From evolution to defeating the strong enemy in the end, fighting heartily all the way down, I wonder if everyone is satisfied.

Okay, it's time to look back at the second volume:

The story of the second volume is composed of small chapters one after another, and, as I wrote in the epilogue of the previous volume, this volume, I want to describe the journey of the protagonists in a more relaxed style, so some small dramas that I personally think are very interesting also support the life atmosphere of the second volume. Compared with the first volume, the style of the second volume will be more humorous or funny, and the author's traditional skills, sugar-making hair knives, are all available.

Let's review the characters:

Leo: Congratulations, he finally evolved from the short Riolu to Lucario. I know many friends are wondering why he evolved so late. There are actually several reasons: First, I think Riolu's form is more like a child, so I can write more funny plots, which is quite fun. After evolving Lucario, he became a little more stable, but there will be a lot of funny incidents. Second, Riolu's evolution requires intimacy. If you haven't experienced some things together, I think this evolution is always a little bit off. So in the end, in this stage I set up, Rio finally found his courage and belief and evolved smoothly, which moved me.

Asuka Teru: I set her as a carefree and innocent trainer. She may not be as mature and steady as other trainers, and she may not have many thoughts. However, her love for elves allows her to grow up with her elves in a happy and cheerful mood. This is the most important thing in my opinion. If it were other trainers who are cautious and thoughtful, I don’t think they would be able to get along with Leo. In addition, this girl is a very important character. However, the decryption will probably be revealed in the later chapters, so everyone should just happily watch the protagonists grow up during their happy journey.

Lulu: The eldest sister of the protagonist group, a super existence who is proficient in 18 household skills (laughs). Lulu also got her new form in this volume, but she didn’t play for a long time in this volume. It doesn’t matter. In the next volume, I will greatly increase her role. After all, as the author’s appointed wife beast, she is treated very well.

Bubu: Originally, there was no Eevee in this volume, but Eevee is so cute, so I couldn't help but add Eevee's role. Audiences familiar with the game can see that this Eevee is not an ordinary Eevee. She is based on the partner Eevee in the game Let's Go Eevee. Moreover, her story will also be a very important line in the fourth volume. Please stay tuned.

Fengling & Fujiteng Snake: Traveling alone is so lonely, so I added these two partners who are ambitious to be gorgeous contests, the literary girl Fengling and the tsundere elf Fujiteng Snake. Their story will start in the next volume.

Yeyueyao: As the enemy of Asuka Teru, I have to think about how to strengthen him first. Friendly reminder, a certain bonded elf will appear in the hands of this guy.

As for other characters, I personally still like the unparalleled Charizard the most, but due to the length limitation, there are not many stories about him and Mr. Akagi in the main text. I will find time to make up for this and add some small extras. I hope you don’t say I’m a slacker.

Finally, let me tell you about the story of the next volume.

I don’t know if you can tell anything from the end of the second volume, but in the third volume, I will choose a very impressive scene as the main line, and this scene was more or less laid out in the middle of the second volume, so let’s look forward to it!

The black-haired author sat at the computer desk and typed the above words, and then his figure changed, and he turned into a pink kitten-like elf!

Menghuan covered his mouth and chuckled, then turned over lightly and flew out of the window.

After a few minutes, a black-haired man with glasses came over.

"Ah, who moved my computer!!!"

He shouted.

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