This train connects the east and west areas of the Middle Region, passing through several important cities. It departs from the main station of Kyle City in the East Region of Middle Region, passes through Fuquan Town, Zidian City, Yinye City, and then passes through the battle city in the middle of the Middle Region, which divides the two areas, and finally enters the West Region of Middle Region.

Since it takes a long time to complete the journey, in addition to ordinary seats, the train also has several private rooms, so that passengers, especially those who are traveling long distances, can have a comfortable place to rest.

The size of the private rooms varies, and the degree of luxury also varies.

For Ming Rizhao and his party, because they are only going from Fuquan Town to Kyle City, the journey is only a few hours, so a small private room is enough.

There are two rows of soft leather seats with three seats each facing each other in the private room, with a small table in the middle. It is worth mentioning that passengers can sit face to face and eat or work on the table. When they want to rest, they can press the table down, and the seats on both sides can be pulled out to the middle to form a small bed for rest. This design is very convenient and comfortable.

There are two racks near the door of the private room, and passengers can put their luggage in the racks. Various charging devices are installed at the bottom of the chair to facilitate passengers to use electronic devices. In addition, the overall decoration of the private room is relatively wide, and the material is also soundproof, so you can rest and work quietly in the private room.

Of course, if you want to do some messy things, the danger alarm on the top is not vegetarian. For some special needs such as smoking, the EMU also provides a smoking area for passengers to use.

In short, this intercity long-rail EMU, which is fully invested and built by Silver Company, is the first choice for many passengers.

For Asuhi and Fengling, who rarely traveled far before, this was the first time to take such a means of transportation.

Therefore, the girls curiously explored the room, and admired the comfortable designs from time to time.

All the elves were released, so what were they doing?

Kirulian and Lulu took advantage of the small table to carefully prepare lunch for everyone: since it was not suitable to open a fire in the car, Lulu decided to make a simple and delicious sandwich as lunch.

Take out the baguette, fresh lettuce, tomato and luncheon meat from Leo's [backpack], use Leo's [metal claws] to cut the ingredients, and then use your telekinesis to pad the cut bread underneath, put lettuce, tomato and luncheon meat in turn, and with the help of the vines of the vine snake, squeeze the sauce evenly, and finally cover the remaining half of the bread, and the sandwich is ready.

It sounds simple, but with the disruption of two little guys, the making of sandwiches has also added some twists and turns.



Eevee and Charmander jumped up and down between the chairs and the table, having a great time. Charmander chased Eevee and jumped onto the table, and then Eevee pushed Charmander to the window sill.

"Pop", Eevee accidentally stepped on a tomato, squeezing the tomato juice everywhere.

"Bang", the flame of Charmander's tail accidentally touched a vegetable leaf, instantly burning it into black residue.

"Aaaaa! (Elf language) You guys, that's enough!"

Feeling the "murderous" eyes of Kirlia and Serpent behind them, Eevee and Charmander froze, and could only calm down honestly.

Sure enough, the naughty child can only be controlled by two big sisters.

Leo supported his head with his hands on the side, showing a gloating smile.

Looking out the window, the scenery was constantly receding.

It must be said that the speed of this train is really fast, so it is inevitable that it can shuttle between the two major areas of Middel, and although it is fast, it is surprisingly stable when driving. With Leo's keen perception, he can't feel too much bumps.

After looking at the scenery outside the window for a while, Leo was a little tired of it. He thought about it, said something to Asuka, and turned to walk out of the private room.

"The space in this train is quite large."

Even if there are separate small private rooms, the aisles inside the train are still very spacious. From time to time, you can see many tourists walking in the aisles, moving their arms and thighs. Moreover, many elves, like Leo, walked out alone, looking around curiously.

Of course, most of the elves that can be released by their trainers to act alone are some small elves with mild tempers. If you release a violent elf like Tyrannosaurus,Extremely large elves may make the whole train uneasy. Moreover, some elves that are too large are not allowed to be released on the train, such as large elves such as Snorlax, Onix, and Mamoswine. After all, there is not enough space inside the train for these elves to move.


Walking in the aisle, many elves greeted Leo in a friendly manner. After all, they didn't know Leo, a strange elf, so they were naturally more curious. Leo's strong and refined temperament and the special ability to speak human language also made many passengers very interested.

Rejecting the tourists' request for a group photo, Leo walked to the other end of the train.

But inexplicably, he noticed a few people dressed strangely from the corner of his eye.

They looked like people trained by some kind of group, dressed meticulously, wearing a badge with a colorful clover pattern on the outside of their silver-white professional suits.

When others saw this group of people, they all showed envy.

Even if some people are not clear, their companions will immediately explain to them in a low voice.

"That group of people are employees of Galaxy Life Science Company."

"Galaxy Life Science Company? Is it famous?"

"Oh, I forgot that you came from the Weston area, so you don't know much about the Middle area."

The companion quietly opened the mobile phone and showed the information displayed on it to the person who didn't understand.

"Look, the combat tools we usually use, such as 'strength enhancement', 'special attack enhancement', etc., are all made by this company. Not only that, there are also many therapeutic drugs and biotechnology used by humans, which are all products of this company. In the West District of Middle, its reputation can be compared with Silver Company and Devon Company."

"So amazing!"

"Moreover, it is said that the welfare benefits of this company are very good. Many people want to enter this company to find job opportunities. The younger brother of the girlfriend of the nephew of the father of a classmate of mine works in this company. He bought a house in full within less than 5 years of working. It's really enviable."

"Tsk tsk tsk."

Others were gossiping, and their tone was full of envy for this company called "Galaxy Life Science Company".

Leo frowned, feeling an inexplicable familiarity with the so-called company employees.

However, maybe it was his own illusion of suspicion.

Tired of wandering around in the train, Leo returned to the private room.

At this time, the sandwiches were ready, and the hungry group and the elves quickly started their lunch.

After eating and drinking, Leo lay comfortably on the chair.

Suddenly, a little claw scratched Leo's leg.


Looking back, I saw Eevee and Charmander looking at me eagerly, with an expression of "I want to go out and play" on their faces.

After all, they also knew that if they played in the private room, they would most likely be "suppressed" by Lulu.

Asuka was amused, and after thinking for a while, he felt that nothing would happen in the train, so he touched the heads of the two little guys and said, "Okay, you go out and play by yourselves, but don't play too long, you will be back soon."

After that, he stood up and opened the door for the little guys.

"Heh~ Yawn~"

Sleepy, Leo also planned to have a good rest.



A burst of inexplicable light calls came from nowhere.


Leo shuddered in a daze and woke up instantly.

The sound that seemed to be a cry for help was originally thought to be a loud cry, but unexpectedly, the other people and elves in the private room seemed not to hear it and were still resting.

With an ominous premonition, Leo didn't bother to call Asuka and Fengling, and walked out of the private room first.

But not far away, he saw a familiar figure lying on the ground.


Leo's heart skipped a beat, and he hurried over to pick up Charmander, while using the waveguide to detect.

Fortunately, Charmander only fainted, and finally opened his eyes after Leo's gentle wake-up call.

As soon as his eyes opened, they quickly filled with tears.

By the way, where is Eevee?

Leo quickly realized something very important.

"Fire... Fire... Fire..."

After Charmander's intermittent explanation, he finally explained the whole story clearly:

He and Eevee didn't walk far, they were playing outside their private room, and suddenly a few humans in white clothes came over. After seeing them, they took out some strangeThe strange instrument took Eevee away, and then Charmander himself was hit by an anesthetic needle and fainted.

"The human in white clothes, could it be..."

Leo remembered the group of employees of "Galaxy Life Science Company". Somehow, he also remembered the strange dream that he had from time to time a long time ago, in which he was inexplicably captured for experiments.

"Damn it!"

Leo held Charmander and walked quickly in the train, trying to find the group of people.

But after walking back and forth several times, the group of people in conspicuous clothes disappeared.

Finally, in a hidden corner of the train, an open emergency safety door was found, and there were a few long brown hairs that fell on the ground.

Looking at the large forest area outside the emergency door, Leo quickly calculated in his mind.

Then, he put Charmander down.

"Hey, Charmander, listen, go back and tell Xiaozhao and the others about this, and then ask them to find someone to help after they arrive in Kyle City."

Leo said firmly.

"And I will go find Eevee first."

Seeing Charmander's worried look, Leo gently wiped away the tears from his eyes.

"Don't worry, you know, I've galloped in a bigger forest than this."

"Leave Eevee to me!"

After saying that, Leo jumped out of the open safety door and disappeared into the forest.

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