Following Mikoli, many famous senior coordination trainers and their signature Pokémons appeared on the stage.

All of them were winners of various gorgeous competitions in their respective regions, and they also had a certain degree of popularity. Therefore, every senior coordination trainer would cause some audiences in the audience to cheer after being introduced by the host.

Of course, the scene was not as crazy as when Mikoli was seen.

After the Pokémons were shown, the coordination trainers also took back the Poké Balls.

Mikoli walked along the stage to the guest seats, and the others followed behind him.

Along the way, he also interacted cordially with the audience sitting in the front row. The scene was so warm that a competition almost turned into a celebrity meeting.

In fact, many of those well-known coordination trainers have a second part-time job, such as actors, singers and other performing professions, so it is not an exaggeration to say that they are like stars.

It should be said that the organizers also spent a lot of money for this competition. At the beginning, world-class guests appeared, which made the audience who bought tickets on the first day say that it was worth the money. At the same time, word of mouth will make more people flock to see the world champions and major stars. This is enough to show how effective the publicity is.

After the introduction of the guests, the host read out the ranking rewards and sponsors of this competition, as well as various lucky draws.

As for how generous the rewards are, Leo knew it when he saw Asuka's eyes turned into money symbols.

"Leo, how about..."

Asuka looked at Leo with shining eyes.

His own elf has shiny hair, agile posture, handsome and majestic, isn't it a good seedling for the gorgeous competition?

"No, you don't want to."

Leo waved his hand decisively to refuse.

Although he accepted the identity of an elf, as a human in his previous life, he felt awkward and had goose bumps when he thought about standing on the stage and being looked at from left to right.


The girl pouted and turned her attention to other elves.

"Lulu is very beautiful, so she can definitely participate in the beauty group. Eevee is very cute with fur, so she can also consider the cute group. Charmander... Although he is bald now, he can become Charmeleon or Charizard after evolution, and he feels that he can dominate the handsome group or the strong group."

The other three elves turned their heads and saw Asuka rubbing his hands and laughing, and they couldn't help but shudder.

This girl is obsessed with money.

Leo rolled his eyes and ignored the trainer who was thinking of something wrong, and turned to focus on the game downstairs.

The long list of sponsors was finally read out, and the show finally got to the point.

"Now, please welcome our contestants to make a grand appearance!"

The host's enthusiastic voice sounded, and the curtain of the stage fell.

The lights dimmed again, and the rustling sound of movement was heard, accompanied by various low elves' calls from time to time.

The audience and guests held their breath and waited eagerly.

"Snap", the lights suddenly brightened.

20 novice coordination trainers lined up in two rows on the stage with their elves.

Everyone had a different look, some were trembling with nervousness, some were calm, some waved excitedly to the audience, and some were expressionless, each with a different look, and the only thing in common was that they were facing the public's judgment for the first time as formal professional coordination trainers.

"You can see that our contestants and their elves are looking forward to this gorgeous competition."

The host walked to a nervous contestant who was sweating profusely and put his right hand on his shoulder.

"Then I will interview them randomly. Hello, what is your name?"

Perhaps the host's encouraging words relieved the contestant of a lot of psychological pressure, so his expression relaxed a little.

"Hello, everyone, hello, guests, I am from..."

The contestants made a brief self-introduction and some opinions on their career development, and the audience also gave warm applause.

Although the rookies standing in front of the audience were not as calm and composed as those experienced self-coordination trainers, who didn't come step by step from the novice period? Compared with those old faces, sometimes the vigor and vitality of these rookies will make the audience appreciate them more.

So whether it is the audience or the guests, they all cheered and applauded throughout the whole process. Even the guests who are recognized as the most serious old-fashioned coordination trainers listened to the self-introductions of 20 rookies with a smile.

20Among the contestants, there are 7 boys and 13 girls.

As expected, compared to the coordination trainers who perform gorgeously, boys prefer the path of elf trainers who are known for fierce battles.

"Very good, thank you for your self-introductions. Next, let's enter the first stage, the elf display stage. Please bring your elves to the front one by one. Don't be shy and show your charm to everyone generously!"

Whether it is a person or an elf, the first impression is very important.

Compared with the battle competition where the winner is determined by a simple battle, the judging criteria of the gorgeous competition are much more complicated. In the traditional gorgeous competition, there are basically several stages, and then the scores of all stages are combined to decide who is the winner of the competition.

The first stage is often the display stage where the coordination trainer and his elf appear.

The first one to come forward was a nervous girl. She walked to the front of the stage with small steps, and a shuttlecock flower with a yellow flower blooming on its head was flying around her.

"Shuttlecock, Shuttlecock Flower, turn, turn a circle, circle."

Shuttlecock Flower, which has the flying attribute, slowly rotated its bulging body in the air. The flower on its head swayed slightly as it turned, and bursts of floral fragrance emanated from the flower core.

"It's in good spirits, the whole elf's demeanor is also full, the floral fragrance is strong, and it has a good grasp of flying."

A guest who is good at grass attributes and flying attributes praised.

In the presentation session, the guests will score based on the appearance of the elf - such as whether the hair is soft, whether the scales are translucent, whether the shell is smooth, etc., or whether the elf's demeanor is high-spirited, or whether it has mastered its own attributes.

For this group of discerning guests, the Shuttlecock Flower in front of them is generally a well-cultivated elf, so they also left a good impression on the combination of the girl and Shuttlecock Flower.

"Thank you, thank you."

The girl hurriedly thanked the guests.


Since it is a display session, it will not be one-sided praise. On the contrary, for these newcomers, appropriate opinions can help them see themselves and their spirits more clearly.

"Compared with the flowers of the Shuttlecock Flower at the same stage, the flowers of your Shuttlecock Flower are a little smaller. Judging from the rich fragrance, your Shuttlecock Flower has transferred some nutrients for flower development to the development of scent glands. Although the fragrance is good, the small flowers may make the Shuttlecock Flower unable to maintain a good flying posture. At the same time, the smaller petals mean a smaller contact area with sunlight, which will affect the Shuttlecock Flower's absorption of sunlight."

As expected of an experienced coordination trainer, the tiny gaps in the flowers on the Shuttlecock Flower's head can be seen at a glance, and professional opinions are given.

After the display, the girl thought about the guests' comments and walked back to her seat.

One after another, the contestants came forward, and the elves received different evaluations. The contestants who received great reviews had a good start, and their mentality naturally became more relaxed, while the other contestants were a little uneasy, fearing that they would mess up this game.

After half of the contestants came out, another girl slowly walked out.

Her black hair was smooth and the pure white dress revealed a sense of innocence and elegance, but the thin green gauze fluttering between the dress revealed a sense of agility and liveliness. What's even better is that the vine snake next to her was also wearing the same clothes, but with a smaller model. One person and one elf perfectly blended the two opposite temperaments of demureness and liveliness.

"Is this... Xiaoling??"

The girl took off the black-framed glasses she had been wearing and loosened her tight ponytail. The girl who had undergone a big transformation almost made Leo unrecognizable. If it weren't for the vine snake with a signature cold temperament next to her, Leo would not have believed that this was the literary girl in his impression.

"Eaaa. (Elf language) Hehe."

Kirulian Lulu patted her chest proudly with her little hands.

Needless to say, these two sets of amazing clothes, one large and one small, must have been made by Lulu, who is good at housework. Even with Lulu's sewing skills at the Max level, it took a lot of effort to design this set of clothes.

After getting used to the almost stereotyped formal clothes of the previous contestants, the sudden appearance of such a stunning beautiful girl and elf made the audience's eyes light up.

"Xiao Teng, show your charm."

Feng Ling stood in front of the stage and said to her little friend.

Although it is not uncommon for elves to wear clothes, it is common.How could the costumes designed by Lulu be so simple? The green and white color matching with the outer color of the vine snake is a cold color, but it perfectly shows the coldness of the vine snake that is born with the snake spirit.

As the vine snake lightly jumps on the stage, the undulating green gauze also vaguely reveals the softness of the female elves.

Some male elves on the stage stared at it.

Beautiful and cute elves are very popular. Even humans are like this, let alone elves.

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