It's called a gym, but after entering, it looks more like a garden.

This was Leo's first impression.

Looking directly over, there is a glass wall in front, and there is a door on the wall, which seems to be used for people to enter and exit. In front of the wall is a counter, and many people in different clothes line up in front of the counter. Looking carefully, you can find that these people have a characteristic, that is, they all have a belt around their waists to place the Poké Balls used by trainers. From this point, it can be seen that these people are Pokémon trainers.

In addition, Leo also noticed that they have another special feature, that is, they look very young, probably about the same age as Asuka.

That is, they are just in the stage of adulthood.

"Hello, how can I help you?"

Before Asuka and others and the Pokémons could see the novelty, a woman in uniform came up to greet them.

"Hello, I'm here to challenge the gym owner."

Asuka responded politely.

Hearing this, the uniformed lady took out a tablet from the workbench next to her and swiped it a few times.

"Sorry, if you are here to challenge the gym owner, you need to make an appointment. Do you want to make an appointment now?"


Asuka was stunned.

This was the first time she saw that a gym challenge required an appointment, and the girl was a little confused.

"Yes, because the gym owner's schedule is very tight, so we need to make arrangements. Do you want to make an appointment?"

"If I make an appointment now, when can I fight the gym owner?"

"Let me see..."

The uniformed lady operated on the tablet again, and then said to Asuka in a positive tone.

"There are currently 30 challengers who have made appointments. According to the gym owner's arrangement, you will have to fight the gym owner in about 3 months."

"3 months???!!!"

Asuka's eyes widened.

Although it is not impossible to challenge other gyms, the nearest guidance gym is only this bug-type Pokémon gym. And now Asuka has two guidance gym badges, Electric and Fire, which means she can have another chance to challenge a guidance gym.

This remaining challenge qualification is also very important, because Asuka's own Pokémon team has not grown up yet - only Kirlia, Anlulu and Lucario can take the lead. Although Eevee is strong, it still needs time to adjust its dislike of fighting. Although Charmander has shown extraordinary fighting instincts, its strength needs to be further improved because it was just born, so she doesn't want to waste this precious gym challenge opportunity to cultivate her team.

Because the league stipulates that if a trainer directly challenges a training gym and succeeds, he will not be able to challenge a guidance gym again. This is also a rule made to encourage those trainers to constantly hone themselves.

But that being said, it is also unacceptable for Asuka to wait for 3 months in vain.

What should I do?

Ming Rizhao was very distressed, but he couldn't help his curiosity when he saw a long line in front of the counter.

"Excuse me, these people are queuing here..."

"Oh, they are queuing to wait for the gym challenge."

"Gym challenge?"

"Yes, after the gym challenge, they can get the gym badge, and the challenge fee is not expensive, 500 yuan per person can get a challenge opportunity."

"Oh, that's it."

Ming Rizhao nodded, but suddenly reacted.

"You said that you can get the badge as long as you complete this gym challenge? Don't you need to fight the gym owner and win to get the badge?"

Faced with Asuka's question, the uniformed lady saw that Asuka was obviously not a local resident of Kyle City, and then answered with an understanding tone: "It seems that you are not a local of Kyle City. Yes, you don't need to defeat the gym owner to get the badge in this gym. You just need to complete the challenge set by the gym owner, and then fight the few Pokémon left by the gym owner. If you win, you can get the badge."

Although I know that different Pokémon gym owners have their own unique preferences, this practice of not having to fight with the gym owner is the first time I have encountered it.

So, Asuka lined up in confusion under the guidance of the uniformed lady, and under the guidance of the counter lady, he paid the money to participate in the challenge.

Looking at the "Gym Challenge Instructions" handed to her and the ten special Poké Balls attached, Asuka still felt that the change in things made her a little confused.

"...Challenger Instructions: In order to train novice trainers' Pokémon collectionThis gym challenge is set up to test the conquering skills and the mastery of the habits of elves. "

"The challenger needs to use the special elf balls provided by the gym to conquer 10 elves within the limited 2 hours. "

"The precautions are as follows. "

"1. Trainers are not allowed to use elves to fight, and can only conquer without fighting. "

"2. The conquered elves will be returned to the gym garden and cannot be taken away privately. "

"3. Do not maliciously snatch the elves captured by others, otherwise you will be disqualified. "

"After completing the conquering challenge, you will be led to the battle room by the staff. After defeating three gym elves, you can get the Insect Gym Badge. "

"...The gym has the right of interpretation. ”

So, the gym challenge is not a traditional battle with various assistants and apprentices, but a game of capturing Pokémon?

If we abandon this strange perception, this kind of gym challenge is actually not bad?

Asuka felt a little fresh.

Leo knew that he probably wouldn't have a chance to play in this gym challenge, so he simply stretched his body and went back to his Poké Ball to rest.

No wonder he felt that the Pokémons on the trainers in line were not very strong. Gyms like the one in Kyle City are more like a guidance-type gym than the two gyms in Zidian City and Fuquan Town: teaching those rookies who just entered the trainer profession from the academy how to get familiar with the most important course for trainers - capturing Pokémon.

Eevee, Charmander, and Lelouch also returned to their Poké Balls.

Asuka felt a little strange. It has been a long time since he has experienced a situation where there is no Pokémon around him.

"Leo, do you want to go out and play with Lelouch and Eevee? ”

Because Charmander was the Pokémon that was designated to fight, and the other three were also quite strong, Asuka did not force them to stay as a preparation for the battle.

“No, I’ve been a bit tired after making a lot of noise recently. I’ll take a rest in the Poké Ball.”

Leo’s Poké Ball shook, and a lazy voice came out.

In the Kael Forest, it was really tiring to sneak into the enemy’s research institute with two “children”, to combine and fight against the Ghost Pokémon, or to sing and dance rap with the Lizard King and the others. This time, Leo entered the Poké Ball for the first time in a long time, and found that the inside of the Poké Ball was quite comfortable. Leo simply did not plan to go out.

Moreover, Leo also wanted to see what the challenge of this unique Pokémon Gym was like.

Lulu had the same idea.

As for Eevee, as soon as he returned to the Poké Ball


Due to the limited size of the gym, there is a limit on the number of challengers that can enter the gym each time.

After waiting for about half an hour, many trainers came out happily. They all intentionally or unintentionally pinned a shiny bug-shaped badge on their bags and showed off to their friends. Some trainers who failed to complete the challenge looked frustrated, but with the comfort of their companions, they soon cheered up and decided to go back and review their lessons and win it in one go tomorrow.

"It's great to be young. "

Looking at the high-spirited appearance of the group of trainers, Asuka sighed.

"...", Leo said with an ellipsis on his face.

Hey, girl, you are about the same age as them, why do you have to act like you have experienced many vicissitudes of life?

Asumi's waiting card lit up.

It's my turn, draw a card... ugh, I'm out of the game.

Asumi, who thinks he is already a veteran Pokémon trainer who has experienced many battles, walked into the garden confidently.

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