The place where the Lava Team chose to watch the volcanic eruption was a hillside between Fuquan Town and Liuming Mountain. Because of its remote location, there were basically no tourists coming here.

At this time, in this sparsely populated place, a great battle was unfolding.

After the initial panic, the Blazing Roaring Tiger also calmed down.

It's not that he had never fought against powerful opponents, but no matter any of the previous opponents, he didn't have the momentum of the suddenly evolved elf in front of him that made him palpitate.

The fearless and courageous momentum suppressed the evil aura that he was proud of.

However, the Blazing Roaring Tiger and Fire Wing, who had been fighting for a long time, finally came to their senses.

"Evolution has indeed made it stronger."

Fire Wing restrained his manic smile and returned to an expressionless look.

"But your elf is still more than ten levels behind my Blazing Roaring Tiger. Even if you advance to become a peerless elf, what does it matter? You are only tied with my elf in terms of life level, but my Roaring Tiger is better in terms of level strength."

"Tiger Tiger! (Elf language) Stop talking nonsense, kill them quickly!"

The Blazing Roaring Tiger was still very manic, and he couldn't wait to save face for being scared by Leo just now.

"Very good, Roaring Tiger, use [Bodybuilding]."

Although he was very confident that his higher-level Blazing Roaring Tiger could defeat the opponent, for safety reasons, Huoyi decided to strengthen his own elf first.


Roaring to the sky, the Blazing Roaring Tiger pumped his muscles to make his adrenaline secrete more frequently.

The visible blood and qi flowed through every part of his body. For a moment, the whole elf's body seemed to have increased in size and became extremely sturdy and strong.

Standing opposite, Asuka Teru asked Leo softly, "Leo, you..."

Since he couldn't help shouting out to vent his pent-up emotions, Leo has been silent, as if he was thinking about something. After hearing the roar of his opponent and the words of his trainer, he suddenly came to his senses.

Lucario shook his head, threw away the extra distracting thoughts, and stared at the blazing roaring tiger opposite with full concentration.

"Leave it to you, Teru!"

The girl took a deep breath and then gave her own order.

"Lucario, use [High-speed Movement]!"

This time, Asuka Teru decided to fight in the name of "Lucario" in this battle to celebrate the birth of Lucario and to show that this is the first two-person battle between the trainer and Lucario!

Lucario exhaled and relaxed his body.

This relaxation is not complete relaxation, but to make your joints and muscles no longer tense, so that you can move your body freely and flexibly. In other words, your agility will be greatly improved.

Compared with Riolu, who is good at speed, Lucario has become bigger and has a lot of steel-attribute energy in his body, so his weight has naturally soared. Therefore, under the latter's feeling, this new body will become much heavier than before. If you don't fully move the joints and muscles everywhere, you may not be able to react quickly enough.

However, in contrast, the new body has been greatly improved in terms of toughness. Although it seems that Lucario's double defense is still the lowest two items, the newly appeared steel attribute makes his attack surface and anti-attack ability stronger.

Originally, Riolu's pure fighting attribute was restrained by flying, psychic, and fairy systems, and could resist the damage of rock, insect, and evil systems.

Three weaknesses, three resistances.

After evolving into Fighting and Steel, Lucario is still restrained by three weaknesses: Fighting, Ground, and Fire, but its resistance to attacks has been greatly increased, including General, Rock, Bug, Steel, Grass, Ice, Dragon, Dark, and Poison.

There are 9 resistances in total, among which Rock and Bug have 4 times the resistance, and Poison is even more exaggerated, being directly immune.

This means that when Lucario returns to the Crescent Forest, he can easily pass through the poisonous swamp without even wearing a gas mask.

A fighter as strong as steel, this is Lucario!

Back to the battle.

The flaming roaring tiger, whose body has expanded a circle, spewed out gunpowder smoke from its mouth and looked at Lucario with a grim smile.

Lucario also responded to his opponent with an unyielding look.

The air seemed to be stimulated by the two auras as powerful as water and fire, and it kept shaking slightly.

The two elves were immersed in this final battle.

It seemed as if even time had frozen.

SkyShrouded by the thick smoke of the volcano, it was hard to find a crack and cast a ray of sunlight.

"Bang bang bang bang——"

The Blazing Roaring Tiger rushed forward violently with heavy steps.


The graceful figure of Lucario flashed away.

The Lava Team representing evil, the Blazing Roaring Tiger of unparalleled evil.

The trainer who took action for justice, the courageous Lucario.

The opposing parties, one good and one evil, fought fiercely!

The experienced Fire Wing coldly commanded: "Roaring Tiger, [Flame Fist]!"

"Tiger Roar!", the Blazing Roaring Tiger roared crazily, clasped his palms together, and the combined fists were like a sledgehammer, slamming towards the ground.

Suffering a heavy blow, the ground in front of the Blazing Roaring Tiger, unable to bear the load, kept cracking out countless pieces, making the entire venue tattered.

"No matter how fast you are, you can't perform well in this rotten ground."

Huoyi knew that the speed of the Blazing Roaring Tiger was not an advantage. After all, this was the weakest attribute of this kind of Pokémon, so from the beginning, he planned to destroy the battlefield first to limit the opponent's speed.

"Don't underestimate our strength!"

Since Asuka had Riolu, a very fast Pokémon, she had encountered opponents using various tactics to limit the speed of her Pokémon in many battles, so how could she not be prepared!

"Lucario, [Lightning Flash]!"

Yes, the shabby ground will indeed make many speed-type Pokémon suffer, because no matter how fast they are, as long as they run on the ground, they will always be affected by the broken ground. However, for Asuka and Lucario, the solution is extremely simple and crude.

"Since we can't dodge, just chase him!"

A dazzling white light flashed on Lucario's body, and his speed suddenly became faster. In addition to increasing his speed, the white light also used the brutal energy destructive power to smash all the ground fragments that Lucario passed by, no matter how big they were!

Like lightning and light, it has both the swiftness of light and the destructive power of thunder and lightning. This is [Lightning Flash]!

Ignoring the elves rushing over, Fire Wing waved his hand and said calmly: "It's time, Roaring Tiger."

The Blazing Roaring Tiger inserted his arms into the ground, and the fierce and strange flames on his belt suddenly burned up, flowing from his waist up along his arms into the ground.

The purpose of using [Fire Fist], in addition to destroying the ground, has another meaning, that is...

"Boom", blazing flames burst out from the cracks in the ground. From a distance, it looked like countless pillars of fire stood in the battlefield, and the hot breath instantly swept the whole place.

Mingri Zhao was rushed by the heat, and sweat suddenly broke out on her forehead.

She carefully observed the battlefield and found that the fierce flames on the pillars surrounded the Blazing Roaring Tiger tightly, leaving no gap for attack.

"Lucario, come back."

The fire system just restrained the steel system of the evolved Lucario. There was no good opportunity, and Mingri Zhao carefully chose to let Lucario retreat.

The white light wrapped around his body dissipated, and Lucario followed his trainer's instructions without hesitation, and flexibly retreated a few meters.

At this time, a pair of tiger claws were about to hug forward savagely, and the fierce posture seemed to strangle everything in its arms, but it was Lucario's retreat that made the Blazing Roaring Tiger's hug and throw fail, and the two Pokémon missed each other by a hair's breadth.

"Quick reaction, what a pity."

The voice of regret came from Fire Wing, but the next command came without stopping.

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