The melee continued for several rounds again. In the end, the two elves returned to their trainers. However, this time, they both began to pant. There was no other sound except heavy breathing.

Fire Wing finally came to his senses. He looked at his Blazing Roaring Tiger coldly.

"Did you have enough fun?"

Blazing Roaring Tiger only panted and did not respond.

"Hmph, it's time to end it. Use that move."

Hearing what Fire Wing said, Blazing Roaring Tiger tilted his head and looked at his trainer.

"Tiger? (Elf language) Are you sure?"

"Stop talking nonsense. It's time to leave here. Use that move to end them."

Fire Wing answered without hesitation.

Blazing Roaring Tiger showed a ferocious smile.

In an instant, thick black air emerged from the tiger and even spread to Fire Wing, surrounding the latter.

Lucario and Asuka Teru, who were standing opposite, felt a chill in their hearts, and felt that familiar fear spreading in their hearts again.

Looking up, the Blazing Roaring Tiger in the black air looked so evil. If you look at it for a long time, you will even feel that there is an lingering shadow tightly grasping your heart, and you can't breathe.

The Fire Wing in the black air, with a speed visible to the naked eye, became gloomy and thin, like an evil creature hidden in the shadow, watching everything sinisterly.

"Is this, the unparalleled move of the Blazing Roaring Tiger?"

Asuka Teru was a little uncertain.

Lucario nodded.

"Yes, it seems that the unparalleled move has a serious impact on the trainer."

He glanced at the young girl trainer.

"To fight against this move, we also need to activate the unparalleled move, Xiaozhao, you..."

"Don't worry about me."

Asuka Teru smiled brightly.

"Come on, let's show our unparalleled moves and put an end to this battle."

Before he really linked up with Asuka to perform unparalleled moves, Lucario was still a little unsure, but looking at the girl's bright eyes and the resolute look on her face, he suddenly felt that everything seemed to be fine.

He stood in front of the girl, and then placed the black claws with spikes on his heart.

"Witness our courage, unparalleled, unfold!"

"Boom", the deep blue color exploded instantly, like a blue flame, burning on Lucario and Asuka.

"This, is this your unparalleled, Lucario? What a warm feeling."

Asuka felt warm in his heart, and the cold fear, unconsciously, had not left even a trace in his heart, and what was left was the fearless, daring to move forward, called "courage"!

The body became lighter, and the body seemed to become extremely solid. The energy in the body increased significantly, and the blood and energy became longer. More importantly, the almost endless power made Lucario want to vent it out.

Suddenly, there was a "thump" sound from behind, and Lucario turned back hurriedly, only to see Asuka Teru kneeling on one knee, with big beads of sweat falling from his forehead, and breathing heavily, looking like he was under a lot of pressure.

"Xiao Zhao!"

Lucario was startled, and his brain cells, which became more active after opening the Wushuang, instantly figured it out:

His level was still too low, but he could get such a terrible increase after opening the Wushuang move. The reason was that the Wushuang move that connected the two people transferred part of Lucario's energy load to the trainer, and the large amount of energy drawn from the trainer was converted into Lucario's enhanced power, which made Asuka Teru look so uncomfortable.

If the guess is correct, this unparalleled move cannot be maintained for a long time, unless the trainer's physical fitness can be greatly improved to withstand the extra energy load, or Lucario can be upgraded to a higher level to bear this part of the consumption by itself.

"I'm fine!"

The girl gritted her teeth and straightened her back little by little.

She smiled and put her hands on Lucario's hands.

"Go, don't worry about me, this is your best stage, go and show them how great our bond is, how strong our anger is, and how unmatched our courage is!"

Lucario nodded and turned to look at the Blazing Roaring Tiger on the opposite side.

Coincidentally, both sides intend to use the last move to decide the outcome.

"Tiger Tiger Tiger. (Elf language) Ah, this wonderful breath, let me, what you call the 'weapon of the weak', come and crush it completely!!! "

The Blazing Roaring Tiger laughed crazily.

Lucario was silent, and walked forward slowly and firmly, step by step.

Unconsciously, the clenched right fist was already at the waist.

The left hand firmly pressed the trembling right fist.

At this moment, he did not use his speed advantage, but moved forward slowly and unhurriedly.

The Blazing Roaring Tiger, who did not get a response, looked a little ugly. What he liked most was the fear that appeared in the opponent's face before he tore it apart. 's expression.

However, it doesn't matter. Violent thoughts surged into his mind. The flaming roaring tiger roared angrily, and the whole elf was wrapped in thick black air, like a demon crawling out of hell. He opened his arms and jumped high into the air, looking down like a tiger. The terrifying momentum was like an endless wave, surging one after another, vowing to drown the opponent in fear!

Lucario looked up at the tiger shadow that swooped down from the sky, and the blue light on his body swayed.

"Wantedly destroyed the cable car and ignored people's lives."

"Triggered a volcanic eruption in an attempt to bring a painful disaster."

"Calling to reform the world, but only repeating the mistakes of the past."

"Is all this what a strong person should do?"

"You are wrong! "

Lukario's eyes were as sharp as those of an eagle. In the blue waves on his body, another violently shaking brown-red energy was swirling.

"A truly strong person should be brave and fearless of difficulties, and use his own efforts to lead the world to find true happiness. You are just so-called cowards!"

The huge black shadow was about to pounce in front of him, and Lucario had already smelled the disgust in his nose.

He looked up suddenly.

"This punch is our anger, our courage, and more..."

The right fist on the waist shone brightly!

"This is our justice!"

The thunder roared, and thousands of brilliances rushed into the small right fist.

In an instant, the wind stopped, the air solidified, and it seemed that there was only that punch left in the world.

And the roar of Lucario.

"【True Qi Fist】! ”

The right fist blasted out, and a mixture of azure and brown-red energy exploded instantly!

“Boom boom boom boom”, the fist landed on the tiger shadow, but the fierce energy penetrated through the body and went straight up to the sky, blasting a big hole in the dense volcanic ash haze in the sky!

[True Qi Fist], 150 extremely high damage, plus the 2 times enhancement of Lucario in the unparalleled state, the characteristics of "Heart of Justice" allowed the previous 6 evil attribute attacks to be raised to the limit attack level.

150 x 2 x 6 = 1800 theoretical damage!

Ask, who can bear it!

It's not over yet!

Lucario held the Fiery Roaring Tiger with his right fist and started running.

“Bang bang bang bang bang”, all obstacles along the way were directly smashed until they ran to the rock wall.

“It’s time to end!!! !!! !” "

Lucario stood firm, and punched forward with his right fist again. "Bang", the huge tiger figure was deeply embedded in the rock wall.

"Boom", the rock wall cracked into countless cracks!


After a long breath, Lucario lifted his invincible state.

He walked back to his trainer.

"Lucario, is it over?"

Asuhiro's eyes were already blurred by sweat, and he couldn't see everything in front of him. He could only silently endure the extremely weak feeling in his body and force himself to support it.

Lucario said softly with a gentle smile on his face.

"Yes, it's all over."

"We won! "

The girl also breathed a sigh of relief, not caring that the ground had been bombarded by various energies and became a mess, and sat on the ground in a duck-like posture.

"Pah", the Fiery Roaring Tiger that was blasted into the rock wall fell down. He had already lost consciousness and fell down, lying on the ground with the Fire Wing who was unconscious due to excessive invasion of black gas.

Ignoring this pair of evil opponents, Lucario and Asuka looked into the distance leisurely.

The volcano has been extinguished, and the layers of volcanic clouds covering the sky gradually dissipated. The sun reappeared, and the soft sunlight shone on the earth.

Lucario and the girl showed a happy smile for the first time in a long time.

Finally, all this has finally settled.


Time goes back a little bit, I wonder if everyone still remembers that after the evolution of Lucario, after observing his own [status], he was in a daze contrary to his usual behavior.

This isBecause he saw a reminder on his system screen that had existed for a long time, but he had no time to check it because of what happened recently:

"[Illustrated Book]: The progress of the elf encounter has reached 100/100, the milestone has been reached, and the reward (Move Learning Device [Finishing Point]) has been distributed to the [Backpack], please check it in time."

Move, [Finishing Point]!

(Volume 2, End)

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