being able to simply use the waveguide induction, it has become able to skillfully control the waveguide energy. For Leo, this change is no less than a huge improvement. After all, the previous unparalleled moves may only be used as a special move, but the waveguide energy can help him not only in battle, but also in life.

The third change is the change in attribute values ​​and moves. Lucario is a dual-attribute Pokémon. In addition to the fighting attribute, it also has the steel attribute. This makes Lucario's body naturally much harder than other fighting Pokémon. In terms of fighting, it must be said that this is also a great advantage.

Secondly, the enhanced attribute values. Unlike Riolu, Lucario is strong in attack and special attack, which allows him to have a strong power bonus whether he uses physical fighting moves or special-oriented [Wave Missile]. The only drawback is that Lucario's speed is no longer his best point. However, Rio understands that as long as he can complete the task, the free attribute points obtained can be used to enhance his strengths or make up for his shortcomings.

As for the changes in moves, nothing else has changed, only the level of [Wave Missile], as it advances to Lv30, automatically rises to the strongest level Lv4 at this stage.

The last change is the characteristic, which changes from "mental power" when Riolu to "heart of justice", a hidden characteristic of Lucario. It is unknown whether it is because of the change in the face of the evil attribute of the Blazing Roaring Tiger, or because it awakens from the heart after witnessing the evil deeds of the Magma Team. However, a brave man with justice in his heart is indeed the best match.


Feeling his own changes and the active energy filling his body.

Even though there was a difference of more than ten levels between them, Leo didn't think he would lose at all.

Because behind him, there was his trainer!

Two in one, they were the strongest!

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