No matter which direction you look from, the green fills your eyes.

Except for the train tracks that can be vaguely seen in the distance and the vague mountains behind, all you can see are lush treetops and branches.

"Shua", Leo shook his head and fell from a tall tree.

Under the tree, Ibrahimovic was leaning against Zoroark, still drowsy.

The latter stood there quietly, not saying a word, not knowing whether he didn't want to disturb Ibrahimovic's sleep or was thinking about something alone.

When he didn't face humans, Zoroark's resentment didn't seem so strong.

"It really gives the elves a headache. I don't know where the exit is in this forest."

Leo didn't expect that one day he would get lost in the forest. Although his wilderness survival skills were well cultivated, he was just a novice in terms of finding the way. How to distinguish the direction in the forest made him feel very confused.

If I had known that in my previous life, when I watched Bear Grylls and Democrat's wilderness survival program, I should have paid more attention to how the two experts found their way in the wilderness, instead of always paying attention to what they ate. Now, every time I want to recall some knowledge points about wilderness survival, their classic quotes always echo in my mind.

"...Shh, look, what did I find? There is a lone XXX here. We can try to catch it. XXX can provide us with energy for several days. They are rich in protein..."

"...We cut off its head, and the rest of the parts can be eaten raw. Its protein content is 8 times that of beef. Of course, if time is not urgent, we can roast it first, which will be more delicious..."

"...Well, it has a crunchy texture and tastes like chicken..."

"What are you worried about?"

Zorroya interrupted Leo's wandering.

"I'm thinking about what the crunchy chicken tastes like..."

Leo answered subconsciously.


Zorua tilted his head, with an expression of "What the hell are you talking about?"


Leo blushed with embarrassment, and then told his troubles.

"I'm thinking about how to leave this forest. There are trees everywhere here. No matter which direction you go, they all look the same. I really don't know how to get out. And there are no landmarks that can be easily remembered..."

"I know how to get out."

"...Even if I climbed to the top of the tree and looked over, I couldn't see the exit... Huh? What did you say?"

Leo stopped as if his throat was suddenly strangled, and after a while he looked at Zoroa with wide eyes.

"I said, I know how to get out of this forest."

Zorua repeated again.

"Then why didn't you say it earlier!"

After the three elves left the cave in the morning, they had been wandering in the forest. Leo, who felt that he was the big brother, was like a diligent old father, leading the two little guys to find a way out of the forest, and he was always using the waveguide to explore the situation in the forest. It only took them half a day to get from one unfamiliar place to another.

Soraya actually knew the way?

"You didn't ask me."

Soraya said confidently.

Leo was a little angry. It turned out that he was exhausted and constantly consumed the waveguide energy and climbed up and down for a long time, but it was all in vain.

Thinking back, it was true. Zoraya was able to decisively find the location of the underground research institute at that time, and it seemed that he had lived in this forest for a while. It was reasonable that he should be familiar with this forest.


Leo sighed helplessly and picked up Ibrahimovic.

In any case, it was good to have a guy who knew the way to lead them out of the forest. I hope I can quickly meet up with Asuka and the others to prevent that girl from doing something outrageous.

However, with Lulu here, that girl should...

But when Leo thought of the bold actions of Asuka before - sneaking into the Pokémon poaching group alone, jumping on the helicopter taking off, etc., Leo was not so sure.

Seeing Ibrahimovic yawning on Leo's arm, Zoroya shook his stiff body and walked towards a certain direction of the forest.

Leo hurried to catch up.


An hour later.

"Swish", three Pokémon walked out of the bushes.

Leo looked around in confusion.

"Why does this place feel so familiar?"

Zoroya didn't say anything, still walking towards a certain direction of the forest.

Leo scratched his head, feeling a little bored.Eevee, who was playing with his tail, continued to follow.

But when he passed a tree, he scratched it with his claws.


Two hours later.

Looking at the familiar scratches, Leo was speechless.

"It shouldn't be like this, I remember that this is how we should walk here..."

It was rare to see that Zoroya could no longer maintain his cold and cool appearance. He stared blankly and kept muttering.


Eevee kept looking at the unchanging scenery around him and felt extremely bored, so he moved his little claws to pull the black stripe hanging beside Leo's head in protest.

The elves were tired, and their hearts were tired too.

Leo simply sat down cross-legged on the ground to relieve the fatigue caused by long-term walking.

In fact, if he walked alone, it would be fine, and he would not feel tired after walking such a short distance. But, the main thing is that he still has to carry the little guy who doesn't want to walk, which is no less than carrying a ten-pound sandbag with him at all times. More importantly, this guy is very naughty. He touches here and there when he sees something curious, which really makes Leo exhausted.

Ibrahimovic jumped to the ground and stretched lazily.

After walking for such a long time, I am tired.

(Leo squinted: Hey, it seems that I am the one who is tired from walking.)

Seeing Zoroar's confused and unbelievable look, Ibrahimovic trotted over, patted his head, and comforted Zoroar.

"By the way, even this new personality of Eevee is not unfamiliar with Zoroark."

Looking at the scene of the two little ones interacting, Leo recalled that when Eevee just woke up, except for being familiar with Asuka, he seemed to be more resistant to other elves such as Leo and Snake, and even the gentle Kirliao was unwilling to get close. Although the beloved little guy became more and more carefree later, he was still a little shy about the new elves.

So it was very strange that he could play very friendly with Zoroark, who he had just known for a short time.

The sun was still hot, shining on the elves through the gaps in the woods. In addition, after a long journey, Leo's head was covered with sweat, and the sweat kept falling, making him a little uncomfortable.

Subconsciously, he wanted to find something to wipe his sweat. He turned his head and saw a few large green leaves at hand, with even a few drops of crystal dew on the leaves. It was simply a natural "wet wipes".

"I'm so sleepy, I'll give you a pillow..."

Leo casually grabbed the leaf and pulled it out.

The leaf didn't move at all.


Is he too tired? He couldn't even pull out a few leaves?

Leo increased his strength and pulled hard.


The leaf moved, but it was as if something was holding it tightly underground, and Leo still couldn't pull it out.

"Hey, I don't believe it."

Leo's stubborn temper came up.

It's okay to not find the way, it's okay to take a wrong way, now even a few leaves are going against me, right?

Mobilizing all the strength of his body, even the muscles on his arms bulged slightly, Leo grabbed the leaf with both hands and took a deep breath.

"Get up, give it to me!!!"

"Bang", the leaf was pulled up by Leo with all his strength.

Even the "thing" under the leaf was pulled out at once.

But what followed was a few shrill and thin voices.

"(Elf language) Ahhhhhhh, what are you doing!!!!!!"

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