The Blazing Roaring Tiger looked at this inexplicable wall angrily.

What the hell is this? I'll smash it!

He thought so, and flames appeared on his hands. He was about to smash the wall with a punch to vent his anger.

Unexpectedly, this seemingly indestructible wall suddenly twisted.

"Tiger? (Elf language) What the hell?"

The Blazing Roaring Tiger was a little stunned, and the movement of his hands slowed down.

"Bang", the waveguide wall suddenly stretched outward, as if it had transformed into a stick, and stabbed directly in the chest of the Blazing Roaring Tiger.

He leaned back in a somewhat embarrassed manner after being stabbed, and before he could react, he looked up with wide eyes.

The azure energy jumped into the air, as if after being rubbed for a while, it suddenly turned into a big hammer, and smashed down fiercely on the head of the Blazing Roaring Tiger!

Unable to dodge, a dull hammer hit the tiger's head.

"Bang——", the long knocking sound spread far away, from which we can see how strong the force of the fall should be!

In front of me, it was like a sky full of stars, and the body of the Fiery Roaring Tiger was swaying from side to side, but at this time, what was greeted was Lucario's fierce pursuit!

"Snap", Lucario grabbed the right arm of the Fiery Roaring Tiger.

Pulling it up with force, turning quickly at the same time, passing over the shoulder, and dropping the whole tiger heavily!

After a shoulder throw, it was not over yet, and the unfinished kicking skill just now took the opportunity to attack again.

The left leg accumulated power, and "bang" kicked up hard, hitting the back of the Fiery Roaring Tiger, kicking his whole Pokémon high up.

The Pokémon that was originally going to be kicked away, but Lucario had not let go yet!

He saw him grabbing the right arm of the Fiery Roaring Tiger and pulling it down from the air again, causing the latter to fall to the ground again.

"Lucario, [Wave Guide]!"

Asuki Aso's command sounded at the right time.

He let go of his hands, letting the surging wave energy gather between his claws instantly. Lucario took a deep breath and pressed the wave energy bomb hard.

The Fiery Roaring Tiger, who had squinted and seemed to have fainted, opened his eyes.


The roar shook the sky, and the flames on the belt burst again.

Suddenly, the hot flames collided with the surging wave.

"Boom boom boom", the aftermath of the vibration threw the two Pokémons out at the same time.

Just separated, and before they could stand firm, the Fiery Roaring Tiger pounced on them again fiercely!

[Flash Charge], every step of the Fiery Roaring Tiger was accompanied by fierce flames, and it rushed straight forward like a wind and fire wheel rolled up on the ground.

Lucario knew that the flames restrained him, so he used his footwork to move flexibly and avoided the wind and fire wheel.

Unexpectedly, just after this move, the next one came right after, a kick pierced through the flames!

[Flame Kick]!

If it was a kick of other attributes, Lucario would definitely use his tough body to take this move, and then take advantage of the opponent's gap to counterattack.

However, facing this kick wrapped in blazing flames, Lucario could only avoid its edge and choose other ways to deal with it.

[Wave Guide]!

The azure wave energy ball gathered again, held in Lucario's hand, and was thrown towards the pair of strong legs.

"Bang", the azure wave energy was kicked and exploded into dots of light.

However, the Blazing Roaring Tiger did not intend to stop there. It turned around and swung its other leg quickly, passing through countless phantoms.

Continuous [Flame Kick]!

The airtight kicks seemed to block all Lucario's retreat routes.

The violent momentum of the Blazing Roaring Tiger seemed to be real, as if it was roaring that you can't escape this time.

Since you can't dodge, then take it.

Lucario pushed with both hands, and the azure waveguide left his body and formed a hemispherical barrier.

"Bang bang bang bang", the dense leg shadows, in the end, were all vented on the barrier. Although every hit could explode waves on the barrier, it still couldn't hit the figure in the center.

The Blazing Roaring Tiger reluctantly stopped his [Flame Kick], because the flame on the belt had dimmed and was almost invisible.

At this moment, a pair of sharp claws shining with metallic brilliance came from the lower left.

"Tiger?! (Elf language) What??"

The Blazing Roaring Tiger originally wanted to switch to other attribute moves to continue attacking, but he never thought that the opponent would take the initiative.

[Metal Claw], a steel-type move. Lucario didn't use any steel-type moves before because he was afraid of the flames.

Now that the flames of the Blazing Roaring Tiger can't keep up, it's the best time!

[Metal Claw] came very suddenly, and the Blazing Roaring Tiger could only hastily raise his arms to defend.

Hard metal claws, and slashed fiercely!

"Shua", several bloody claw marks fell on the arm of the Blazing Roaring Tiger.

Compared with this move performed during the Riolu period, it is more powerful with the blessing of Lucario's steel energy!

"Tiger Tiger Tiger! (Elf language) You guy!"

The Blazing Roaring Tiger was furious. He had never suffered such a loss before, so he ignored his arm that was constantly dripping with blood and continued to fight with Lucario.

The two elves in the field were fighting fiercely, and the two trainers on the sidelines seemed to have no choice but to watch.

Fire Wing crossed his arms and hugged his chest, a little trance.

However, Mingri Zhao was a little dazed at this time.

"Left... No, it's the right... The next move, left front... Danger, behind..."

The girl murmured to herself, and in her eyes, it seemed that something wonderful was happening.

Somehow, it seemed that there was a shadow, performing various actions, and the actions performed by the shadow would cleverly overlap with the tiger in the next moment.

Unconsciously, Asuka's pupils were covered with a circle of blue rings.

Lucario in the battle frowned a little.

Because the Blazing Roaring Tiger on the opposite side was completely enraged and almost fought with his life. If all fighters hate to deal with the most, it must be those desperate people who put their lives aside. An unsystematic attack means that the fighter cannot predict its next move and can only rely on his own reaction to take it. And no longer caring about life, even if the Blazing Roaring Tiger knows that he will be hit by Lucario, he will fiercely give the opponent a desperate blow at the cost of injury.

You know, the biggest advantage of the Blazing Roaring Tiger is that it leads by a large margin in terms of level, which means that the Blazing Roaring Tiger's health is much higher than Lucario's!

For a moment, under the Blazing Roaring Tiger's fighting style, he actually had a slight advantage.


The girl's mumbling came to his ears, and Lucario's ears moved.

The next moment, the Blazing Roaring Tiger's hook arm hit from the left.

Lucario lowered his head in time and avoided the impact of the hook arm.


The Blazing Roaring Tiger's fist hit from the right.

Lucario dodged again.

"...The next move is from below, be careful!"

Lucario was shocked and kicked the Blazing Roaring Tiger's knee that hit from below.

With the power of the kick, Lucario jumped back and returned to the front of Asuka.

"Xiaozhao, you..."

Lucario was a little confused, but when he saw the blue circle in Asuka's eyes, he seemed to understand.

The girl stared at the battlefield, already a little lost in thought, but she didn't stop talking.

"He's going to use the [Thunder Fist]."

As she spoke, a fist flashing with lightning came towards her.

However, Lucario, who had been prepared, had already raised his palm and chopped it down with the force of splitting the world!

[Break the Tile]!

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