After entering the battle room, there is a battle field inside. There are also some young trainers sitting in the surrounding audience seats. They are probably idle and have nothing to do, so they come here to see if there are any trainers worth noting.

After all, for most gyms, ordinary gym challenges are free and open, and only certain battles will be charged, such as the battles between top trainers and gym owners, because there are too many people who want to watch such high-level battles. If there is no restriction, the entire gym will not be able to accommodate so many people.

Of course, this place is no exception.

And since most of the trainers who come to get the badge of this Pokémon gym are novices, ordinary challenges usually do not attract too many people to watch.

Looking around, the outside of this bug-type gym is set up weirdly, but the inside is quite standard.

A standard-sized battle field, a large screen to broadcast the battle process and results, as well as appropriate lighting and a variety of complete equipment.

However, in this battle, Asuka was facing no trainer, which made her feel a little awkward.

Three Poké Balls were placed in a row at one end of the battle field.

"The battle begins!"

A mechanical voice came from the speaker, and the Poké Egg on the far left opened automatically.

"Swoosh", a Metapod appeared.

Staring with a pair of lifeless eyes, Metapod just lay on the ground, waiting for the action of the opposing trainer.

Although it was known that the strength of this gym would not be very high, Asuka was still a little surprised that the first Metapod to appear was a Lv10 Metapod.

"Okay, Charmander, this is your first battle, come out and show yourself!"

The girl also threw a Poké Ball, and Charmander with a vigorous tail flame appeared.

"Hey, it's Charmander."

"It's rare, post it on WeChat Moments."

"Click, click."

The young trainers who were just watching the fun became excited when they saw Charmander, a Pokémon with great potential, and took out their phones to take pictures.

Facing the flashing lights around him, Charmander couldn't help but howl a few times, as if telling the green guy on the other side that he was fierce.


Metapod still had a dull expression on his face.

"Metapod, use [Harden]."

A mechanical voice came from the speaker.

Well, even the command of the battle was recorded.

Ashiro Asuka felt that there were ten thousand flaws in this battle, and he didn't plan to waste time immediately.

"Charmander, [Spark]!"

A ball of hot flames spurted out of Charmander's mouth.

"Boom", the flames hit the Metapod, and it directly made him unable to fight.

The effect is outstanding!

The levels of the two are similar, and the fire type is naturally the nemesis of the bug type, so it is no problem to kill with one blow.


Charmander confidently put his hands on his hips.

"Okay, although I can't let Charmander gain combat experience with strong enemies, it's okay to cultivate Charmander's confidence."

Asuhiro scratched his head, and found a reason for his challenge.

However, Leo in the Poké Ball had a different opinion.

"Although Metapod is not a powerful Pokémon, for those who have just entered the Pokémon trainer industry, if they are not aware of the effect of [Harden] to improve the Pokémon's defense, or are not familiar with the attribute restraint relationship, and choose to use low-level Pokémon to continuously use physical moves such as [Impact] to attack Metapod, the result may be that their Pokémon will die of exhaustion and still fail to break Metapod's defense."

"For those novices, it is also a very simple but important guidance."

"After all, observation is a very important skill in battle."

Although the owner of this insect Pokémon gym has automated the battle, the teaching contained in it is still very attentive.

The circle-eyed Metapod was taken back by a white light, and then the second Pokémon appeared.

The pale yellow insect pupa Pokémon, Metapod.

"Metapod, use [Poison Needle]!"

"Charmander, dodge, and then use [Spark] again!"

Before the mechanical voice fell, Charmander had already taken action.

Catching the trajectory of the sharp poison needle with his eyes, the little fire dragon rolled sideways to avoid the poison needle, then opened his mouth and sprayed another ball of fire at the iron shell pupa.

The latter could not fight, and he was killed with one strike again.

"Is the second lesson to teach challengers how to deal with abnormal conditions?"

Leo thought.

Abnormal conditions such as paralysis, burns, sleep, poisoning, etc., are not good forFor all trainers, it is a trouble that must be dealt with. In addition to letting the elves use moves to clear these abnormal states, using various medicines is also a good choice.

The iron shell pupa was also taken back.

Then there is only one elf left to get the third badge.

Asuka and Charmander stared at the elf ball on the far right.

The elf suddenly opened.

In the moment when everyone and the elves did not react, a slender black shadow cut through the sky and came in an instant.

"What! Charmander, get out of the way!"

The black shadow was very close to Charmander, and the ignorant Charmander was poked away before it could react.

A "buzzing" vibration sounded, and Asuka looked closely, and a poisonous bee with sharp stings on its arms appeared on the battlefield.

"Bang", Leo's elf ball opened, but he consciously fell into the audience.

Looking at the third Pokémon with some emotion, Leo smiled unconsciously.

"Beedrill, I haven't seen this kind of Pokémon for a long time."

He remembered the time when he followed Queen Flower and several Beedrills to collect honey in the Crescent Forest.

As the final Pokémon of the Bug Pokémon Gym, Beedrill took the lead in giving the challenger a head start with his powerful speed.

The audience also became lively at this time.

After all, no one expected that after the first two relatively "weak" Pokémon, there would be such a "powerful" Pokémon - for those novice trainers whose Pokémon levels are generally only Lv6~7, Beedrill, which has evolved to the final stage at Lv15, is indeed quite powerful.

"Fire Fire!!!"

Charmander stood up from the ground angrily.

Even though Charmander's character is usually quite docile, his impatient nature as a fire Pokémon made him agitated.

Before Asuka gave the order, Charmander responded by itself, moving its mouth and spewing out a large amount of thick black smoke.

"Hmm? Good judgment!"

Asuka affirmed Charmander's judgment.

Originally, her command liked to let the elves play independently, and Charmander's natural fighting instinct surprised her even more.

Beedrill has many characteristics of poisonous bees, the most typical of which is agility and good speed. Charmander uses [Smoke Screen] based on its own fighting instinct, which can effectively block the opponent's vision, thereby reducing the hit rate of the moves. For Beedrill, who is used to attacking opponents at high speed, it is a restriction.

The Beedrill on the opposite side also has a lot of combat experience. Seeing that it was surrounded by smoke, it simply shook its insect wings and flew into the air.

The red insect eyes scanned the bottom, but the density of the smoke made Charmander completely unnoticed.

"Silky", unexpectedly, Beedrill didn't choose to attack blindly, but sprayed a large amount of sticky white silk downwards.

Some trainers in the audience who also had Pokémon like Beedrill were delighted.

"[Spit Silk]! This move is very good. Even if it doesn't hit the opponent accurately, it can restrict the opponent's actions by covering the field with extremely sticky silk. If you are unfortunately entangled by the silk, it is even possible for Beedrill to end the game with a very lethal move!"

Facing most Pokémon, this tactic is undoubtedly correct. Even Psychic Pokémon with magical powers will have to spend some effort to break free when entangled by these tough and sticky silk.

However, the insect Pokémon are facing their natural nemesis.


A ball of sparks suddenly exploded in the black smoke. No matter how tough the silk is, it can't withstand the burning of the fire.

In an instant, the entire battlefield was like a raging fire, and the silk all over the ground was the best fuel.

The rising heat made Beedrill unable to resist flying higher.

In the flames, a small figure stepped out.

The abundant fire elements around made the flames on Charmander's tail burn more vigorously.

Now is the best time to attack!

"Charmander, use [Jet Flame]!"

The most signature move of the fire system!

The flames are like pillars, spraying into the sky!

Although Beedrill has the ability to fly, it can't soar in the sky for a long time like those flying elves. After hovering in the air for a long time, the high-frequency flapping insect wings have long been a little overwhelmed.

And just when the old power was about to give way to the new power, the flames rushed to the face.

"Buzz", struggling to vibrate its wings, Beedrill flashed to the side with some effort to avoid being hit by the flames head-on.

But the burningThe flames also brushed the side of Beedrill, causing the latter to scream and fall from the air.

Fire is not only a deterrent to insects, but also has a significant effect on the damage it causes.

Beedrill struggled on the ground for a while, but the burning of the fire system was too unbearable for him, so he had to give up the fight in the end.


Charmander roared twice in excitement.

Leo looked at the little guy jumping around on the field with satisfaction.

It was as if he saw the figure of a powerful and majestic fire king.

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