In fact, it is not a very rare thing to capture elves without fighting. In some cities, there are even special facilities open to trainers to capture wild elves - capture zones.

In these facilities, you can see many elves that are usually difficult to find. You can use special elf balls to capture elves and take them away later to make them your elf partners.

For those novice trainers who want to find the right elves to embark on a professional journey, this capture zone is very useful.

Because it is a non-combat capture, elf battles cannot occur during the capture process. Trainers can feed elves food according to the habits of elves to increase the elves' favorability, so that elves will follow their favorite trainers more. Or you can choose to throw stones and mud to intimidate elves, so that they can be afraid and then be captured by elf balls.

However, many senior trainers do not recommend the latter behavior to novice trainers.

Mainly using intimidation to subdue elves will reduce the elves' favorability towards themselves. Even if they are barely subdued, it is difficult to command the battle with one mind at the beginning. Only by getting along for a long time, you can dispel the elves' vigilance and cultivate their favorability to make the elves convinced by you. This will undoubtedly consume a lot of time and energy. For novice trainers, spending so much time and energy in the most precious growth stage is undoubtedly not worth the loss.

And more importantly, some elves have a bad temper. Sometimes the trainer's intimidation will not only not make the other party afraid, but will anger the elves. The power of elves is very terrifying to humans. Once they are targeted by angry elves and do not escape, the consequences will be disastrous. There was once a novice trainer who was ignorant of the sky and the earth and provoked the Kentaro in the subjugation zone. The angry Kentaro tribe attacked in groups. Fortunately, the staff at that time were also powerful trainers. It took a lot of effort to appease this group of red-eyed bulls.

This incident left a profound lesson for all the novice trainers, and it was also used as a typical case in the academy to teach those rookies who entered this industry. The unlucky novice trainer was frightened by a large group of Kentaro chasing him, so he chose to quit before he officially started his career.

So, no matter how cute the elves are, they are still "dangerous creatures" for humans.

For example, the giant crab in front of him.

Asuka hid behind the bushes, watching the giant crab rampaging by the river, and swallowed his saliva nervously.

It's strange to say that as a "senior trainer" who has experienced many big scenes, he would not be afraid when facing the skillful elves like the Steel God Pillar or the Frozen Bird. At this moment, he just knew that he couldn't use the elves. Facing an ordinary giant crab, Asuka felt a little hairy in his heart.

Looking at the sharp claws that made a clacking sound, and the hard shells with protruding edges and corners all over the body, it is conceivable that if you are caught by the claws of the giant crab, or if you are knocked down, you will probably be injured. In short, although you will not die, you are likely to be disabled.

Although the giant crab has its back to her, Asuka found that the Poké Ball in her hand could not be thrown out at this time.

What if she threw it out and missed the giant crab, and then the giant crab attacked her when it was angry?

An inexplicable sense of fear always lingered in the girl's heart.


Leo was in the Poké Ball, feeling the violent fluctuations in Asuka's heart, and watching the scene happening in front of him.

Although he felt that Asuka's worry was a bit redundant, if the giant crab really attacked without martial ethics, Leo - not just Leo, including Kirlia and Anlulu - would never let this Lv10 giant crab hurt his trainer, even if it violated the rules.

He remembered that in his previous life, when the protagonist did not have any elves, an NPC would always pop up and prevent the protagonist from entering the bushes, saying that "elves are very dangerous". In the game, this may be a mechanism to avoid problems, but when returning to reality, this is clearly a warning given by humans to future generations in countless past histories - "Don't underestimate the danger of elves". This is probably another purpose of the gym owner setting up this gym challenge, to pass on this experience to those ignorant prevent them from getting into danger because of ignorance.

It is indeed a guiding gym.

It was not until this moment that Leo deeply understood the significance of why the Pokémon Alliance created this kind of guiding gym.

However, Asuka was a brave "reckless man" after all, and quickly overcame his psychological barriers.

After thinking about it while holding the Poké Ball, the girl put the Poké Ball away first and took something out of her bag.

She quickly took out a bag of dried fish snacks that she bought in Kyle City not long ago.

As soon as the package was torn open, a strong seafood smell came out of the bag.


The big claw crab rolled its eyes, and then crawled over with crab steps.

"Hehe, look at my food seduction method!"

Asuka grabbed a handful of dried fish, put it on the ground, and then hid in the bushes.

According to her understanding, the crab-like elves, such as the giant crab, also have similar eating habits to crabs, and like to eat some small shrimps and dried fish, so this kind of food that is more delicious after being processed by humans is enough to make the elves eat happily.

As expected, the giant crab looked around vigilantly, and did not find anything unusual, then stretched out its claws and clamped the small dried fish on the ground into its mouth.

In theory, when the giant crab is concentrating on eating the dried fish, it can throw the elf ball to capture it.

But Mingri Zhao did not do so, because the success rate of capturing is not high at this time, because the energy of the giant crab has not been weakened by the battle, and the giant crab still has enough physical strength to resist. If the capture fails, it is very likely to annoy this little guy with terrible big claws.

"Don't worry, take your time."

Mingri Zhao decided to continue according to his plan.

The small dried fish she put on the ground just now was only a small amount, and for the giant crab, it was just enough to satisfy its mouth.

So the girl put some dried fish in a place where the big crab didn't notice.


The big crab, whose mouth was itching from the taste of dried fish, walked towards the dried fish without hesitation after smelling the fragrance.

In this way, Asuka put a little on the left and a little on the right, and soon put all the dried fish in a bag.

The big crab was also satisfied with the food, and finally rested on the spot after eating that little dried fish.

"Is it time to throw the Poké Ball?"

Leo watched the scene outside in the Poké Ball, guessing that this should be Asuka's plan, to make the big crab less active after eating and then capture it.

But what was unexpected was that the girl decided to be more stable.

After a few minutes, the big crab was a little shaky for some reason. After walking sideways for a few steps, he fell to the ground with a snap.

The whole crab also turned slightly red.

"Ah, what's going on? Is this crab steamed?"

Leo couldn't help but complain.

Of course not.

Asuka proudly raised the bag of dried fish snacks in his hand, and a line of large characters was clearly visible: "Kel City's famous specialty - fermented dried fish (Note: Minors are prohibited from buying and eating)".

So the result of the big claw crab eating the whole bag of dried fish is that he is drunk.

Looking at the big claw crab in a deep sleep, Asuka threw the Poké Ball.

After the Poké Ball put the big claw crab in the ball, it didn't even shake, and it showed the green light of successful capture.

"This is really..."

Leo really didn't know where this guy bought so many weird snacks.

Bug-type gym, Pokémon capture challenge, progress: 1/10.



The spinytail insect immersed in the fresh and delicious leaves was hit on the head by the Poké Ball.

Acorn, who was walking leisurely in the grass, fell into a pit as big as his body with a "swish". He couldn't get up and was hit by a Poké Ball.

The lazy otter, who was sleeping soundly, barely opened his eyes, looked at the strange human in front of him, yawned, and let the Poké Ball hit him casually.

"(Elf language) Isn't it just a change of place to sleep, but~"

Feeling the lazy voice coming from the Poké Ball, Asuka didn't know whether to laugh or cry. This was the easiest Pokémon he had captured today.


Finally, as the tenth Poké Ball gently hit Catkin, who was immersed in Asuka's skilled Pokémon massage technique, the Pokémon capture challenge of the Bug-type gym was finally completed.

Holding ten heavy Poké Balls in his hands, Asuka was full of emotion.

In order to conquer these elves, Mingri Zhao has consumed a lot of brain cells, from remembering the places where the elves like to stay to using the elves' hobbiesIt took a lot of thought and effort to subdue them according to their habits. Even if it was a lazy otter, it took Asuka a while to find this guy hiding in the tree and unwilling to move.

"Congratulations, you have completed the first challenge."

The receptionist at the counter checked the Poké Balls, and after verifying that they were correct, he stamped a seal on Asuka's paper.

Then the uniformed lady led Asuka to the door of a room.

"As long as you defeat the three Pokémons left by the gym owner, you can get the gym badge. Come on!"

Asuka picked up Charmander's Poké Ball and opened the door.

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