Imagine if someone pulls your hair and won't let go, how would it feel?

Well, you may think it's nothing.

But this person not only pulls and won't let go, but also pulls it out with an attitude of not giving up until it's pulled out. Wouldn't you feel a little numb on your scalp and can't help but gasp?

Although I can't hear your answer, the walking grass in the Kael Forest will tell you.

This, really, hurts!

(In order to avoid water words and smooth viewing, before meeting humans again, the "elven language" prompts in the elves' dialogue will be erased.)

"You idiot, do you know that it hurts to pull your head hard?"

The angry walking grass kept talking, and the leaves on its head were still waving up and down to enhance its momentum.

"Ah, sorry sorry."

Leo bowed and apologized quickly, but his eyes unconsciously glanced at the walking grass.

Unlike the walking grass seen in the Crescent Forest, the walking grass in the Kael Forest has a blue-black bulbous body that is more slender, and the bright green leaves on its head are much wider than the former. Leo calculated that if the leaves drooped, it would probably cover the entire body of the walking grass.

Seeing that the elf in front of him seemed a little absent-minded, the walking grass became even more angry.

"Hey, hey, you're talking to me, pay attention."

In addition to the slightly different appearance, what's more amazing is that the walking grass in the Kael Forest actually speaks a local dialect.

Is this why different regions breed different elves?

Leo wanted to laugh.

And his smile was caught by the walking grass, which made the latter even more crazy.

"Ahhhhhh, did you hear that!!!"

The leaves kept hitting the ground, making a "pa pa" sound.

Leo, who finally came to his senses, looked at the walking grass with a red face and felt sincerely embarrassed.

I was just thinking about building a good relationship with the elves in the forest and asking for the way out of the forest, but before I even started, I had already pissed off a local elf. It would be difficult to deal with this.

Thinking about how to appease the walking grass that he had pulled out by the leaves and roots, Leo decided to use his ultimate trick.

"Here, as an apology, I'll give you this thing."

He took out a small bottle from the [backpack].

"Don't think you can get away with it... huh? I smell this thing."

The walking grass, which didn't want to forgive Leo at first, began to smell the fragrance from the small bottle.

The sweet elf nectar, a specialty from the Crescent Forest in the East region, immediately attracted the attention of the elves present.


Eevee drooled at the corner of his mouth, and quietly leaned over to the small bottle to lick it.

"What do you want to do!"

Unfortunately, the vigilant walking grass snatched the small bottle with its leaves, and then looked at Ibrahimovic with vigilant eyes.

Ibrahimovic, who couldn't grab the food, immediately ran to Leo and looked at the latter with pitiful eyes.

"Okay, okay."

Shaking his head helplessly, Leo divided the remaining little elf nectar in the [backpack] into several small bottles and took them all out.

"Swish", "Swish".

As if attracted by the elf nectar, several swaying sounds suddenly came from the elves, and then several clusters of leaves were seen rising from the ground.


Two or three walking grasses looked at Leo eagerly, and then looked at the first walking grass eagerly.

"Don't even think about it, this is mine."

The walking grass holding the small bottle quickly dipped its leaves in the nectar inside, and then put it into its mouth.

The blue-black little face immediately showed an expression of enjoyment.

Since the nectar is so delicious, I'll let you pull my head off.

The walking grass thought so, and couldn't help but put a little more in his mouth to taste it.

"I was thinking of keeping it as a souvenir, but now it's all eaten up by you."

Leo felt a little pain. After all, before returning to the Crescent Forest, the elf nectar was getting less and less. Usually he cherished it very much, and every time he would deduct a little bit to make tea. Now it was all squandered at once. Leo just hoped to get the answer he wanted from this group of walking grasses.

Ibrahimovic had a small bottle of nectar all to himself, but Zoroark was not so greedy. After tasting it for a while, he shared his share with the newly emerged walking grasses.

Everyone was captured by the fragrance and sweetness of the nectar, and all showed happy smiles.Seeing the atmosphere become harmonious again, Leo felt that the time was almost right.

"I'm very sorry for what happened just now. But can you do us a favor for the sake of nectar?"


The walking grass looked at Leo sideways, and its leaves formed a question mark.

"What we want to know is..."

Before Leo could ask, he heard the sound of "fluttering" wings not far away.

The walking grasses naturally heard it too.

So they suddenly became agitated.

"Dead, dead, they're coming."

"Run, run."

"Ouch, don't step on my leaves."

With the shrill shouting, the walking grasses were like headless flies, tossing around and throwing a bunch of "people" (grasses) upside down.

"Swoosh", several night owls and king swallows shuttled out of the forest, and swooped down towards the walking grasses and Leo and other elves without saying a word.

Leo subconsciously shuddered, and reflexively picked up a walking grass on the left and right, and ran away.

Eevee and Zoroark cleverly hugged Leo's legs, and bumped up and down as the latter ran quickly, and the last walking grass wrapped Leo's waist with the leaves on its head at the last moment, and barely got on this "Lucario" train.

So there was an interesting picture: a Lucario was running desperately with elves wrapped around his body, and several flying bird elves were chasing him behind.

Even though walking grass, Eevee, Zoroark and others were small elves, their combined weight was indeed not light.

Even Leo, who had a strong body after evolution, felt a little overwhelmed.

While running hard, Leo always felt a subtle sense of déjà vu.

"No, why do I feel like this scene is a bit familiar???"

I couldn't help but think of the scene in the Crescent Forest when I stood up for a few walking grasshoppers, but was chased by the crazy Pidgeot and the Pidgeot tribe. I could only run away with the walking grasshoppers and finally was rescued by the Squirtle boss.

"Hehe, if I didn't know how to use the moves and hadn't leveled up, how could those stinky birds make me run away and not fight back..."

Leo thought indignantly.

"Uh, that's not right!"

He suddenly realized.

Although he was in a hurry just now, Leo still instinctively took a look at the data of several bird elves:

Lv22 Night Owl, and Lv23 King Swallow

They were just some Lv20 Pokémons, stronger than the Pidgeots and Pidgeots they had met before, but the most important thing was…

“I’ve evolved now, why am I running away!”

Leo, who had come to his senses, stopped in his tracks.

“Ouch, ouch!” The powerful inertia caused the Pokémons that were wrapped around Leo, such as the Eevee Zorroa, to fall out and roll into a ball.

Leo stood in front of them, his whole body glowing with a brown-red light, and a layer of endless fighting energy was flowing back and forth on his body.

On his body was the fighting power, and in his eyes, was the blue of the waveguide.

The bird Pokémons were still undeterred, with their wings spread out, swooping down like sharp arrows.

Although the fighting system was defeated by the flying system, Leo, who had practiced for a long time, had already prepared a set of tactics to deal with the flying Pokémons.

Leo was ready to attack the night owls and the king swallows.

But he didn't notice that countless pairs of eyes appeared around them, in the land, on the trees, and in the lake, staring at them with a strange look.

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