Big trees, green grass, soil, all kinds of familiar smells rush towards us.

Although he knew it was not the same place, the familiar feeling that surged from the bottom of his heart still made Leo feel a little emotional.

However, the situation was urgent now, and Leo could not take his time to explore the forest between Kyle City and Fuquan Town.

"Where did that group of people go?"

After jumping off the train and rushing into the forest, the first thing to do was to track and find the group of people who kidnapped Ibrahimovic.

Waveguide, unfold!

The azure wave quickly spread from Leo's body, invisible and invisible, and included the ten-meter radius within the range of waveguide sensing.

It's just a pity that the waveguide can only detect creatures within the range, and cannot automatically track the trajectory you want to detect.

At this moment, under the cover of the azure waveguide, the waveguides of various creatures and elves can be sensed, but it seems to be useless for those who want to track Ibrahimovic.

"Tsk, what should I do?"

Leo frowned, looking at the rows of trees all around, it was indeed a bit difficult to take the next step.

"Swish, swish".

Suddenly, the bushes next to him shook inexplicably.

Leo looked over unconsciously.

A head popped out of the bushes.


The little boy and Leo stared at each other.

There was a silence in the air, and there were a few birds chirping in the distance.

"Swish", the little boy turned around and wanted to shrink into the bushes.

"Hey, you, don't run!"

Leo reacted very quickly this time, and immediately grabbed the hem of the little boy's clothes.

Unexpectedly, with a tearing sound, the clothes were easily torn apart.

What was even more unexpected was that as the clothes shattered, the "little boy" shook and turned into white smoke.

"I thought I didn't use much force, why did it suddenly..."

Leo had a question mark on his face.

The white smoke soon dissipated, and what remained was a gray-black elf that looked like a little fox cub.


Unexpectedly, but also reasonable, the only one who could change so strangely was Zoroa, who could transform into other humans and elves at will.

Hearing Leo shout out his elf race, Zoroa got into the bush faster.

However, after hearing something Leo said, he stopped.

"Ibrahimovic, it's dangerous now!"

Recalling that when Asuka Tetsu inexplicably subdued Ibrahimovic, the strange aura that appeared from time to time was very similar to Zoroa in front of him, and Leo also shouted out on a whim.

Unexpectedly, it happened to be a coincidence.

Zoroa thought for a moment, then slowly turned around and came to Leo.

"Ibrahimovic, what's wrong?"

A crisp child's voice sounded.

Zoroa who can speak human language?

But think about it, according to Leo's understanding of elves like Zoroya, they often transform into humans, and then mix into human society to play and play, or find food for themselves. If they can't speak human language, even if they can transform, it's easy to be exposed.

Seeing Leo distracted, Zoroya was a little impatient, and he scratched the ground with his front paws.

"What's the matter? Tell me quickly, how is Eevee now?"

Leo came to his senses and quickly told Zoroya what happened.

"A group of humans wearing silver-white uniforms?"

According to Leo's description, Zoroya seemed to remember something, and his light blue eyes showed a strong resentment.

"I know where they are, follow me!"

Zoroya ran in a certain direction without looking back.

Leo followed closely, although he still had many questions in his heart, but he also knew clearly that now was not a good time to ask, so he could only put the questions in his heart first.

If you don't walk on the specially opened road, the road in the woods is indeed not easy to walk.

The rotten leaves that fell on the ground mixed with the muddy soil after the rain, creating a huge resistance. In addition, various thick trees, sharp leaves like blades, and various strange drops are also a big problem that prevents progress.

In addition, there are various elves living in every corner of the forest.

"Ah, sorry, sorry."

Leo apologized quickly when he accidentally stepped on the Tsuchi Ninja who was coming out of the soil while walking through the grass.

Even though he has lived in the Crescent Forest for a long time, he still has a headache about running fast in the forest. The most important thing is that he has now evolved into Lucario, and his body has become much larger.The various branches that branched out became the biggest obstacle for him to run.

On the contrary, Zoroya was advancing in this forest like a fish in water, and was not affected by the complex forest terrain at all.

His familiarity seemed to have lived here for a long time.

The two elves rushed into the forest one after another.

Finally, Zoroya stopped in front of a flat grass.

Leo took a breath and then leaned over to look.

"Is this the entrance to the underground tunnel?"

Pushing aside the lush grass leaves, Leo suddenly found a wide underground entrance buried behind the grass.

"This is one of their bases."

Zoroya said his second sentence in a deep voice.


Leo keenly caught this key word.

Zoroya stared at the underground entrance, with lingering resentment in his eyes.

"The group of humans called the 'Galaxy Group'."

Looking at Leo, Zoroya pointed at the entrance.

"This is just one of their branch bases, but if Ibrahimovic is caught nearby, they should transport Ibrahimovic here as soon as possible and then hand it over to the headquarters."

"Although transporting it back to the headquarters is equivalent to crossing the areas on the east and west sides of Middel, for them, no matter how expensive it is, they will transport Ibrahimovic back."

"After all..."

Zorroya gritted his teeth.

"Ibrahimovic is one of their most important experimental materials."

Although it was expected, Leo was still shocked to hear such news from Zoroya.

As early as after Ibrahimovic was treated, Leo had used the system's light screen to explore Ibrahimovic's information. Whether it was the strange characteristics-"unstable gene", or the list of partner moves that almost covered the entire system and was extremely special, they all represented the specialness of Ibrahimovic. This is not an ability that an ordinary Ibrahimovic can have.

Furthermore, according to Miss Joy, the strangeness of Ibrahimovic's inability to speak is that Ibrahimovic's heart is closed by itself, so it cannot communicate. If Ibrahimovic has experienced something painful, then it is understandable.

And, the most important thing is...

"Zorua, Ibrahimovic, did you let my trainer subdue it?"

Leo looked at Zoroa, who nodded silently.


There are too many mysteries. Whether it is the mysterious Zoroa in front of him or Ibrahimovic's past, they are all shrouded in a fog, making Leo unable to see clearly.


Zorua looked depressed and did not answer directly, but said in a muffled voice: "Let's save Ibrahimovic first."

Looking at Zoroa's gloomy face, Leo didn't force it. Moreover, Zoroa was right. Saving Ibrahimovic first was the first priority.

He opened the waveguide and explored the entrance, but did not find any biological fluctuations.

Looking inside, you can see a long passage under the dim light.

The passage is not only deep, but also very quiet.

Leo thought about it, and then a thin white light appeared on his body.

[High-speed movement]!

Make your body light, so that whether you sneak in or escape after being discovered, you can have a speed bonus and avoid being trapped.

However, what about this guy next to you?

[High-speed movement] This move can only be used on yourself, and there is no way to let Zoroya have such a boost.

"Or, you wait here for me, and I will go in by myself?"

Leo said to Zoroya tentatively.

As expected, Zoroya shook his head.

"No, there are some mechanisms that only I know, I will go with you."

As for how to go...

Zoroya's next change gave Leo a big "shock"!

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