In the bustling city center of Kyle, there were dense crowds of people. A man walked gloomily among the crowds.

His friend couldn't bear it anymore and said in a comforting tone: "Ajun, don't be sad. It's just a broken heart. There are many beautiful women in the world. It's hard to find a three-legged frog, but it's not impossible to find a new girlfriend."

His friend rolled his eyes and thought of a good idea.

"Well, buddy, I'll take you to a good place. I guarantee that you will feel better."

Ajun was a little sad.

I thought that the college was on vacation, and I would go on vacation with my girlfriend Xiaowan to enhance their relationship. However, I didn't expect that in Zidian City, I exposed my past experience of going to a maid cafe. On Liuming Mountain outside Fuquan Town, my girlfriend disliked me for not helping him. After that, there seemed to be a gap between the two. Xiaowan couldn't stand me in many things. Finally, after leaving Fuquan Town, she broke up with Ajun.

Back in Kyle City, walking in the popular commercial street, Ajun no longer had the excitement he had before.

Even though the commercial street in Kyle City was as lively as ever.

Kyle City is also divided into several areas. There are various large and small docks and ports near the sea, which are convenient for fishing boats and cruise ships to berth. At the junction of the sea and the land, there is a wide beach. Behind the beach is a large hotel. Ajun also lived in the hotel with Xiaowan. Looking from the hotel room, the unobstructed sea view made him remember it vividly.

Well, thinking of this, Ajun's heart felt even more painful.

Farther away from the sea is the entrance to Kyle City.

Outside the entrance is the intercity train station. Because it is also adjacent to the original natural environment, many wild elves live there. Most people also like to go deep into it to conquer elves, which has become a special place in Kyle City.

After entering Kyle City, similar to many ordinary cities, residential areas are distributed here. Near the entrance, there are facilities for trainers to use, such as the Pokémon Center and Pokémon Shop.

Ajun remembered the past when he met Xiaowan at the Pokémon Center after he happily captured his first Pokémon in his life.

The north of Kyle City is the headquarters of major well-known companies, which is called the "Technology Park" by local residents.

If you look to the south, you will see the two most special buildings in Kyle City. One is Kyle College, which can be regarded as one of the excellent colleges in the Middle Region. The other is the venue for the Gorgeous Competition. The venue is decorated magnificently and deserves its name of gorgeousness. Various Pokémon Gorgeous Competitions are held here. Even the Pokémon Gorgeous Competition World Cup held every four years has been held in this venue, attracting thousands of visitors.

Finally, looking at the city center of Kyle, because of the headquarters of Silver Company, this huge enterprise that has developed countless human and elf products, has also built a large department store in Kyle. There are all kinds of food, drinks, entertainment, and shopping. If you can't find what you like in this department store, it doesn't matter. There are many prosperous commercial streets around the mall. There are not only chain stores of various famous stores, but also many small shops with their own characteristics that are hidden deep. It can be said that there is nothing you can't buy.

Ajun was pulled by his friend to a store in the commercial street.

Inadvertently, he saw a pearl necklace worn on the neck of a doll in the window of the jewelry store next to him.

The crystal clear and round pearl reminded him of how he didn't want the money from his family for Xiaowan's birthday, and ran to deliver takeout for two months. He finally bought a pearl necklace with the money he earned and gave it to his girlfriend, who also cherished the necklace very much. She had been wearing it around her neck when she went out to play last time.

"Ajun, we're here."

Ajun was awakened by his friend's excited words.

He looked up and saw that it was a newly opened maid cafe.

"Come on, let's go in. I know you like this type the most. Anyway, let's enjoy it and forget about that woman... Hey, Ajun, where are you going?"

No, I want to find her and start over!

The idea in Ajun's mind has never been so firm, and he turned around and left without hesitation.

He knew that his girlfriend had already returned to the college, so he strode towards the college.

On the way, someone passed by him.

A familiar feeling made him look back.

I saw a girl wearing a white Poké Ball hat with a furry Pokémon on her head.Holding a bunch of snacks in his hands, there was a floating elf beside him chattering, and behind the girl, a humanoid elf of the same height and an elf with flames on its tail were walking leisurely.

This trainer has a really good relationship with his elf.

As Ah Jun thought, he somehow remembered his elf, the jumping pig.

Since he fell in love with Xiao Wan, he rarely cultivated feelings with his elf. He even let the elf roam in his yard and only went back to see it when he was free.

Suddenly feeling a little uncomfortable, Ah Jun decided to go and see his elf after apologizing to Xiao Wan.

I wonder if the jumping pig will feel lonely?

Thinking of this, he quickened his pace.

Back in front of the academy, there were many people coming in and out of the gorgeous competition venue next to it, and there were many trucks loaded with decoration materials parked at the entrance of the venue.

"Speaking of which, it seems that there will be a large-scale gorgeous competition performance in a few days. Why don't you grab two tickets and invite Xiaowan to watch it together."

A good idea came to Jun's mind.

"Ouch", when he was distracted, he accidentally bumped into someone.

After taking a few steps back and standing firm, Ajun was about to step forward to support the person he bumped into, but found that several vines had already supported the girl on the opposite side.

"Ah, sorry, you are not hurt?"

Ajun quickly apologized, and then squatted down to help the girl pick up the various fabrics that fell on the ground.

The girl put on her crooked glasses again, and then said apologetically: "Sorry, I left too hurriedly and didn't pay attention."

After the two of them were humble for a while, they left separately.

There was also a familiar feeling, which made Ajun feel that the quiet girl just now and the vine snake beside her were a little familiar.

"Strange, why do I always feel that the people I met today are a little familiar? Is it an illusion caused by my unstable mood?"

Ajun said to himself in a strange way.

But after thinking about it, he put these things aside and turned around to walk into the academy.


Although there are many wild Pokémons living in the wild of Kyle City, in fact, they are all Pokémons with levels between Lv5 and Lv15.

Because those powerful Pokémons have been transferred to farther places by trainers to avoid accidents where Pokémons go crazy and attack Kyle City.

Therefore, many younger children like to tame their friends here accompanied by experienced adults.

Those trainers with newborn Pokémons also like to fight with trainers in the same situation nearby, or fight with wild Pokémons to help their Pokémon grow. Of course, after fighting with wild Pokémons, many friendly trainers will leave some Pokémon food that Pokémons love to eat to thank them. Over time, wild Pokémons also know that they can find delicious food here, and often habitually gather near Kyle City, so humans and Pokémons form a good cycle.

"Go, Charmander!"

The Lv11 Mushroom appeared, and Asuka threw the Poké Ball energetically, and then a little dinosaur with fire rushed up.

I don't know when, Charmander has also reached Lv10.


Mushroom, who originally wanted to come to make a living, was a little at a loss, and in a hurry, he sprayed a large amount of yellow powder from the opening on the top of his head.


Charmander instinctively noticed that the yellow powder was strange, so he subconsciously opened his mouth and sprayed out a bunch of bright red sparks.

The powder disappeared under the burning of the flames.

Mushroom, who didn't expect that his signature move [Paralysis Powder] was broken, was also pushed by Charmander, and the whole elf turned over.

"Charmander, use [Grab]!"

The little claw popped out from between Charmander's fingers. Since Leo would teach him how to use his claws as weapons when he was with Leo, so at this moment in the battle, the claw flew so fast and fiercely that Mushroom was grabbed and screamed.

Seeing that the opponent had no resistance, Asuka Teru decisively commanded: "Charmander, the last blow, use [Jet Flame]... Spray it to Mushroom."

Mushroom, who finally turned his body, saw in despair that the terrible little dinosaur in front of him had accumulated a raging flame in his mouth.

But after waiting for a long time, the imagined situation of being burned by fire did not appear.

The flames that Charmander spewed out were only sprayed on the open space next to Mushroom, not directly at Mushroom.

Mushroom suddenly "realized".

This human in front of him, MoYou don't want to conquer me because I'm cute, do you? Although there is a very scary guy around (Mushroom looked at Charmander with fear, that is the natural fear of grass-type elves for fire-type elves), but the strength is not bad, it is not a loss to conquer me.

Come on, throw the ball at me.

Mushroom closed his eyes "generously sacrificed".

Who knew that Asuka just squatted down with a smile and stuffed a few pieces of elf food in his hand into Mushroom's mouth.

"Thank you for training with us, these pieces of elf food are gifts for you."

Mushroom, who misunderstood, ran back to the bushes with a red face without anyone and the elves seeing it.

It turned out that I misunderstood, my god, run away quickly.

Mushroom ran away, but Asuka's Charmander training plan continued until the group and the elves came to a strange building.

"Is this the fun place you mentioned?"

Leo looked at the building in front of him. From the outside, the building itself was quite large, but the extremely simple appearance made it impossible to tell what kind of building it was.

"Guess what place this is?"

The girl kept it a secret.

"...Is it not a Pokémon Gym?"

Leo was a little uncertain, but his waveguide could feel that there was a waveguide in the gym, with all kinds of powerful waveguides that shocked him.

Asuka wrinkled his nose.

This guy, how come his intuition is always so accurate.

Indeed, the inconspicuous building in front of him is the Pokémon Gym hidden in the suburbs of Kyle City - the Bug Pokémon Gym!

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