After watching the stunning girl and the vine snake, the audience seemed to be somewhat uninterested in the other elf combinations of the contestants who were dressed in conventional clothes.

Some elves seemed to be shocked by Fengling and the vine snake. When it was their turn to play, they seemed a little absent-minded. There was even a duck-billed baby who almost spit out flames and burned his trainer's hair, which made the latter flustered for a while.

Facing the resentful eyes of other contestants, Fengling could only purse her lips embarrassedly.

However, for those guests with broad vision, the first performance session is just like an appetizer before the main meal. It is important to perform well in this session, but the more important score still depends on the later sessions.

It is just seeing through but not saying it. Looking at the worried look of some contestants, I don’t know whether they can break through themselves and perform better in the later sessions, or just lose confidence and withdraw from this competition. It is also a big test.

The first session came to an end. The audience and guests thought it was over and were eagerly waiting for the next session to begin. Unexpectedly, the last contestant gave them a great surprise.

A ray of morning light appeared on the stage, just like the light that appears when you wake up in the morning. The light was quiet and faint, and a silver mist was raised in the haze. The figure in the mist gradually became clear and finally appeared in front of the stage.

A curious audience reached out to scoop up the silver mist, but found that it was some silver-shining tiny scale powder.

Mikoli looked at the appearance of the boy with admiration, and clapped his hands twice to show his approval.

In his pursuit of the ultimate gorgeousness, this scene of appearance was also an unexpected surprise.

"Hello everyone, hello to all respected guests."

The boy named Xiao Rang stretched out his left hand to the audience.


The audience looked at his action without knowing what was going on.

Two blue dots of light suddenly lit up in the silver mist.

"Swoosh", it seems that something is moving back and forth.

The mist suddenly gathered, and the moving object made Yin Wu draw a gorgeous track behind him.

Everyone's eyes followed the silver light that was dancing nimbly.

Finally, it stopped on Xiao Rang's arm.

The silver light dissipated, and a hunting swallowtail butterfly appeared in everyone's sight.

"Wow, it's so beautiful."

"Not bad."


The audience burst into warm applause and cheers. This gorgeous performance that should have been seen in the second stage was unexpectedly chosen by this contestant in the first stage, which feasted their eyes.

And the boy's confident arrangement was probably because he had strong confidence in his own strength.

All the contestants suddenly realized that another strong competitor had appeared.


After the 20 contestants and their respective elves finished their performances, they retreated to the back of the stage one after another to prepare for the next stage.

The curtain fell again, and the lights on the stage went out again.

The audience took this opportunity to rest, shop, and the rest sat in their seats and discussed with their companions who would be the final winner.

And Asuka was also busy preparing.

"What are you doing?"

Leo also took this break to stretch his body, only to find that the two guys beside him were constantly busy.

Asuka and Lulu brought out a pile of materials from the private room, all of which were fabrics, cards, mini colored lights and other messy things.

"You will know later... Hey, hey, Longlong, don't come over."

The girl quickly pushed away the curious Charmander. There were some flammable items piled in front of her. If Charmander accidentally brought the flame on its tail over, it would be a big trouble.


Soon, the second stage will begin.

Unlike the first stage where all the contestants went on stage together, this stage is the time for each pair of coordinated trainers and their elves to perform individually. Therefore, in this stage, the style of each performer can be best appreciated.

The curtain was opened again, and the lights were no longer as colorful as before, but were adjusted to the appropriate brightness to see the stage clearly.

The order of the contestants' appearance was not customized according to any standards. The contestants just registered behind the stage and then went on stage one by one.

Many novice coordination trainers were reluctant to appear in the first few places. First, the audience had the highest expectations for the first and last few contestants. There were cases where the performance was extremely good, but it was rare. In more cases, the rookies would deform their movements under such high expectations, resulting in a significant reduction in the performance effect.

"Sure enough, Weng, let's go!"However, there are many people who are confident in themselves.

The enthusiastic and cheerful boy, dragging his own Guoran Weng, walked out first.

"Xiao Teng, we will... do this... do this..."

Feng Ling whispered in Teng Teng Snake's ear, arranging the next exhibition.

The other contestants who were preparing were curiously looking at the bulging package beside them.

"Hello, what is this?"

Some familiar girls came up and asked quietly.

Feng Ling did not hide anything, and opened the bag to let the curious girl take a look.

However, the latter did not know more information except for a head full of question marks.

However, taking this opportunity, several people also came over, gathered together, and chatted together, and relieved the tension in their hearts.

After all, unlike the tense Pokémon battles, the Gorgeous Contest is also a competition between coordination trainers, but it is more of an individual performance, so the hostility between coordination trainers is not that strong. In addition, everyone is a novice and young, so it is easy to get along with each other.

"Next up, Feng Ling."

The staff called Feng Ling's name.

The girl quickly waved to her new friends, and then took the Fujin Snake and the package to the preparation place.

"What is in Xiao Ling's package?"

Some curious little players asked the female player who had just seen the package.

The female player scratched her head and replied uncertainly: "I see, it looks like a lot of exquisite dolls?"

Everyone looked at me, I looked at you, all with confused expressions.


Asuki Aya and Leo were enjoying the performance of the Gorgeous Contest in the corridor on the second floor.

However, as the players came on stage one after another, they couldn't help but feel a little drowsy.

The audience around him were also not very focused. Some were eating, playing with their phones, and even chatting in low voices.

Because the performances of these novice coordination trainers were too immature.

Usually, this performance session in the gorgeous competition is the most exciting one, and countless classic scenes will be born. In this session, the contestants will give their elves various performance moves, and various different moves also have unique performance effects. For example, fire moves often have excellent visual effects, flying moves can allow contestants and elves to do many bold actions that are not usually possible, and psychic moves can even perform mysterious performances like magic. This performance session, which is not bound by the performance form and the performance method, is the best stage for coordination trainers to show their whimsical ideas and to study the cooperation between humans and elves.

But for novices, the reason why the audience was visually fatigued was that the partner's elves were not experienced enough and could not achieve a good effect in the performance. Secondly, the cooperation between the two parties was far from perfect, which led to frequent accidents on the stage - just like the electromagnetic wave released by the sheep just now that paralyzed its trainer.

Although they knew that the primary gorgeous competition was only at this level, the audience who had made psychological expectations gradually became bored.

On the contrary, the guests looked at it with bright eyes, not because the performance was so wonderful, but because they were using their professional eyes to discover whether there was a promising talent here. You know, the "Gorgeous Gem Master" was spotted by Mikoli at first sight when he was not famous. After some teaching, he finally shined.

The legendary experience of this top-notch master and apprentice made many coordination trainers envious and wanted to imitate one or two.

Just when the minds of all parties were floating, the girl in green gauze and white skirt came on the stage with her vine snake.

"Ah, Xiaoling is here."

Ashiro suddenly became alert and moved with Lulu anxiously.

The pink telekinesis wrapped the strange-shaped cardboards, then flew out of the corridor crookedly, and pieced together a few shining big words in the air: "Xiaoling! Fujin Snake! Come on! Love you (heart)!"

The words with colored lights on the cardboard suddenly flashed with the brightness of a kilowatt bulb, shining the whole audience in the air.

... Ibrahimovic pressed his little paw on the wire at one end, happily transmitting electrical energy.

Suddenly, all eyes shifted from the beautiful girl group on the stage to the huge cheering board.


Leo felt that there were thousands of grass mud horses running in his heart, and his keen hearing even heard the uncontrollable crazy laughter from the audience.


Fengling and Fujin Snake on the stageThe figure froze.

After this, the originally dull scene was filled with a cheerful atmosphere.

To be honest, although Asuka's action seemed a bit funny, it also secretly drew back the audience's spirit and attention, which would be of great help to Fengling's next performance.

As long as Fengling and Fujiteng Snake can grasp it, it will be fine.

As expected of her big heart after being with Asuka for a long time, Fengling quickly calmed down.

"Hello everyone, hello guests, please enjoy the performance brought by Fujiteng Snake and I."

Strangely, although it was called a performance, Fengling pulled Fujiteng Snake away quickly after finishing her opening remarks.

Only the big package was left there.

The audience and guests looked at each other, wondering what this contestant was thinking.

Soon, they knew.

The lights were turned off again, and then on again, with a garden scene projected behind the stage and a long voice.

"A long, long time ago..."

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